Sunday, February 27, 2022

A Lot of Love


What is wrong with this picture?

It appears so innocent, so harmless, doesn't it?

I grew up with a generation where the Viet Nam war was shown at dinnertime.

My wise mother, actually, grew up in War. She was born when her father was in the service. She never met him until she was four years old. My mother took one look at the programming and said, 'we are not going to watch this, especially not the children.'

She was right.

So, the first thing wrong with this picture is the first thing we must do to protect our loved ones--limit their exposure to the brutal and terrifying footage!

My sister and I were talking about this exact thing last night. She said her nerves were shot from seeing the news. She has a psychology background, and gently explained that for us, we have intergenerational trauma from war. Our grandparents and parents had to 'run for their lives'. So we must take extra precautions.

I had told her how my own Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) was reason why I only limit myself to what 'leaks over' into my FB or Instagram or Twitter feed. Everything else you need to know you find out one way or another.

My dear friend and reader from Poland is giving excellent information about different things that are going on. Ukrainian nationals in Poland are returning home to help fight. Ukraine politicians are taking up arms and joining the fight. He says that Russia is taking some hard losses. Their soldiers haven't been in a war for a long time. They aren't up to it. And many are running away from the front lines. 

What Ross and I want to emphasize, is that BOTH SIDES are experiencing Trauma. The Russian people are just as innocent as the Ukraines. It's their governments that are causing all of this. So, in your prayers and thoughts, remember both sides, all living creatures, and everyone affected by the conflict.

If you've read with us for some time, you know by now who TWDNHOBIAH are, and how they operate. Specifically, how they game the system from the top where everyone is friends, in order to make money, decrease the population, keep people in a state of constant fear which makes them easier to control. 

Keep your focus on what is going on in YOUR community, and your country. They might be distracting you with this war to give away even more of your power without your knowing it. 

Remember as a continuous source of Reiki, people near you who need it will get healing, even without your having to do anything special beyond your daily self-Reiki practice.  It's a good thing and very much needed in this world. 


Carla has been through a lot. She has undergone much inner growth. With her decision at work she chose her family over her career. She is okay with this decision.

Carla is also taking active steps, in a completely innocuous and feminine way, to help teach her followers on her own FB page--her friends, colleagues and family--basic spiritual and physical forms of self care. How we regain our center when we have been 'thrown off center' by 'unexpected surprises'. How to send Agarthan Reiki (thank you Carla for your generous gift. Each attunement/instruction given was a two hundred dollar value. Carla for the first time wrote that donations are gladly accepted, but not expected. No one has given one cent for her services, and this is understood by her that for OUR energy exchange, as a couple we are mostly 'givers' and people have come to expect this from us. )  How to cook, especially when there is limited resources...Carla is giving people confidence and amusement to keep them grounded and focused on what is here and now instead of the 'what IF' doom and gloom tragedy scenario.

The garden is doing well. Anthony has found his calling at being a gopher hunter and trapper. 

Everything happens for the best.

Remember this is not to guilt you into paying for our services. We have generous donors who support our work, and thankfully, over time, the energy exchange is supported by them --not to the full extent mind you but for 'respectful' and 'sponsored outreach' which we are infinitely happy to provide. Thank you to our many donors and supporters who are consistently backing our work on the Earthly Plan. Your blessing is received in abundance and joy which we bless to you. We know these are difficult times, and we are grateful for all that we are given. 

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos, 



Ross and Carla

The Twins