Friday, April 7, 2023

Then and Now


Back in the day, this was the worst thing you could do to someone. Publicly. 

Remember that not only him, but almost all of his followers died similar deaths, usually hung upside-down. 

That 'energy' that seeks to destroy and kill, that lying energy, wasn't satisfied with taking all of those lives. This energy is the same that God sought to remove from the face of the Earth with the Great Flood. 

All this stuff we celebrate today was Act 1.

This show isn't finished.

Act 2 is playing out in plain sight, only we have been conditioned to believe otherwise. This is like the orchestra is playing the theme and the curtain is lifted and we see 'that energy' freely 'doing their thing' and ramping up for 'End Times'. It's been written, but in ways that are difficult for the lay person to understand.

If you are so moved to increase your understanding, one must remember Biblical time isn't linear like 'regular time', different stories connect together to create time  prophecy, and also, it helps to read things like Jubilees and the book of Jasher for more context. 

It's not necessary for you to understand those things.

How can you see what is hidden in plain sight?

Well, 'this energy' has grown very careless in 'hiding what it hates'. If you look for this irrational, all-encompassing hatred, it will help bring clarity. Remember the liar who seeks to kill and destroy has lots of planning, lots of layers of its 'system', and the 'system' itself has built in protections to save it from being destroyed. 

When a couple is deeply in love, and is so moved accordingly, during the physical act that is sincere, the Matrix doesn't exist. There is a quantum unleashing of energy in that brief moment in time, and Truth is experienced by both partners. There is a weakness in the Matrix. 

The system is going after that right now. Taking away the rights of the parents who co-create with Divine Creator in making New Life. Because 'the energy' hates that they are working with Creator. 'The energy' wants to destroy and demolish everything from 'Creator'. And twists the language too.

'The energy' is going 'full court press' against the next generation too. Persuading the innocent, maiming the youth, and creating conflict for people who just want to go and live their lives. 

Followers of the one who died today, many years ago, are finding themselves increasingly--both figuratively and sometimes literally--in the cross hairs and the target of all this 'energy of hate'.  It is increasingly difficult to just go and live out your lives. 

Add to this the mainstream media, and anticipate that the 'skew' is going to amplify and amplify until rational thought is nearly drowned out by the deafening roar of propaganda.

What can you do? 

Clean your toilets every day. Straighten your shoes. Give thanks for your meals...this video here explains more. I like to think of these eight things to do as an addition to the five Reiki precepts. 

See clearly.

Step up.

Go back to basics.

Speak up, even when otherwise you might not have. 

Remember why you are here.

Be authentically YOU.

Exercise your boundaries. Set limits and speak up/enforce them.

If reading the Bible helps soothe you, then do so, and do it often.


Have hope.

Do your best and angels can do no better <3


Want to say 'hello' and 'thank you for loving me'. 

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,



Ross and Carla

The Twins