The other day I had an argument with Ross. It was a love-based, respect-filled major difference of opinion. I was laughing as I cussed and explained my point, because I was really, really sick of the status quo. All I wanted to do was go to a beach and enjoy the water. I didn't care what beach, it could be any beach. But Ross said it had to be the right beach.
I couldn't understand why there were so many people all over the beaches this weekend, even so many that the state closed all the beaches down. Even the local state beach we were turned away from the kiosk and had to turn around.
Ross gently explained that for some people who live far away, this is their only time to go to the beach for them. They drive all day. That's why it's so very crowded. Furthermore he added, I am lucky to live so near so I can go any day I want to go.
That's when I really got upset with Ross. Over the people. There are so many! They are all brainwashed! They put plastic into the oceans and kill the fish! I'm all for the mountains and the oceans and the animals and Nature. People don't care about nature. So if I have to pick one over the other, well...HE'S the one who was all about the people in the beginning. Not me.
He showed me my pre-birth contract, in writing, saying, 'I think it would be nice to give humanity the awakening and the consciousness'.
I exclaimed, 'I CHANGED MY MIND!!!'
And he said, a deal is a deal...
He knew I really meant it.
But I watch and see how he shows me after discussions like this.
We found a beautiful parking spot at one of the few open beaches.
The surf was really high, there was a swell.
He had told me earlier to bring peanut butter and jelly and bread to make sandwiches. I brought nectarines too. Two clear plastic unbreakable glasses, and a gallon of water.
It was a wonderful day. I came home feeling very calm, and healthy--I could tell I'd made lots of vitamin D with my skin.
I watched the movie MAGNETIC with Anthony. It was my second time and his first, and I really enjoyed it. We'd like to go watch at Nazare with the huge giant waves by the lighthouse.
Yesterday we heard that the waves were twenty feet tall at the Wedge. So we drove there but got lost because Balboa Island was very crowded with cars and people everywhere. We went home and I took a nap.
But then it was time to visit my sister. She had been working for the day but would be home at four. We bought fireworks, because her town has them and ours doesn't. Every year we go. Anthony gets very excited. Ours aren't like the ones in Switzerland that are really fun! He had a blast with his 'brother' running around and blowing everything up last year. We still talk about it. It's so green in Switzerland in summer they don't have to worry about fires like here.
Ross had said to us not to spend more than fifty dollars on fireworks. It was unusual of him to say such a thing. The stand was very picked over. I got the cheapest box assortment, for eighty five dollars, but we added two extras. There was a coupon for twenty dollars off online, and we took advantage of it. Anthony was absolutely walking on air to have that box.
I stopped off at a local grocery store and got a vegetable platter and some dip.
We were on our way.
My sister lives in a neighborhood that is a little set apart from the regular streets. The homes are townhomes and the neighbors are very close. I was excited to meet everyone.
What surprised me was that the parties were outside under pop-up tents, and everyone was sharing. They had games set up for the neighbors to play. A ping-pong table. Corn hole where you throw the bean bags into the hole. A little kids bean bag 'basketball' type game. And lots of games with ping pong balls and party cups!
A neighbor has a genuine Tiki Bar set up in his garage. He's from Wales. I enjoyed talking with him. He and his wife and his best friend restored a VW bus, and it was like part of the bar too, but it also runs beautifully. There were fishes up on the wall, huge ones, a mahimahi, and also, a marlin that her father had caught in the 1950's.
He offered me a drink, and I chose rum based, and he put in in a hurricane glass from the Maui Hard Rock Cafe. He told me to tell my sister I was 'in the club' and I did, with excitement.
What I had no idea, was that this neighborhood took a 'field trip' to another state where the better fireworks are. The BIG ONES. So, my brother-in-law, took Anthony under his wing, and Anthony was 'one of the guys' who coordinated all of those ones.
I've never seen Anthony happier except in Switzerland with his brother last year for their Fourth of July.
I was so happy to be there, and my sister was happy too. It turns out some of her neighbors had been in the Olympics. It was really fun getting to know everyone. Really fun. Really safe. I ate not only our sliders with jalapeño bacon in them, and wonderful marinated chicken, but beer cooked bangers with the buns, hulihuli chicken, and pizza from a genuine New Zealand pizza oven!
Ross was showing me that when the people are in agreement, and the best comes out, it truly is a wonderful thing and better than if you are alone. My niece was so adorable, she was playing with the other neighbor kids. One had a motorized electric remote control skateboard. It's hard to explain. But in a time when all civic and country club fireworks displays were cancelled, the PEOPLE went above and beyond to make an incredible show that was even better than the public ones.
Not just on that block. In the town. And also, all across the state.
The Schumann resonance is pausing a bit, probably because of the Full moon energies and the lunar eclipse.
@astroaxaca said something important on Instagram--The moon is very soon going to be full in the sign of Capricorn. It is entering into a partial eclipse, the earth is going to cast its shadow on the moon. Below the moon and somewhat to the left you can see Jupiter and the smaller star a bit lower towards the horizon is Saturn. Both of them are also in Capricorn and so is Pluto but we cannot see it with our eyes.
The divide will get deeper before it gets better. The restrictions will get harder. Remember that love is always stronger than fear and stay in your center. There are more things that need to change before everything gets better. Our beliefs about reality are threatened and that causes resistance. Things might not be the way we believe them to be. Open up and detach from your opinions and from what you believe is 'true'.
There are many different truths. Be respectful and avoid defending your way of perceiving things. It is just your perception and our perceptions are by nature limited.
That's a good place to leave off. There's a wonderful day in store for us. I'm going to enjoy it. Next week I have call mid-week and also on the weekend. There aren't any days off for a while.
When you see on Instagram or social media drone footage of all the fireworks in the area, you can be sure I was in the middle of all of it, enjoying it all, and very proud of my son, and grateful for our family.
May Freedom ring for everyone.
It's a wonderful feeling.
I am working with Carla to open her heart from the pain, and to be more lenient when it comes to looking for the best in others. Carla's research into the Illuminati has left her defenses all the way up, and rightly so. Carla is skeptical of the lies and the mind control, especially in the context of the NWO and those major plans.
Every once in a while it is a good thing for all of us to kick back and party with those we love, we adore, and are friends with. Making new friends and forming a community is a way of life that is included in the original plan.
Once the pedophiles and the Baal worshipers are taken out of the scene, everyone will breathe a huge sigh of relief!
So let the good times roll!
clap! clap!
Aloha and Mahalos,
Ross and Carla
Who are courting Galactic Ways to remind us all of what we might have a little trouble remembering what we know from 'Back Home' <3 in the skies!