Monday, September 2, 2024

The Internal Guidance System


Today is a holiday in the United States. Before when I worked in the main Operating Room I did not always get this holiday off. When I did, I usually traveled and made the most of my time away from work to enjoy my family.

This morning, my son was fast asleep, and we were at home. Today is unplanned. This is to avoid crowds and traffic. 

I was able to do something I have not done in a long time. I was able to go outside, relax, and not pressure myself to do anything. 

This is when Spirit guided me through a very fast meditation, one I believe is important to share, especially in this day and age of digital online distractions. It is very simple. You check in and see how you feel about a variety of things, both the immediate circle of your friends, family, and work...and for the bigger things. For me, I reviewed current politics and recent events. I was surprised to experience my gut reaction which is different from thinking about each topic. I was like, 'gosh I really feel that way about that!'

You see, algorithms are designed to give us what we want--what resonates with us--so imperceptibly that we are bombarded with ads and posts designed to get us to engage with it.

I heard just this week of a nurse who was no longer permitted to work because her phone addiction was getting in the way of patient care.

We believe we are in charge of our own thoughts when we scroll. But the psychological manipulation is highly effective. You can't put your finger on it. But it reinforces our perception of our place in the world.

Disengage during your meditation. Even for five minutes. 

Dig deep for the real YOU. The one that is not connected to the internet. 

Get in touch with your heart. 

This is what makes us human, our hearts.

Our ability to feel.

You do not need to decide to do anything based on your feelings. That is not the purpose of this exercise. Just get a general idea of what aligns with your heart. What you like. What you do not like. And take a mental note of how strong those feelings are.  You will be like, 'wow that really bothers me! Hmmm.'

There is so much in our world we have to just adapt to, suck it up, and live with it. Be sure to keep this from making you turn numb to it. Get away from the distractions for five, ten minutes. And check in with your internal guidance system. 

You want to make the most of your time on earth. 

One of the big things that came through, is realizing how much I am loved and taken care of by The Universe. It is a very wonderful thing.


Carla has a difficult chore to do. She must not delay it further. She is following my request on the meditation and sharing it with our fantastic readers.

How often to do this meditation?

Daily is best. Keep it short. But do it to keep you aware of your perceptions in the world which are uniquely your own.

clap! clap!

Aloha and mahalos,



Ross and Carla

The Cousins <3