Wednesday, December 13, 2023

The Real Nitty Gritty


Happiness is an inside job.

Well, that makes for a nice cliché, doesn't it?

But, what does it MEAN?

As students who find themselves incarnate on the planet Earth, suffering from a huge case of amnesia, often times we find ourselves facing challenges. Often times these challenges seem insurmountable. They appear to be coming at us from all sides. 

One thing that is not able to be grasped while selecting our pre-birth curriculum and signing that pre-birth contract, is the pain we will experience while we are alive! There is the physical pain. Then there is also the emotional pain. The unthinkable, unfathomable spiritual pain hits--who are we are why are we here? There is mental pain, broken dreams, heartache...

Inevitably we realize that the only thing we can control is our attitude, our reaction to our circumstances, as well as our discipline/goals/habits. 

Everything else we cannot control.

Mentally, we are in the construct where time is linear (actually it isn't), where things we perceive with our five senses are 'real' and with our sixth sense 'isn't real', and the work of physical survival consumes most of our daily efforts. There is financial pressure, pressure to 'fit in', and what society convinces us is going to 'make us happy'. 

Compared to our forms in the spirit realm, being incarnate, although it is indeed a beautiful gift and I will explain more about this shortly, it is like being bound, gagged and blindfolded. Our intuition isn't the same. Telepathy is hit or miss. Manifesting things doesn't happen like it used to back Home...

We are held hostage by our very sense of self.

Our ego.

And by our wanting to stay in one piece, healthy, fed, and comfortable. 

Many of us have our hopes and dreams. Some of us set goals and work towards them. Mine was to be a physician. I've climbed that mountain and I'm glad I did. Many more focus on raising their family with love, and keeping food on the table.

Essentially, we are creatures of perception. And our perception is not only shaped by our physical senses, but our many experiences which color them. As well as our personality, our nature, our interests, likes and dislikes. From this basic viewpoint we are then compounded by outside influence, of physical, psychological, and spiritual kind. There are forces out there who 'mold' our perception. 

Let's say you have done 'the work'. You have allowed painful past experiences to rise up and be released. Kind of like Jeff Brown advocates. You may or may not have had therapy. You might follow a spiritual practice. You could have followed your calling and are producing good things to help others in the world.

What about inside?

Where is the happiness?

How do you fill the emptiness inside?

It's a spiritual sense of emptiness, that's why the physical won't fill it. You can do what you want, pursue any pleasure, but sooner or later, you will be like the celebrities who are dissatisfied with that 'cure'. It doesn't work. 

This brings us to the real nitty gritty: sin.

Oh what an unpopular word!

What judgement! How scandalous! Isn't this a feel-good spiritual website? UNFOLLOW! UNFOLLOW!

I am smiling.

I absolutely love to stir the pot. To talk about unpopular things. And to bring up social Now THAT is part of my soul character from one incarnation to the next! 

Let's take away all the connotations and heavy bullshit that have gone along with that word. Let's strip it down to the very essence of it, in a spiritual sense, okay?

Sin is the state of being unable to let in God's love for you. It's that feeling of something being wrong and you just can't quite put your finger on it. It can be that nagging homesickness you feel all your life but you can't explain. 

Sin is what God gets so sad about. He has all this love to give...and yet we go about our day to day as if He/She doesn't exist at all. 

You might love God. And intellectually know God loves you. But that is not the same as a live relationship with your Divine Creator, one that is fully connected and healthy and whole.

I've loved God my whole life. Always. But a part of me felt, frankly, lonely and unlovable.

The reason it is important to acknowledge sin, isn't because of the sin itself. 

It is because when we are on our knees, humble, contrite, and sorrowful, beating our chest and saying, 'God, I fucked up. I don't know how to make it better. No matter how hard I try, I just can't get this thing right. I'm so sorry God. I don't even know why I am here. Please show me how to put the pieces of my life back together. Help me to find my way.'

This opens the connection. We are human. We are designed to fuck everything up. It is part of the deal. We are never going to get it right. It's impossible on our own. 

But with God?

Everything is possible. 


Sin as we know it, is our trying this thing and that thing, whatever we can to help make that horrible pain of being a spiritual being having a life experience, go away. Then we can slip into some real trouble--addiction, psychological problems, personality conflicts, money troubles--it's easy. And it happens. There's no 'harm' in it(no fault, perhaps a weakness, but let's say you walked into a beehive and got stung--it wasn't the best decision perhaps but YOU are eternally GOOD). Back to the addictions, it's hard to have one! But life is better when you decide to change for the better. And take steps. 

Our life as humans is beautiful because we are given Free Will. Complete and total autonomy. 

We are Love, the essence of the Universe, that is all that exists, all that there is, there is nothing else!

In denying our connection to Source, and our beautiful soul's Divine Essence, we suffer and Creator suffers. Unnecessarily. 

The real nitty gritty isn't  happiness or contentment 'here and there' depending on what day of the week and how the stars are aligned (Oh God! It's Mercury in Retrograde! Quick get the body stocking to hide!).

Our happiness is in acknowledging and living each and every day as the children of Creator. In going after our dreams--even if it's a short term goal here and there at the moment. This enables us to better connect to others. And to feel joy, joy which is our humble birthright...that feeling of being loved for exactly who we are. Every single day. Helping others is one of the greatest highs there is. People say that one again and again and again. It's even why many return after a near death help others...while they can.

The challenges? Well, we face them still. With just a little more courage than before, because we have better understanding of who we are and why we are here. 

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,



Ross and Carla

The Twins