Thursday, June 25, 2020

Walking In A Nightmare?

Ever feel like you are living in a nightmare? Just trying to get things done feels like so much effort?

Well, let's take a moment to congratulate ourselves. On top of our everyday normal of financial burdens, and over regulation including exposures to many toxins everywhere we look...we have survived a global pandemic, race riots, an international 'run' on toilet paper causing many shortages, and more...

What's next?

Remember you are not alone.

There is nothing you and God can't do when you are together.

Remember prayer is your Super Power.  Keep your mental hygiene good. Keep your energy UP. When you feel things that are coming up to be released, acknowledge them and let it go.

Remember there are things you can't see which are helping you.

You are not alone!

You are part of a wondrous team!

Train yourself to see the good in yourself and those around you.

Together we cannot be overcome, for God is on our side, and in our hearts--Divine Source, Divine Creator, Divine Mother, Divine Father...

There is a whole beautiful world out there awaiting to be explored by us!

No matter what else comes our way...from this world...from other worlds...or from the realm of not despair!

Divine Order exists, and never has disappeared. Remember your home is a place of nurturing, warmth, love and compassion, a place of nurturing, understanding and forgiveness.

No exceptions!

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,

Ross and Carla
The Couple