Wednesday, February 5, 2020

No Way But Up

Today is both a melancholy day, and a day of gratitude for the miracle of someone saying yes to work for me today because I am ill.

Both Anthony and I have been sick. We have been resting and hydrating. Taking naps, too. I am waiting for a Teladoc to call. You see, I took care of a patient last week who was just flown in from Taiwan. She didn't have symptoms of illness, just something growing where it shouldn't. But I have felt like I was coming down with something ever since.

Anthony got a sore throat. I've had aches. We've both had the chills. And I've been very, very sleepy. My body is fighting something. Ross has helped me with the healing. Many have sent healing and we appreciate it. I've been taking our holistic remedies too. It hasn't gotten the best of us. I'm so glad I listened to my intuition, and didn't go visit my mom, even though I really missed her and wanted to, last weekend when I had time to go. She is immune compromised. I'm glad she didn't get exposed.

I've been feeling like this when it comes to Ascension. And I just love this photo. There's winter, it's cold, and there's something on the horizon we can't see.

I'm happy. I was able to go to the post office today. I got three amazing packages. One was some bracelets made from olive wood from the Holy Land. My friends at work want some. If you haven't checked out the work at EarthzSchoolz (I don't know how to spell it), it's fantastic both in energy and in appearance. Anthony and I both wear them.

Second, our holiday package from Switzerland arrived, and it's wonderful. Why I get my strength from Switzerland, I don't know, but there is both a strong connection to the land and our friends who live there. It helps me to be strong just to have them in our lives.

Third, I'm wearing the most beautiful shoes I've ever owned, they arrived from Germany, a pair of pink Softclox. I saw a pair in a window in Zurich, and wanted them ever since. It's last year's style, but I have them on my feet and I'm so very happy.

My to-do lists had to go out the window. But we are holding our own here, and everything is as good as it can be given the circumstances.

I also am close to my friends in China, and giving them recipes and news updates they asked for, and encouraging them. One has been inside the house for thirteen days, and Beijing is a literal ghost town. She sent me the videos.

I learned something very sobering yesterday.

It's about Spirit.

If you want something, you make a vision board. You see it so often with your conscious, it eventually moves to your SUBconscious, and then and only then does it manifest.

Well, Carla, what could possibly be so sobering about all of this? you may ask. Isn't this a good thing?


It isn't.

This explains why the ASSC keeps showing us their symbols and rituals hidden in plain sight. For two reasons. First, silence implies consent. We may not understand the symbols, but they show them and it's in plain sight so they can say we give consent. Second, they are driving it in through repetition--songs, entertainment, everything--to hijack our conscious minds and subconscious minds and ability to co-create.

It's sad.

This means whether you are looking at it to research it and expose it, or just being entertained, it's still being shown enough to your subconscious.

Furthermore, what you resist, persists.  It's a law of the Universe, energetically, that when emotion and attention are paid to something, it strengthens it.

To me, it looks like a two-pronged attack on the vulnerable, innocent human race by the ASSC--who know full well mystically and metaphysically and with the occult--how to do things most people can't.

The only thing that keeps me from being totally depressed and upset is knowing that there is a Divine Creator Father and Divine Creator Mother, there are angels, and there is grace--it's the only thing saving us.  So do your best to follow your life purpose--there is Heavenly energy behind it. It will strengthen you and help the battle be won now and forever.

Love wins.

Keep your focus on love and gratitude. And Truth. I hope in all of our sharing and work we have helped people to at least awaken from their slumber that is perpetuated by the ASSC...and be especially thankful that we are in good hands, and that all will be well in the end. And how much we owe to Spirit for helping us to be free.

Love is the only thing that is Real.

Sometimes sad things end up working for the highest good.

Keep an eye on yourself for anything that triggers you, or makes you forget about the Unconditional Love which always surrounds us. When that happens, if you can feel the feelings, release the baggage, and move on, you are helping our cause in a major way. This is much, much more important than things you can post on social media, or tell people. It's the work on the self which is the most important work of all.

There is no such thing as separation from Source.

Ego and 'service to self' are all forms of insanity/Illusion/make-believe.

We are temporarily in human bodies.

Our souls are forever.

Ross agrees and says very gently that we are 'in good hands' and 'not to dismay'.

Good things are coming.

They are right in front of us and coming at the speed of light.

He says to have a good night.

P.S. the Teladoc hasn't called me.

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,

Ross and Carla
The Couple, one of whom is a little under the weather and the other who is carrying a little more of the responsibility at the moment <3