Thursday, December 14, 2023

My Dream Last Night


I found myself at a luncheon-type conference/seminar with only women. They were powerful women in a society I didn't even realize I was allowed to socialize with. Some were very well dressed, in sequin/expensive suits with matching hats like what Queen Elizabeth used to wear.

There were not many people, but the few who were present at the conference event knew one another. I saw them make side glances at one another, as if they knew something I didn't, and were not going to say a peep about what they knew. I wasn't exactly welcome but I wasn't unwelcome either. I was supposed to be there and they understood.

I went into a convention center-style cafeteria. And although it was near empty with very little food, I saw a small area with exotic fruits I've never seen, that were being sold by a member. These were rare, long purple, large grape like fruits.

Next I was at a glass case around a register. It was square, the counters were glass and you could see in. I was shopping. There was a pair of slippers unlike any I had ever seen. They had light colored plastic bottoms that bent, and long thick ridges from left to right for traction. The top was kind of clear/white plastic very cushiony with designs all over. I looked closer and it had hearts and unicorns. It looked like a modified penny loafer style but wider. They felt soft to wear, very warm, and fit my feet perfectly.

I worried because I bought myself a new pair of replacement slippers for the ones I usually wear, felt ones with fake shearling inside, on clearance for Christmas (in real life, not dream). 

But then I decided I would regret not having the unicorn slippers, so I decided to take them.

That's when I was really surprised. My mother was there. She was at the counter opposite side from me, talking to the worker. I saw her open up her wallet and take out her credit card to pay for it. She wasn't smiling but she wasn't angry, and in a very matter of fact voice she said, 'sometimes you just need to provide for someone'. What I understood is sometimes we need our parents to care for us, even when we are grown up and they have made the transition. 

I found myself at another kiosk. Again, hardly any people anywhere, but there was an asian woman, likely a nurse I knew from the hospital, with me. This kiosk was sponsored by an OB-Gyn I know, Dr. Watch. The woman at the kiosk said I was eligible for this gift because I knew the sponsor. She handed me a very tall, trophy shaped gift with lots of gift boxes wrapped, and it was heavy. There was a wagon, a folding one, and it had a little hood on it like a pram. So I put the prize inside near the hood and raised it up to cover it. 

I took the wagon with me to my hotel room. 

I'm not sure if it was the wagon, or the room, but I saw jars of many black widow spiders opening and being let loose inside the room. There were thousands and thousands of them. Little baby ones who were totally white. Teenage ones with a streaky giraffe like pattern of light and dark on their abdomens, and great big fat grownup ones. 

I saw baby ones climbing onto my backpack, and I said, 'no this is not okay I will touch it' and I shook them off and moved it to a chair. These spiders were on the ground. I was not afraid to sleep in the bed because only a few would get up there. And I was careful when I walked so not to annoy any into biting me.

I accepted the situation, and wondered both why it was happening, and what would become of it.

Then I got ready and left for another function which I don't remember at all from my dream.

When I got back to my room hours and hours later, I opened the door with curiosity about what state the spiders were going to be in.

I scanned the room.

I was shocked, astounded, and totally blown away by what I saw.

They had eaten one another.

Only a few very big full ones were left.

I gently scooped them up in a cup with a piece of paper, and let them outside to a woodpile where they would be much happier than a hotel room.

There were no other spiders left.

I believe this is a prophetic dream.

I had a deep sense of compassion for the big fat spiders, when I realized I could easily capture them and set them free. I had a feeling of fulfillment, of completion, and freedom from harm and fear.

Then my alarm went off.

I was asked by my teams to write the dream. And so I have.

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,



Ross and Carla

The Couple