Saturday, May 21, 2022

Leading By The Hand, Arm in Arm...Guiding The Way Home


Yesterday I had an extra ticket to the baseball game. 

I invited a nurse, an RN, I've known for a long time, who enjoys baseball.

She confided in me that this was her first time going out, anywhere big, after Covid. She was okay not wearing a mask, but she was a little uneasy...

There are no accidents. This is Country weekend, and she also happens to be a Country Western Music fan. Creator KNOWS. Creator puts people in our paths, so we can be there for them when it is a crucial time for their spiritual development.

It doesn't matter why people can't see, as when Jesus said it was important to have eyes that see and ears that hear. It could be too much mainstream media, or family upbringing, or life experiences...the number of people with eyes that can't see (spiritually) far outnumber those who can. But you--who can see!--are awake and aware enough to help.

How did I respond last night?

I was just myself. Same as if I was with Anthony. I enjoyed the game. I showed how to order food with the phone app. I enjoyed the game. And I was careful to put away my phone. 

Creator took care of the rest.

My friend confided that she really had needed to go out. And fortunately, since the fishing trip is overnight, she will join me tonight and tomorrow so the extra tickets get some use!

You are not here awake and with intact 'eyes and ears' for nothing. You have a purpose and I suspect in the near future it's not only going to be actively calm when others awaken and panic, but even more so, you too will lead others by the hand to Home--nurturing, warmth, love and compassion. People together at the ballpark having fun, is an incredible place to be. It's healing. 

If you haven't been out yet, you might think you are doing okay, but you are actually in your comfort zone. And sometimes the comfort zone isn't a place of intense spiritual growth and joy. This isn't spiritual or medical advice--Ross and I don't know your particular situation. You are the boss of YOU, and YOU get to decide what's right. I would suggest being open to 'nudges' from Spirit, and you can test and ask for more 'signs' and those 'nudges' will definitely follow until you 'get it'. You can't get it wrong.


Many times when we are overwhelmed by things which are outside of our control, we regain focus by acting on those things which we can control.  Why not look around you and see that helping hand is needed/useful that happens to be on the end of your own arm?

You are amazing. Just in case you needed someone to remind you of that, I'm reminding you now and taking the time to make sure you know it!

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,



Ross and Carla

The Twins