Tuesday, July 7, 2020

A Discussion on 'NO'

This is the Hawaiian flag! Coming from a spirit of Aloha, I am going to use the very few minutes I have to share an important gift with you our precious readers.

My father called it Vitamin NO. Sometimes it is good to say no just to keep that option available to you in the future. 

Yesterday and today I carved out time for myself to enjoy my birthday. Yesterday a colleague asked me at the last minute to take her call and go home ninety minutes later if that early. I knew she was tired. I also knew she has no qualms about saying 'no' to me. But yesterday was my only time to celebrate my birthday at home with Anthony. I work today.

So I said, 'gosh, I need to go early too. Maybe we can both go home at the same time? When is so and so done in room one?'

The charge nurse asked me to stay, as an option. I told her that my colleague had already asked me, and why I said no. She totally understood.

This morning, when I came out of the shower, there was a call from the front desk at the OR. They wanted me to come in early. My first case is nine-thirty. I've asked for this assignment to have breakfast with Anthony. I had the menu in my head. 

So I said I could come in at nine. (that's really eight thirty, and they wanted me in at seven thirty).  The croissants are in the oven (frozen this time), hot water is boiling on the stove.

Another gift of 'no' is at the gasoline pump. Here in the states there are television screens on them, and they are intrusive and loud. If you push the buttons on the right side of the screen, it shuts up and turns off the volume. 

Take back your serenity, your freedom of your thoughts, while you are paying THEM to give you gasoline. They shouldn't be making/taking more from you, even if it's advertising revenue. The less screens you watch a day, the better.

The last lesson is to watch for the 'automatic no'. This is the 'I can't' , 'I won't', 'I'm unlucky' etc. If that's what you say how can you know for sure if you don't try?

Give yourself time daily for joy--twenty minutes. Fresh air and sunshine help. Then, start to believe in yourself and tell yourself YES.

I did two orthopedic surgery cases in a row yesterday, I haven't for years, and a shoulder the week before. These require blocks. I'm getting good at blocks. I'm good at spinals. And I'm not slow. My colleagues had gotten into my head that I was 'less than'. But I'm not. I would never have asked to do these cases, but my boss made me, and I'm so glad I did.

The teakettle is whistling, I gotta go.

All my love to you.

Ross' too.

The candles for Ross and Michael were also lit in the kitchen. Anthony put them like that. Then all three sang for me. 

I am so very blessed!

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,

Ross and Carla
The Twins