Monday, June 1, 2020

The Arid Space Of The Human Heart At The Moment

Good morning! Bonjour! Buon giorno! Guten tag! Buenos dias! Ni hao! 

How are you?

We are good. Ross is always good. Anthony has been holding down the fort and the studies, today he brings back the books. Fortunately I am off today, I was on call this weekend. 

It was a little crazy yesterday with the riots not far from my work. Fortunately we are not a trauma center, so it didn't bring in any more business. A friend of mine actually videotaped the downtown beach area, I saw it, and most of the people were actually vacationers and what I saw was peaceful and lots of windows were beings boarded up.

I've seen some of the things on the news, and also on social media, and other, similar things have been happening in my personal life that I'd like to share. Ross and I know it is going to help just to get the information 'out there' in the open for us all. 

I was just minding my own business, posting about asthmatics and autistic kids being challenged by wearing masks, and the parents being concerned...when a nurse I used to work with on OB totally ripped me a new asshole in the comments section and threatened to tell my work to look more closely at my posts. 

This is the type of behavior that has come to be called 'Karen' behavior.  Insisting on certain rules, forcefully, and getting ugly about it. (We are sooooo sorry if your name happens to be Karen, it's sad, and hopefully this urban dictionary trend will pass and all will be forgotten). 

Immediately two other L and D RN's came to my assistance. One has trouble reading lips because of the masks, and another spoke up to say that 'lets all play nice' basically.

Some friends and family came to my defense.

What was the learning point in that post, is that there is never need for defense of any kind when one is awake and aware enough to interpret such outbursts as a cry for love from the blinding state of FEAR of the person writing it.

I've learned what Ross has been teaching. 

I addressed the love lack, and the friend confessed her fear.  

Her small town in Arizona is being overrun last Memorial Day by Calilfornians on vacation who didn't wear masks, and their formerly low Covid numbers are going UP, and she's on the front lines now. She and her husband both are in the high risk groups, with comorbidities. 

She wants everyone to wear a mask, even though as a nurse she understands that N-95's are the only ones that are going to help...sort of. 

She later said, 'I need Reiki.'

You know when you start the flow, your aura is connected to another, and you can feel sometimes, their thought processes and belief systems if they are different from yours. I was shocked, really, at the low, low, low vibe that was the result of intake of lots of media. I held my ground, energetically, and continued to send. 

She's apologized to me. I made a Reiki request for her. But she's seeing hate on the post from others 'defending me'--it's human, it made me feel better, I'd admit--but I'm going to take down the post or at least hide it. Actually she asked me to step in so I did. 

There is a beautiful space in the soul when it receives unconditional love. Communication is important. So is careful awareness and detached observation.

My sister Vanessa contacted me and said, 'wow, sis! you handled her like Jesus!'

Another soul sister said, 'In the end, LOVE wins! Everybody wins! Yaayyyy!'

Ross and I were teaching by example. 

Did I get the initial reaction of fear when I first read the angry outburst in my feed?

Yes. Of course I did.

And I applied my new skill of verbalizing my feelings. In a detached way.  I commented like, 'wow, I sure hit a nerve on that one. Sorry. You can take the girl out of Berkeley but you can't take the Berkeley out of the girl. I found the article fascinating.'

And I let it go. 

We live in a world of Spirit just as much as we live in the world of the physical.

We, as physical beings, KNOW just what this creature here is likely to do if we stand directly in front of it and it doesn't like us.

It's gonna spit on us. 

Some things just do that.

What do you think the vile and nasty off-planet beings who are running the Lucy Fairy En paradigm here on earth do?

Especially when they are losing control of the planet?

@kristenhinkson, on Twitter, an MK Ultra survivor--says, 'Demons want to keep us from seeing the matrix using deception. You can see how they try to spin things. For example-they'll say something is for our health and safety when it's actually deadly. They'll criticize u relentlessly, but when u wake up & fight back, they switch strategies.'

Luna & Sol say, 'Most people find anger addictive because it makes their egos feel righteous, justified or victimized. Pointing the finger at another is much easier than examining one's own Shadows.'

Esoteric Exposal says, 'No matter your beliefs, the Satanic Elite have a script in play that is meant to deceive you into forfeiting your soul.'

Dawn @channuwn_ replied, "If you know the plans and scripts of Satan and the elites, and have the word of God, how can your faith fail?'

spiritchaserrr on Instagram brought up an excellent point even I didn't know.  "NASA in Hebrow means to deceive'  . He goes on to say that they just can stop lying and he just can't stop exposing...

@redpillbabe on Instagram posted the entire Auntie FaH manual--page by page. I haven't read it yet, but I had screen shots of it.  It's not good.

