Sunday, February 16, 2020

Let's Begin!

Ross has been reminding me how I used to be back in the day.  When we were both incarnate together. I was his 'bread', and if you've ever been to the Salvador Dali museum, you would understand how Dali used that term to describe his wife. She was his everything, his daily source of Life.

I made the bread.

I made the clothing.

I grew the vegetables and tended to the animals. 

Once we were married, everything he wore, ate, slept on (mattress and sheets, he's the one who made the furniture), took when he was sick...everything...was because of me and my skills at making what was needed for us to live.

Recently I ordered some towels in the mail, bath towels that were made of linen. They are very earthy and coarse, but they dry you off well and they themselves dry quickly! It's taken a few weeks of Ross' nudging for me to 'get it'...

Then yesterday he had me watch two videos on how to make linen and grow it from flaxseed:

Here is the second of the two, it's a little long but very thorough:

And I just saw this one now, which deeply resonates with me with everything I've seen in Spirit about Heaven and about our future:  

For years now, I've seen in my mind's eye, me and with Anthony's family, sitting by a campfire, and Anthony and I are telling stories to the children. About how we used to fly up in the sky in huge metal tubes...the children are wide-eyed with wonder and hanging to our every word, as we discuss how 'modern life' was back in the day.  I've always known there would be some huge paradigm changes in how we live our life...but I couldn't place it as to when or why it would happen.

Let's talk for a minute about the coronavirus, Covid-19....there's been the first death from it in France. And one of the things I've learned is that the tests aren't accurate. The doctor Li Wenliang who died, tested himself six times, the first five coming up negative, and the last was positive. In San Diego, the University hospital had released a patient who had a negative test, only to call her back in when the second test was actually positive. 

It's a strange disease, it's lethal, it's catchy, and nobody knows where it's from exactly--what I mean is, nobody is buying the story we are being told.

This woman here is speaking her truth, it will make you cry. You know it's from her heart, it resonates as true, and this gives her credibility...

This is one my friend shared--she's a normie, totally asleep--but as a physician this footage caught her eye as true, because she knows the business of medicine and how easily it can get overwhelmed. The sobbing healthcare providers are as real as it gets...sadly.

This is from the Epoch times. Their slant is strongly against Communist China, as they are run by/supportive of the Falun Gong faith who is being decimated by the policy of China to have everyone think the same. We are talking being prisoned, tissue typed, and tortured on the O.R. table alive and awake for forced organ donation. It's ugly. So know that the drama factor in that last video is cranked all the way up.

My friends in Beijing are staying inside. They are watching American movies, cooking, drawing, and watching the news. The footage of the three dead children being put into one body bag actually made it to China, I never thought that leak would leak back...but the people are resilient, and resourceful and strong. Very strong family ties. Very strong will to survive. It's only a matter of time how long it will take for the outbreak to ease down. I know Ebola did. SARS did. This one will too.

Here is a book from 1981 by author Dean Koontz called the Eyes of Darkness. If you can't read it I'll say the parts  Li Chen  is in the circle, the first one, They call the stuff "Wuhan-400" because it was developed at their RDNA labs outside the city of Wuhan, and it was the four-hundredth viable strain of man-made microorganism created at that research center.  "Wuhan-400 is a perfect weapon...

Well, that coincidence is creepy.

So is this:

There is something about the timing, about the giddiness of the Israeli Prime minister that was inappropriate and raised red flags when I saw him addressing the group at the White House when I was in the nurse's lounge two weeks ago.  It spelled trouble and I can't put my finger on it but something isn't right. 

I remember somewhere hearing Trump say, 'It's gonna be Biblical!'  and I'm not sure who knows who did what but something doesn't add up, and Fulford says Israel launched the attack on China to get China to get into war with the United States and think that the US did it.

It's going to have the truth come out eventually. And if it takes this horrible bioterrorism attack on China to expose the elite dark mechanism of the ASSC, then so be it. 

No one can hide.

And as a side note, the Chinese people are winning my heart more and more each day, and yesterday, it was this man who lacking protective outwear donned--yes--a giraffe suit--to go out and get the food.

My friend showed me photos of China's vice president in Wuhan, and also, the president went to a hospital in Beijing. There is news that the leader has run for his life and stopped making his usual television appearances he does each week. That he had gone into a bunker outside the country to save his own life. But she's pretty sure that didn't happen. I trust her judgement on that.

She is eating but the food is more expensive. She is still home. 

Ross wants me to share this picture next:

He wants to reassure you that all intrigue aside, everything happens for the best, often in ways that at the moment we are not sure of the outcome.

Here are two articles to help:
  1. shaken, Stuck, and adrift by The Council
  2. Love is both powerful and gentle by John Smallman

We invite you to join us for our Sunday breakfast!

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,

Ross and Carla
The Couple who reassure you that everything is going to be okay...and Ross says, Love China! (like our meditation we recommended to you last blog post or two)