Friday, February 17, 2023

It Starts At Home


Our purpose of this blog has been to help you and inform you as the spiritual changes take place around us. 

The pace has quickened.

More like a three-ring circus, there are changes going forward on every front. On the home front the economic squeeze is being felt as the noose of control is being tightened. Around the world, if you listen to Ben Fulford--not to say he's correct and others are incorrect--there is global conflict going on behind the scenes as major controllers of the economy are going bankrupt, and the bankrupt controllers are not going down without a fight.

We are alive in a multi-faceted war. It is Spiritual. But also, information, political, economic, with biological and unknown technology implicated. 

It's not good.

Yesterday I was at the orthopedic surgeon's office. A gentleman perhaps ten years older than me, was standing, and he couldn't perceive me asking to let me walk by. He was in a trance with the television. He caught himself after I asked and moved and said, 'oh I was just staring at the TV'. 

There are a lot more people like him than like you out there. A LOT of people. 

Just look at the Super Bowl.

Humans like a story where the hero wins. 

They will put all kinds of money towards their heroes, not only in fan merchandise but in gambling too. 

It makes them feel better, like there's a bedtime story, like the world is understandable...even though all signs point to our being 'free' on some elaborate 'ranch' without 'borders'. 

What do we do?

Well, there are some revivals happening.

Those are from the Holy Spirit.

We are going to see a lot more of those. Including the Jewish people who will be right on target when it is their time. 

Remember, darkness hates the Holy Spirit. And darkness will infiltrate and mock and destroy and lie. 

Real revivals needs a strong leader who cannot be compromised by darkness. And who knows how to keep it away.

That's why we are at risk for overwhelm.  Everything is coming at us from all over the place, psychologically.

And that is why there is so much need for self-care, kindness to self, and daily quiet time to connect with Creator. 

It's kind of like our hiking trail has turned rocky and straight up. So, take breathers. Drink pure water. Regroup. Even if you need to do this more often than not. 

Remind yourselves that this conflict has a guaranteed outcome. And it does. It just might get a little 'bumpy' along the way.

When things happen--for example, for me, with my knee injury--accept it and move on. Do the best you can. I told God my leg is his anyway. I'd love to be able for it to heal and be strong. But God's will, not mine. 

Do I have pain? Yes. Lots of it. Hard to sleep. Hard to walk. Ice helps. I have a good doctor, I'll take things one step at a time (no pun intended).  'Why me?' isn't a thought I have the resources inside me to entertain. 

You will learn who are helpful people around you. And you will find your way. 

By contrast, there's a beautiful world of Nature, just right outside. There are the stars in the Heavens, the little plants trying to grow after winter here in the Northern Hemisphere. We have our families and loved ones (furry and human!) and these are true gifts!

Remember to appreciate these wonderful things while they are accessible. <3

Ross says that this is enough for today.

He reassures us we have supernatural guidance. And to listen to it.

It might be wise to check and cross-check all incoming spiritual information--just in case! Be prudent. As this is a complex, unconventional 'war'.

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,



Ross and Carla

The Couple