Tuesday, November 15, 2022



Things have been very different recently...perhaps it's been with the energies? Or from the massive transformation which has been taking place from within?

I was rocked to my core last week, Friday was really hard on me. I was spacey and shaky for two, possibly three days. I didn't even want to cook. 

What has emerged from that is Resilience.

And today, when I learned I needed to work, and I had to scramble for I had a car appointment Tomorrow! I dropped all my plans and rearranged my day. You see, I have three days off because someone in July promised to work for me so I could go to a conference. My boss is away instead--Miami. I had to cancel everything (another opportunity for Resilience!). I didn't want to cancel the work, for my colleague who was covering me. And also, I needed TIME. 

You can't repair the external without making huge adjustments to the Internal. 

This morning I did just that. Time in the garden. Enjoying Nature. And also protecting my family from spider-infested egg sacs and the toxic spiders that make them. It's incredible how much can hide in plain sight, just underneath the patio furniture. Countless egg sacs I fished out and stomped. Some fat mama spiders too. 

What I am trying to explain is almost unexplainable.

Remember you are surrounded by Magic 24/7.

The Earth's magic.

Not just of Nature.

Of being ALIVE!

That you can see and hear and touch and taste and smell and sense in and of itself is a miracle!

That there's a family, a society, and support to nourish you and uplift you--even when it's a challenge!--is another form of Magic too, for you get to experience 'the real thing', everything Earth life has to offer.

Then there's our world of Spirit...how magical is that, to be able to talk across the Veil, and to exchange feelings, impressions, and ask for guidance, even for something as mundane as how to run your day?

When you get the chance to relax, and enjoy the flow of Life, you discover how to co-create. It's a trust, a deep acceptance that you are going to be all right. Everything will somehow work out. And you let go of the fear.

You Trust.

And then that frees you up to explore your interests and things you really wish to study or accomplish. 

These are incredibly special times.

Appreciate the Beauty.

Appreciate how blessings-filled our lives our with our various connections to others. 

Keep yourself on the high road, the one where it's a little more challenging to keep positive/robust/open mentally, physically, spiritually, and you will reap great rewards.

That is enough for today.

Ross nods in agreement.

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,



Ross and Carla

The Twins