Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Heavenly Intervention


Yesterday was perhaps the most unusual first call day I have ever had. My heart sank when I saw the scheduled cases stretching out well until eleven p.m., and that was without the add-on cases. I didn't allow myself to dwell in those feelings. I just did the work as it arrived to me to the best of my abilities. 

Our heat wave made itself known in the Operating Room. There is one thing that can cancel surgery, or delay it, and nobody can say anything about it:  the temperature and humidity specifications of the room.  When outside a certain range, surgery is not safe or permitted. We have to wait.

So, I had two hours delay, which gave me ample time for lunch. 

I saw a case in the long room suddenly disappear! (the patient didn't feel well, and cancelled)

Then I saw that all rooms were going to have power shut off between nine and eleven p.m., for some maintenance. 

All the cases finished around the same time. I was sleepy. I was going to go to the call room, but I met a friend who was on OB, and she said, 'have a nice drive home'.

I slept all night.

I had meals from the hospital. 

We even did our Bible Study at home!

Ross and I know that yesterday's information was highly disturbing. 

Today we are going to explain to you why the dark ones abuse children so. 

A lot of it has to do with this Bible passage:  Matthew 18:5 on children

Children are blessed by Jesus, and he encourages us to welcome them as if we were welcoming him.

Well the dark ones don't like him, or anything he says.

So they do horrible things.

There are energetic reasons too, if you are interested we will provide this information which is very dense as a P.S. at the end.

Remember whenever two or more are gathered in His name, God is present. 

They don't like it, the ASSC, when we assemble, and when we pray. 

Let's irritate them, now, together, shall we?

Dear Heavenly Creator,

Our love for you is great, our love for you is strong, and with courage we go through our days.
Help us to anchor the Light and the vibrations of Heaven everywhere we go.
Thank you for allowing us our place in battle, vibrationally we carry LOVE and at once this both shatters the old and reinforces the NEW grids of Light on surface Gaia.
We thank you for our opportunity to help create Heaven on Earth, with our hearts, and with our souls, and with our daily meditation, in daily activities, and in our hopes and dreams we envision what is Good permanently entering our Reality, day by day.
Our guides gently are here beside us. We thank you for their sincerity and loyalty to the cause, and for their spiritual protection of us.
In this we pray,

Last night while I was talking with a friend, she said that our boss had cut her back from eight OB calls to six, saying that the new people needed more work. She has taught before, and she knows that these are new hires fresh out of school, they are very green. She questions his decision, quietly, but when he says what affects her income and livelihood, she just says, 'okay' and doesn't argue.

She shared with me that she was doing a favor for him, working post-call OB at another place, when a person who is of the same heritage and social community as both of them, at the other place, had a stroke. He woke up with a big headache and lost the ability to move half of his body.  He couldn't free her to go since he was assigned to follow her. So she couldn't go cover as promised. Our boss KNOWS this man who had the stroke. But he still gave her a hard time for not coming. 

She said that sometimes he only thinks about one thing and doesn't make exceptions...that is his way.

When I told her of working half time, she reminded me of when my hours were cut the last time, and how I ended up working almost every day anyway. She reminded me of the bible where it says the sparrows know how to eat and don't worry, they have their feathers too, as clothing...

It resonates as true in my heart.


Everything is happening on time for the Awakening. Many of you realize things you see aren't what they seem, and after listening to yesterday's one hour video, are able to enjoy the show. 

Everything happens at its own pace, including the awakening of others.

I want you to both appreciate the evil that is present currently on the planet, yet at the same time, almost simultaneously, to understand and have compassion for the pedophiles and the satanists because many are born into the system of abuse used by the ASSC to control the planet.

They are on the way out.

I want you to defend and protect the children within your own sphere of influence. Do not get yourself kicked off of social media for it. 

Walk in the middle, just under the radar. This is where you will be most effective in your goal.

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,

Ross and Carla
The Illuminated Twin Flames

P.S. Here is the article, which has many of the points right but not everything, there is still a little distortion through the earth-time lens of the author: