Love and Happiness are yours!
There is nothing to stop you.
As a gentle reminder, it might not look the way you want it to appear. It might not arrive in the manner you have been expecting it. That's why happiness is ninety percent an 'inside job'.
It has to do with the mind. It has to do with being grateful for what you are given. It has to do with realizing that God only wants what is best for you, and everything is right at the proper place and time for you to experience it.
What if you are experiencing challenges?
As Mother Teresa would say, challenges are 'gifts'! They help you develop some skill that will help you in Heaven or for the rest of your life. Do your best to meet them head on, and with your head held high. Forgive yourself for any mistakes, because after all there are no 'mistakes' only 'lessons'.
What about if you have troubling things arising, stressing you out, and you're struggling to process them? It might be something from a past life or your past or a number of things...again, try to 'reframe' this as an 'opportunity' to heal and to lighten your unconscious burden that you carry.
We are designed to live life in great big gulps, to enjoy our experiences and to really allow our life to mold us as we go.
When in doubt, count your blessings. Just look around the room and give thanks for the things you have right here and now. Remember to ground yourself frequently. And have fun! Make plans to have fun! A little every day.
Here is something absolutely ridiculous, and in a way perhaps a little sad, but it's giving lots of joy to the boys on the swim team recently, and I'm lucky my son chose to share it with me, so I can share it with you: video of orangutans 'boxing' Just relax and laugh, if you find it funny. And if you don't, well, find something else that really cracks you up and makes you smile.
Laughing is not only good for you, it's good for the planet as it raises the energy. Love, gratitude, fun, laughter are all very important things metaphysically.
Yesterday I went to the beach for the first time in over a year. You'd think I'd go more often, my work is only four miles away from the beach! But when I was there, I had the beach to myself. And Spirit told me to wait to send the reiki. Just to relax and be 'like a kid'. This is an important mental state to be in sometimes!! So have a wonderful weekend and remember we love you!
Carla has been requested to give anesthesia to some of her friends recently. There are three requests, all one on top of the other. It is both an honor and a duty to be present for them.
I want you to reflect upon the honor and duty you have to be present for those in your life, your pets, your children, your families, your spouses. There is a reason you are going through life together. Try not to forget.
So have fun first, like Carla recommends, and then reflect on your presence and the gift of presence in your life from those who are important to you. Never forget this!
clap! clap!
Aloha and Mahalos,
Ross and Carla
The Twins