Thursday, June 4, 2020

Pattern Recognition

Black is white and white is black.

This is the goal of the ASSC--to convince the world the complete opposite of what it is.

Case in point--this little article here--which we strongly recommend against reading but Carla read yesterday on Twitter--

Most notable point is the writer's self-rationalization that as adults, there's not much opportunity to explore the 'blank canvas' regions of sexuality, it's a way to find 'something new'.

Her descriptions of the prices, the participants, the way food and drink were handled, even the venue and lack of security...seem accurate. Not much food. Charge for drinks to avoid people getting too drunk. The high prices to make it 'exclusive'. Keeping out people above a cutoff size--she states the 'hostess' Gweneth said size fourteen or sixteen (women's sizes) aren't allowed because they are 'too big to be attractive'.


Some were swingers. Some were experimenting. One her boyfriend was going after another woman so she kept throwing her ice from her drink at him but he didn't stop.

The author was concerned that there was no guy on guy experimentation at the party.

And everyone was white, white, white.


What happens when this gets old?

What is more exclusive? The next thrill?

The forbidden?

Pizza, isn't it?

So we present the article in the context that on a parallel concept, for those who are 'at the next level', there are going to be Gweneths who plan and arrange and procure...

And after the pizza? What's next?

Is it the adrenochrome?

It's a slippery slope, isn't it?

Ross says, 'at the end of the party, then, what do you have to show for it? A bunch of experiences and memories. But where are you going to be able to re-create those experiences? Inside relationship? With who? And when? How is it going to affect your life?'

Those are some very excellent questions.

Ross says it is like dangling a hook before a fish, and once the fish takes the sufficient bite, all the fisherman has to do is to reel the person in, doesn't it?

It's a way to establish control.


Sore Rose the Greek isn't a man working independently. He is an asset to the ASSC. They are organized. There is a hierarchy. There is a game plan which has been in place for centuries.

Even the 'nice old man' on the outside that you see, the human face, does not reveal the darkness of spirit which is probably a high-ranking demonic entity in the service of You-Know-Who in the ASSC, which is what is embodying that flesh.

They are organized.

If you read Svali, you will know that they practice military exercises at night. The children from very young are expert marksmen who can assemble and disassemble guns. What this means is that there is a vast army of the MK Ultra/Monarch programmed individuals, who have skills and access to firearms--like a true army--who can be mobilized anywhere in ways that are untraceable and they can probably get rid of the evidence too.

Know your enemy.

Do not underestimate them.

They are fighting for their lives, for the right to drink and indulge in fresh adrenochrome and all the other things they do to rule the world, mainly, to blackmail each other through their hidden predilection to pee dough feel ya.

They LIE.

Here is a truth:


Here is an excellent assessment of current events from Hotep Jesus:  recorded thirty minute live stream.

What will help his people? Not the black cube on social media. Then Twitter wins. Not his people.

Give money to support businesses that are black-run, and help make the world a better place. Not to the sex workers or the sodas or the stuff like that. 

He's very well-spoken.

And he too, says we are all slaves, all of us. 

We really are.


There's only two last topics to briefly cover before having to go.

First, is that Sore Rose the greek has major shares in Target, a department store many Americans depend upon. They were open throughout the Coronavirus.

What if the Coronavirus was a test run to see what is 'essential', and then to design attacks and fall suh FL agggggs uh  to target each of them?   Like to close Targets?

No more toilet paper there, and more, right?

Anticipate a long chain of events as the ASSC doesn't want to lose their power and to be held accountable for their actions.

A side note is that a lot of the 'justice' we don't see is because these secret societies look out for their own, everything is infiltrated, and anyone who goes against a member is going to see the member 'win'--either as a defendant or an --the other one I forget the name--petitioner?


C:  I've leveled up. With Ross. I'm experiencing our 'us time' more in the context of how people back home experience it. It is intensely bonding. It is deeply meaningful. There are no words to describe it. 

The sickest of the sick 'thrills' the ASSC has to offer in the sex department are nothing and do not even compare to what is normal for all of us back home, between consenting adults, behind closed doors. 

It's worth it.

It's totally worth the wait. 

Remember this.

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,

Ross and Carla
The Happy Couple <3 <3 <3 <3 <3