Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Agents of Change


There is an old saying, 'people who give us lessons we like, we call Friends. And people who give us lessons we don't like, we call Assholes.'

Today I finally went through the box Ross had wanted me to go through since last weekend. There had been interruptions. So today, that's about the only thing I did. Just like Ross had told me to do, I dumped the box upside down and let everything come out. And I went through the contents.

I was surprised to find some cookbooks. I have many. But these must have been packed by someone besides myself. There was even a duplicate copy of a local Italian cookbook. I noticed the corner of that one had been chewed off by a rodent. There were some other books chewed, and I saw evidence of urine but not feces--all very old. I recalled when we had a mama rat and babies in the garage after we first moved in. I've caught them all and not seen evidence of them since. But all those ruined things had to go.

Then that's where I found some of the most negative things in the entire home--old papers and records. Things like flood repair and insurance claims, or how the old home got cracks in it and in vain I tried to get help or justice...

So I burned them.

I took them to the fire pit, and I burned everything. It took me about three hours to go through the box and make sure everything I wanted to put behind me in flames. I can use the ashes for the garden. 

I did a lot of reflecting. Some bad things happen to us even though it was unintentional. Some bad things happen through random chance. Forgiveness is a lot cheaper than going the standard route where 'I'll have my day in court!'. For the old house, just moving away was the best cure. I was absolutely stunned to see how many thousands of dollars I put into the old house just for repairs from the plumbing leaks! So much heartache and wasted time and money. I remember once I was in the middle of heart surgery anesthesia--a case--and my mom called while she was watching Anthony. There was a flood, it was raining inside the kitchen and the garage. She was in total panic. I later learned that the cleaning people had opened a pipe--the shower handle was broken, and you had to push a little stick. Well they had unscrewed the ball valve from the wall. One woman, the leader Nida, was able to think fast and turn off the water main to the house. But apparently, in the pandemonium, the door had been open, and one year old Anthony had wandered out of the house and gotten lost! Quickly they were able to find him. 

I saw notes from the horrible neighbors, each one worse than the next, and I realized that all of them had been agents of change to get me to leave that old house and into something better. 

Others have been there to help us to come to terms with our faults and misconceptions--and get us to change in that way, in our hearts, too. 

What if the Awakening, was all the world being able to wake up, each of us, and to clearly see our own faults? 

What if the Veil was that thing that keeps us focused on searching for the 'speck' in someone else's eye and completely oblivious to the 'log in our own eye?'

What if we had accurate, real-time assessment of ourselves, our lessons, and our progress we have made on them?

The important thing, I learned from Ross today, is that for our sins, once we have acknowledged them, and decided to put them behind us, and asked for forgiveness with true and sincere hearts--then it as if they are burned away behind us, never to return again!

We are NEW.

We don't have to lug around our unhappy painful memories in heavy boxes everywhere we go. 

If you had unhappy relationships, that were painful and abusive--chalk it off to 'agents of change' and how we were able to use those experiences as a springboard to new ways of interacting with ourselves and others. 

None of us is perfect. We are human, incarnate.

If you look at the ten commandments, think of them as guidelines for Earth, but know that if you followed them to the letter, and never faltered, you'd still be pretty 'blah'' by Galactic standards. Galactics are so much more nurturing, warm, loving, kind, responsible, caring and REAL. 

Doing unto others as you would like done to you is the gateway to true Galactic state of being--from the inside out. 

Know that it is peculiar to the human condition to be totally ignorant and oblivious and forgetful of the times we have fallen short, either by commission or omission, and not done things in the most Galactic way. So...accept that this happens...but do your best to work through it...and to put your Galactic 'glasses' on. 

The more we are able to anchor the love, and to raise our vibration, by increasing awareness of the only thing we CAN and DO change--ourselves--then the closer we become to Home. Our home eternal, Heaven. 

God forgave Jessie--a Bride of Satan. He forgave Rebecca's friend, her patient and later roommate, who was a recovering Bride of Satan too. God can forgive ANYTHING. Sometimes you have to work for it, and always you have to ask for it, sincerely.  

Be thankful for the Agents of Change. 

Even if you think their true name is Asshole. 

Learn and grow. There are no mistakes, only lessons, but do your best to keep from repeating the same mistakes over and over and over. 

Ross agrees with this lesson. I need to go, Anthony is waiting.

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,



Ross and Carla

The Couple