Saturday, July 25, 2020

Face Conflict and Humiliation With Confidence!

There is so much more to this photo than meets the eye. Only someone who has worked in the field of medicine would understand.

Did you know it is common knowledge that older nurses are cruel and abusive to the new ones in training?

The young nurses in the O.R. were talking about it the other day. 'They eat their young!' one chimed in. She said that she cried every day through her clinical training--on the wards in the hospital. Others cried often too. 

I added that as a woman physician (intern and resident), I was treated differently by the nurses than the male physicians--because I wasn't 'marriageable material' to them. The nurses--some, not all, but much more than I'd ever seen in medical school in San Diego--have a honey-sweet voice and do extra work with a smile for the males. And for the women like me? You can do it yourself they would say. No honey. Just harsh.

I cried most of my way through medical school and residency too. 

A hospital is the most complex organization on the planet. There are 'fiefdoms' or 'turf' with politics, and all the various branches and specialties must interact with one another to deliver care.  The laboratory, x-ray, food service, housekeeping/environmental services, people who are in charge of all the medical equipment, information services...

Through grace and luck, those of us survive our training, and come to work on the front lines throughout our careers.

Covid makes it harder. 

Just putting on all the stuff, wearing it--it gets hot and uncomfortable. When you wear glasses it's really hard to see through it. My shield kept fogging up yesterday during a procedure and I could lift my head just the right way to see through the bottom where it wasn't fogged up.

I'm glad I had it on because I've never been coughed on so much by patients as I was yesterday.

It was a difficult, hard day.

Let's talk about the Other Team.

They have things like Humiliation Rituals.

They are able to work on the astral planes with magic, and to make suffering happen. 

Some days, you are going to find you can't win for losing. You are misunderstood, humiliated, subject to confusion and are given the run-around...

This 'extra layer' of Spirit is a fact. It's present everywhere, not just in the hospital. 

I know I get away with the Spiritual Work I do during anesthesia, going in and cleaning out all of the lower vibrational entities on a daily basis, healing timelines, working with Ross and our teams, being where I am needed to be--which I don't talk about at work....and also, being a loving, gentle, kind, understanding presence to patients, colleagues, and workers alike. 

Some days there's going to be some push back. Like yesterday, which  I got. My 'nine thirty' case was actually scheduled for 'nine'--it was a mistake, not mine, but I took the heat for it and lost a case. 

It got worse from there. So much struggle.

Inside, deep inside, I found my strength. 

I knew what I was experiencing had nothing to do with ME, it couldn't take ME away, it couldn't harm ME, yes it was annoying and a hassle that felt like it would never end, but I knew it WOULD end. So I was resolute. 

This IS Spiritual battle. It's on the screens across the globe--even on the social media. 

We needs Jesus and angels now more than ever.

Keep to your Life Purpose no matter what.

Wherever you find yourself, sometimes a lot of push back and resistance is going to pop up unexpectedly.

Remember who you are, a child of Divine Creator, and nothing can stop you from your Life Purpose. 


When you get home, you might be cranky. I was. It took a while to share how horrible my day had been, to let my guard down, and to engage in activities to help me feel 'normal' again after the conflicts outside the range of normal workday I experienced in my work.

I was so empty, and wore out. I really was.

But last night, I made reservations for patio dining, put on an actual dress, dress shoes, and purse, and went to dinner with Anthony. We had Caesar salad, mac n cheese, and bruschetta to share, and then I had the fish and chips. With a Guinness. There was music playing, a guy on a keyboard. It was good to enjoy being alive, and to give thanks for a day ended, and for employment no matter how hard it gets. It helps me to support us. 

Anthony and I caught up on how he's been the past few days visiting his father. There's always news. There's more support in the family structure for him now, and he's seen changes in his dad for the better. When Anthony used to get hurt as a little kid his father used to laugh at him. Now, when Sy the three-year old of the girlfriend falls and hits his head, Jared is actually nice. Anthony is surprised about it. He even confronted his dad with humor saying, 'hey, you used to laugh at me!' and his dad said, calmly, 'the boy really hit his head hard...'

He got a sunburn loading wood from the demolition of the kitchen to the dumpster for an hour.

Otherwise he was well.


What's my position on all of this stuff? Not the surgical position--by the way, sitting and Beach Chair are not shown in the diagram, but they exist...

Spirit is real.

We are aware of this.

Spirit is actually MORE real than the physical realm.

Is there a battle like Carla says?

I prefer to look at the end result, that the battle is already won, by Divine Creator, and everything else is just small baby steps to achieve that end result.

I did my part.

You do your part too.

Do not underestimate the importance of love and family to get you through. 

I was there with Carla and Anthony last night at dinner. I helped to arrange it. I helped get it done.

Do not underestimate the importance of getting adequate sleep...of fresh air and sunshine...of happiness and joy taken in on a regular basis. 

This will strengthen the soul, and also, the psychology for you.

You do not have to experience anything you do not want to experience, but just like with the nurses in training--it is part and parcel of the trade. In such situations, you must overcome the obstacles which are thrown in your path.

Sometimes, in endurance, this is when you show your strength.

Follow my example.

And also that of Carla.

We love one another so....very much.

Right from the soul.

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,

Ross and Carla
The Jubilant ones who have a weekend free!