Monday, April 10, 2023

A New Look At the Battle for Souls


The other day, the person who posts for Dolores Cannon on FB, posted something that made me a little upset. It was saying how Christians 'scorn' pagans, and yet the Christian holidays such as Easter are all adapted from pagan holidays themselves. It wasn't the words that were written, it was the tone of 'wanting to be right' that struck a chord in me.

Christian bashing is quite the popular thing.

And this is by design. The one who rules the world, even though Dolores Cannon says he doesn't exist, and hell doesn't exist, came to lie, cheat, kill and destroy. So by making Christians and the church look bad, He wins! He's going to be delighted for all the people who feel the need to be right to mock and hurt women, Christians, the weak, and freedom of the soul. Oh yes and the family too.

Yesterday I went to Easter Mass.

It was beautiful.

I haven't been in over ten years to Easter Mass.

I thought to myself, 'Carla you have studied from the best, Kerth Barker, Cathy O'Brien, Svali, Fritz Springmeier, and more...and you know what goes on behind all of the inner workings of the church. What has that knowledge given you?'

That's why I stopped going, I didn't want my money to go to the Church when I knew who was running it.

I realized that's ten years less of worshipping our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. 

And I felt in my heart, that even though I love Him dearly, I could have benefited from being around all those people who have no idea whatsoever of the infiltration, and continued my 'spiritual gym workout' for my own soul's benefit. 

In truth, everything, to all levels, has been infiltrated by the One who Rules the World, since the technique is to hide the ugly Truth behind human barriers of innocent people who know nothing, and to perpetuate the system by those who exchange worldly power for their cooperation and silence.

Nothing is new!

It was like this back in the times Jesus walked the earth!

It was like this back in the days of Noah!

It was like this when Lot's wife turned into a pillar of salt!

Human behavior, lack of morals, perpetuation of Babylonian/Egyptian worship, are as timeless as it gets!

And one of the top goals of Satanists, or Luciferians, the 'High Adept' level ones, is to distract people away to worship something else besides Creator and Jesus. 

So in a way, they had gotten the better of me, as I recoiled in horror at their actions deep within the Church...but I continued to work and participate in the rest of society, which was also infiltrated.

But something really gets me.

The hatred for Jesus and God.


Why is it so out of control, so rampant, so severe? The liars can't hide it or control it on that one?

What if Jesus and God, mocked their Egyptian belief system, by coming back after three days death?

What if it's not Babylon superimposed on the Christian story, but instead, the Christian story putting the Babylonian most revered precepts back in their face?

That would be cool!

In quietness, and solitude, we are made whole. And in this yearning for knowledge, real, true knowledge--we can have eyes that see and ears that hear. Perhaps my ten years studying were necessary to open my eyes and ears as the sunglasses did in the movie They Live? And now they are open, I can live a quiet life, and enjoy the show. 

It's going to be a good one!

(Ross is smiling)

He says 'everything is illusion, and in illusion, all things are possible' and he shows me a unicorn riding a bicycle. LOL

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,



Ross and Carla

The Twins