Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Be Free!


Be free!

When you entirely accept your lessons, and go with the flow, there is a freedom that is effortless and removes all anxiety.

When you know 'all the world's a stage' and everyone is just showing you 'some kind of lesson', it makes everything a little easier to accept, doesn't it?

We are poised on the astrological phenomenon that is so rare and so powerful that the last time it happened it brought about the end of the Dark Ages.  So no matter what happens, or how it looks or how it seems, remember that some things must change in order to bring us to a better 'state of affairs'.

For those of you who are awake and aware enough to listen or sense intuitive guidance from your teams of guides, listen to them! Take their counsel to heart and weigh it carefully before you act.

Also, be yourself.

Yesterday I had big assignments to do. But instead, I felt a 'nudge' to go to the garden shop. I bought a few things. It's very sad these days how the young citrus are affected by citrus greening disease. They clearly marked that no citrus would be returned--all sales are final!

Backyard citrus is a California way of life, especially in Southern California. 

I learned something there. A disease was affecting tomatoes. But in San Diego, there was a hybrid that was resistant to that disease. It was so successful that now it is called San Diego Tomato. I was happy to see it. 

My love for plants, and for gardening, is also a little bit of my 'calling'. Actually, it's funny because the neighbor who lived here first had a 'formula' where she would bring produce to the neighbors to give and to 'get to know them'.

Yesterday I brought salad greens and kale to three neighbor's houses. Two of them really wanted to talk. And one gave me two beautiful camellias for my vase in return. 

People need to talk, they need connection, and it's important to be able to experience community together. This helps us to survive mental, emotional, and physical challenges when we work together as a team. Keep the connections strong. And also, with people who might be in your larger geographic community, but are still in your community of the heart:  family, friends, coworkers, readers, people who share a common interest.

Whatever is going to happen has been set in place a long time ago. So hope for the best and roll with it!

Your happiness is a weapon of Mass Delight and for Destruction of Darkness! Be happy, and gracious, for all things.

And Pray!

Bless your meals. 

Give thanks.

Here are two 'graces' to choose from for examples:

  • before meal-- Bless us O Lord in these thy gifts we are to receive from thy bounty, through Christ our Lord, amen!  after meal--We give thee thanks for all thy benefits , may the souls of the faithful departed have the mercy of God and rest in Peace, Amen, in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit Amen.
  • before meal only--sung--Thank you Jesus for our food, for our food, for our food, Thank you Jesus for our food, Thank You Jesus!

Since there are some hidden things, very dark things, in our food supply it makes a lot of sense metaphysically to bless the foods before we eat our meals. Even in public!

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,

Ross and Carla
the Couple