Another meme I saw asks, 'Anybody notice how fast eh COVID conversation disappeared when the nation's attention was turned elsewhere? Notice how the media controls you.'

Love can exist beautifully in a desert, a physical desert, where it is arid and water is not plentiful. 

So too we have adapted to Life on Earth, under the control system of very old, very perverted, very hidden white men who are total race is t s--the May Sons, the Ill Loomie Naugh Tee, the secret governments and shadow governments who run the world by blackmail and pee dough feel ya...not only are they against people of color, they are against people, and especially people who love and have love in their heart and high vibration.

They hate Jesus with a passion, they are disgusted by him. They make fun of him all the time, and anything connected to him. 

But Jesus and God is LOVE. 

Jesus, incredible being as He is, always points to God. Always, always, always. He's as kind and loving as it gets, and never heaps or seeks the attention on himself.

The way we see it, multidimensional off-planet beings are calling the shots for the shit show we see here on Earth.

Jesus was sent to stop it. The shit show.

It didn't exactly stop, at the time, but God is mysterious, and wise.

What we have now is Jesus, and all of God's angels, and Divine Creator--as multidimensional off-planet beings (for the most part, some have incarnations here but the higher selves are back Home too)--as the antidote (for lack of a better word) for the producers of the shit show.

And from what I understand, there are going to be miracles and beautiful things happening as the Light/God/Angels/ and of course, Jesus, win. 

Can you hold the love?

Can you be brave and have courage, and stand apart from FEAR which is contagious?

Love is contagious too. 

Can you keep a calm mind, and open heart, and awareness that what you are seeing are often not even choices--these are brainwashed, demon-infested and demon-controlled people--typically in some form of MK Ultra or Monarch mind-control--being triggered because they KNOW in their hearts their time is up and they are taking a last stand?

Deserts can be beautiful.

Enjoy the beauty while you are still incarnate.

Train your eyes and your heart and your soul to SEE where love is lacking. Understand it. And do your job to be loving, a continuous source of love, 24/7, 365, as best as you can manage?

And remember, to always fill your own cup first! If you know Reiki, then daily self-Reiki. If you are a bible reader, let that fill your cup. If you like to chant Buddhist style, as that is what works for you, then chant. 

Do what makes you feel like you are on the same page as the stars, as Jesus, as Divine Creator, as a child of God and the Universe, as the very special and loving soul you truly ARE...

Then a whole new day will begin. A new realization that all of us are in this together! That most people are GOOD, very good people, and they want to be good. This vastly outnumbers the ASSC and their minions.

Do what you and only you are made to do, and do what you do best. Never compare yourself to others.

And when it comes to feeling that need to be 'right', do you best to switch the vibration from that one, to being truly loving and kind and open and accepting and vibrating at the very highest loving frequency you possibly can. 

Listen to your angels. 

Listen to your heart.

The views are going to be incredible, things you as an incarnate spirit, worked long and hard to be able to see--from a spiritual perspective. 

Can you see the little hiker in the bottom right on this picture?

As we work together--with Divine Creator--the plan will bring water to the desert, love to the hearts that are so longing for it, and all of Creation will truly THRIVE.


Are you ready for your journey?

What memories are you going to treasure?  What new insights are you going to gain from the experience of the journey?

As for Gaia, as in Gaia Sophia, she has found a new street-smart toughness, and ain't nobody ever going to fuck with her again. 

The blatant, in your face symbolism, and everything it stands for, is poised to be wiped off the face of the Earth FOREVER. 

In fact, from what I understand, it's going to be wiped off the face of the Universe, FOREVER too.

It's okay to pray to Jesus, to ask Him for his help. He's always honored to be called. And he, clearly, is the only one in history who is known to cast out demons.  His students learned and could do it too. We need this ability only He can give, to find our way free of these afflictions, and finally Home. 

I'm praying. A lot. To Him. Because I love Him. And I trust Him. I am a Christian, first and foremost, a Catholic one, sadly--what has happened to the church is a tragedy. It's how I know to pray, how I was taught.

But Ross and I understand that there are people who have been traumatized by organized religion. We know there are other ways to pray taught across the globe. 

So we encourage you to be who you are.

You don't have to change anything.

Everything is blessed.

Even in these difficult times.

We LOVE you very very very much, words cannot describe the love and joy we have with you. We know you and your soul origin (Ross says, 'Carla is nosy and her HS looks these things up.')

So stay with us, enjoy the journey, and hold the course. 

Ross says to be sure to take pictures along the way, for you are going to want to remember this and relive these times again and again, for they are special.

Thank you for bringing LOVE to the desert of the hearts and souls around you.

Do what you can, not everyone will respond favorably, but Ross reminds us that we are 'planting the seeds' and as they are nourished and watered they will grow.

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,

Ross and Carla
The Sweethearts