Thursday, February 27, 2020

A Look Ahead

Today in meditation, Ross asked me about things which have brought me joy. I remember being a kid and riding my bike or my roller skates or my skateboard, and that freedom I felt to be moving. I remember Anthony being little and our going to places like Disneyland on my days off when he was in preschool. I thought of my garden. Then I remembered the pool, and how much I loved to go floating around in there on a hot day.  I remembered fun times with friends and family, being together, and just enjoying wherever we happened to be, and also, enjoying one another.

I asked Ross from my heart, about all this stuff that's going on with illnesses and things? How does this fit?  He reassured me again, that nothing will happen as long as he is taking care of Anthony and me. I relaxed a lot because up until now, I've felt the stress of being strong for him, making the preparations, and doing everything I could to protect this precious gift of life that was sent to me, both for myself and for my son, and our pets. I understood that with Divine assistance, and with being tuned in to any intuitive guidance I may be sent from Ross, somehow we are going to be okay.

He sent me to the store to buy a little more supplies, to be calm, and more importantly, to cash my check that store sends out every February as a reward to its customers. I bought some things with joy, things I've wanted and couldn't find or couldn't justify the expense. I got the Provence style hand soaps with the pumps, pine nuts, Capri Sun for Anthony--I never give him those but he remembered them from his old swim meets with fondness...I figured if the Zombie apocalypse arrives at least we will go out with Capri Sun and pine nuts, right?

What he also asked me to do, which I am doing now, is to describe what he's shown me.  Long ago, when I was in medical school, and going to mass, doing the meditation after communion, I'd see him. He'd be at the controls and in some fancy one-piece cream colored suit, and through the window in from of us I would see scenes like this photo here. He'd ask me what I thought about it. I could tell he'd put lots of work into it. I didn't understand what it was, or why he was asking me, but I had to admit it was very nice. There was a glow to it, a glow of goodness and safety and love that I couldn't really describe or have ever seen anywhere else. But as far as the eye could see, the land was dotted with little buildings and was very much in harmony with the earth. Everything was organized like a city on the window, but not crowded in any way at all. It looked like something he had ready for people to come live in, but nobody was living there yet. I couldn't see any animals or humans. Or vehicles.

Today he said, 'have I ever shown you anything like the doom and gloom you are seeing in the news?' and that reminded me how everything he's ever shown me was good, and it felt so RIGHT, so peaceful and balanced. And CALM...totally totally calm.

Right now he says to talk about my friends in China. My friend is at home, working as a teacher on the computer to her students during the quarantine in Beijing. None of her friends have died. She has water and electricity and heat. The only thing different is that the food is very expensive.

I asked her about how the government and businesses are making accommodations for the lack of work? For example, the rent or the mortgage, is there forgiveness?  She says that all bills are due still, on time, but the government is giving them a break on their taxes.

She has heard that there are flurries of it here in the United States. That's true. I think almost 8,000 are being monitored for it in California, and my county is on a formal State of Emergency. The CDC wanted to house the people who had it in the old Fairview Childrens Center/Juvenile Hall? facility. But they aren't there yet. Lots of legal action is taking place behind the scenes to block it. The jury hasn't come out yet on that.

My other friend, Peter, hasn't responded to me for a while. He last spoke on February 19. He's a student we met at the center when we first arrived. The director of his school was wise, and said she hoped that we and the students would become friends. I'm so glad I took her advice.

Peter's mother is a physician. I am sure he will get good treatment and care, like Anthony does from me. I pray his mom isn't having to work night and day, and being exposed.

One last joy to share it I'd like to make some marmalade from my bergamots today. I've never made any. I just need to clean the kitchen and get to work. It takes about eight bergamot citrus fruits, and seven cups of sugar. I have the little jars, and I need to wash them too. I once got a marmalade as a gift, I thought it was the coolest thing, and I've always wanted to try it.

Ross is quiet, as he's working, and only wanted me to write what he asked. He will talk more later.

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,

Ross and Carla
The Couple

P.S. Carla is post-call today, Ross says. She got to sleep all night but was very tired and sore from the hard work she did leading up to the end.