Sunday, February 14, 2021

Sticks and Stones Can...


I woke up to this old playground rhyme. In singsong we used to chant it at each other, 'sticks and stones can break my bones but WORDS can NEVER hurt me!' This was true because we were always listening to what someone else was saying, and deciding for ourselves if what was being said was true, or not. 

Sadly, there was a notice posted on FB for a classmate at my high school from the class of '08, so pretty young, who had passed from a stroke due to alcoholism. The person posting this had bullied the kid, like everyone else, since day one. Everyone hated him, just for how he was born. He wasn't with a disability. He just was the one everyone picked on. The person posting about the death was filled with remorse, saying that Michael was smart, and all he wanted was to be liked, and even though he cut off his friendship with him didn't mean he didn't like him...

I've been on those playgrounds where the bullying took place. I remember the kids who were socially weaker than me. And I wasn't nice to them either. But I wasn't deliberately mean either. 

Words hurt. Actions hurt. They wound deep. 

We are in an information war. Words are messing with our minds! And although I try to have the most discernment, what High Impact Vlogs says is true--when someone puts on a sweater you lose your sense of discernment! Although, for me, I knew the presence and interaction of the cats on this video was kind of odd. It wasn't like other cat owners I know, it was closer.  Remember, we are always searching for Truth. And we are being presented information by experts at lying and tricking. So here are two I highly recommend watching for the questions they raise which only you can answer for yourself. In this I fall guilty to consuming the 'hopium'--Anthony saw through it a long time ago, and stopped listening to one we used to listen to every day, and he teases me now if he catches me listening to it. I started listening because my cousin sent it to me, a cousin I trust, and that's how it bypassed the discernment. I look up to that cousin.

Here they are:

Here are two ones, much shorter, that I resonate with strongly too, and I trust:

In summary, sticks and stones, when used as part of a game you don't even know is being played, can and will hurt you. So be on the lookout for them. Spirit will protect you as long as you are able to clearly listen to it and discern correctly. When you make a mistake, accept it, learn from it, and move ahead.

This is how I was taught about inherited genetic traits in biology class. 

I've seen some cute ones created to look like a tree. You put people's photos in them for the baby to have later in life.

Geneaologists, however, use a more complex diagram.

I saw an ad for a professional one that looked like the top half of this one. I was horrified because to me it looked like an all-seeing eye! It really bothered me to know that there are some who are really into this subject, and I kind of ignored them as being 'nerdy', when this is information that can be powerful, especially if it is in the wrong hands. For example, someone searching for a specific 'bloodline'...

What if the gene for psychic power trait was something that could be followed and exploited upon mere children, for example, like Jessie C? 

Those kinds of words can hurt us big time. A whole secret world of them exists and is hidden in plain sight. 

This one here is a DNA fingerprint. I've never seen one of those either. Again, it looks eerily like an all-seeing eye. From what I understand, they take all the the components of a human genome, and they map them--who has which one on each allele---like this. 

Everything is ILLUSION.

In true reality, there is only LOVE, nurturing, warmth, and compassion. That's HOME.

Here in the Illusion, there are layers and layers of bullshit piled upon the unknowing masses. I see people talking about how 'most people' support Bye Den...they have no clue how many voted against him. And they literally announce to the world just how much TV they consume without discerning any of the information they are taking in. This is one lie, which when the truth comes out, is going to freak out a lot of people because nobody likes to admit they were tricked.

Also, for the opposite, the ones who are supporting the former administration, hoping upon hope for 'law and order' to return to our world, this is yet another kind of deception. The only TRUE Law and Order are the laws of Home, of Heaven. These individuals are hoping that the former administration, in their stance on abortion and human trafficking, is the closest representation to the laws of Home. It might very well be true. It might. But without putting on the Discernment to all information coming in, then we are only getting high on 'hopium'...things told to make us wait and not act out as further and further control systems are being set in place against everyone.

Where are we right now in the energies? here is the Schumann resonance frequency. No white, just a little yesterday. But it's in a lull.

That's okay. Earth is going to do what it's going to do. We must always remember we agreed to come here, we are specialists in Spiritual Ascension of Planets, and even though the veil is blocking from us what we know from Home, our Higher Selves and teams are assisting us in our work to be loving 24/7 to all we meet, 365 days a year. We have our teams and we have each other here on Earth. I'm so grateful Sherri M. posted what she did yesterday, otherwise I wouldn't have known about CW and SP. I remember seeing those 'tribunals' and scratching my head why those people were there? Kevin Annett seems the real deal. But the others in those robes and stuff? Like judges? Hmmmm.

Those little intuitions, like SP is a little 'too close' to his's not normal....just flash across your consciousness and you can't even have time to write them down. But it's direct perception and impression of Truth, with your own eyes.  So train yourself to follow these 'hunches'...and decide for yourself if they are true or not.

For me, I am absolutely stunned and it is glorious for work I have done in the home. For the first time in two years (almost), my floor in my office is clear and my papers are almost all the way organized. I'm still working with Mari Kondo, and I did the advice she said. I got rid of almost everything except the few I needed to keep. I actually sorted the papers out using the empty shelves in my closet. And once I have those put where they need to go, I can organize the beads. And my workshop and office will be ready for work!  

Last night I burned instead of shredding the two boxes full of things I no longer needed--statements and papers that had been piled up. I made chicken wings and that's all we had for dinner by the fire. I learned a new recipe, it was in my old Betty Crocker cookbook, and using that I add at the end some Frank's Red Hot hot sauce. I made it once for the playoffs (American football). And last night. Even though it wasn't a proper meal, we had ginger beer (non alcoholic) and wings and kept the fire going. When it was done, we got out of the house and went for frozen yogurt. It's good to keep things simple sometimes, and to change the routine. 

I watched the videos while I was cleaning. It was a good thing. I'm glad I watched them. I watched a lot of garden videos too. This brings joy to my days, to follow my I keep the 'political things' in my peripheral vision, and I am straining to catch 'spiritual things' trends and signs of progress towards Ascension, on my 'radar' at all times.


'Hopium'.  What a powerful term, isn't it? That we can be misled by being told what we want to hear. And how predictions can be made and then not happen and we still believe, believe, believe.

It's time to write our own story!

Be sure of yourself. Be certain. For this you must have a good idea of your own strengths and weaknesses. On all levels.

Align with others who are of like vibration and mind as you. Together you are a team. Try to note not only your own strengths and weaknesses as part of the team, but also those of the team.

Learn to refresh yourself. Rest. Eat healthy foods. Stay away from toxins. 

Remember the lessons of the vegans. With this world view, it is their perception that they are right and everyone else around them, the meat eaters and leather wearers, are incorrect. They strive to create a vegan 'cruelty free' world. Carla has been a vegetarian for eighteen months, and fell right in to this mindset. 

But the world has gone on for a long time! With people using the resources that were available to them!  The culture is not going to change away from eating meat.

One of the first things that disappears in wartime is meat that is available to the people. 

In the book He Came To Set The Captives Free, Rebecca Brown, MD, raises the point that meat is needed to be strong in spirit--the work you do at night and while facing darkness by day--requires meat in the diet. And the Dark Ones on Team Dark are the first to encourage others to give up meat. It's like tipping the scales to their advantage, isn't it? And here they are, drinking heme and can nibble icing others and telling you not to eat meat?

It is a stretch isn't it? Do as I say, not as I do? 

What I ask of you is to love your fellow human, from your heart, even the Team Dark who are like poorly socialized puppies who bite and bark and nip and make messes all over the carpet. I love them. I will train them. I will with all my might and heart and soul, for that is what I am sent to accomplish.

You do your part. When I need your help I will tap you on the shoulder and you can check and double check again that it's really me who is asking. 

For the rest, enjoy your lives, do what you can to make your life better, and in this you are strengthening yourself and raising the vibration on your local environment. 

Enjoy the passing of time. You may be pleasantly surprised with the turn of 'current events'. Know that you are more, so much much much much MORE than anything that meets the eye! You are both precious and wondrous in the sight of your Spiritual Loved Ones from Home. 

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,

Ross and Carla
The Twins