Sunday, October 15, 2023

What To Tell Your Friends


There are things going on 'out there' that are pretty upsetting.

I won't elaborate.

But I am having people come to me to ask me what I think about what's going on. People outside our wonderful circle of readers and followers and soul family.

These are people who have not yet taken the Red Pill. But things are starting to get a little more disturbing for them. And they seek consolation. So they ask me.

This is a spiritual war. It's been going on for a long time. Right under everyone's noses, actually. The moves have been microscopic in scale, and the effects have been cumulative. So now we are at the point where the frog in the nice cozy warm 'bathwater' is beginning to realize that it's a 'little uncomfortable' and that trend is going to progress to an unpleasant ending. 

But how can you awaken someone who is deeply asleep to what has been hidden in plain sight?

You can't because there is cognitive dissonance. 

There is no way they can understand, unless it is their timing to awaken, and then they will have thirst for knowledge and must be fed in small increments so as not to overwhelm them. 

On the most recent one, I took a huge step back, and said, well, where we go at night as we sleep, and after we die, is the only thing that is REAL. Everything else, in our waking hours, is like a big movie production that is created by egos of everything and everybody. Implying that we must take it with a grain of salt. 

I also said that the news is not our friend, there are psychological side effects from viewing it, and these side effects are known and exploited so that we can not stop watching the presentations. 

I could have added that it's a form of MK Ultra to the masses, but that would have been way over their head. So I kept quiet on it. 

The cycle of MK Ultra is to create traumatic shock to the psyche, to 'strengthen' the victim (so the abusers say) and then after each trauma there is a period of kindness and rest and restoration otherwise the person would go completely crazy from the abuse. 

Every trauma is done for a purpose, and that is to build another piece of a mind-controlled slave.

In the Spiritual war which is taking place (what chapter of Revelation are we on today, yes?), the steps are basically make everything go to shit, cull the population, doing both in ways to create as much psychological trauma as possible, then to have 'someone' (the AC) step onto the world stage to 'make everything better'. And people will worship him. 

That's the whole gist of the Luciferianism. Have people worship anything but Creator, and hopefully, they will worship YOU. 

So the AC will be the top of the heap at affecting that.

But the goal of the AC is total world domination/worship of him, and what's gotta go? All of the Abrahamic religions. Yes! The current skirmish has two of the three pitted against each other already, right? 

Will the AC succeed?

It might look like it. But not, no, um, that's not the whole picture.

The AC gets to battle the original C (Ross jokes around, 'someone like extra crispy on their fried chicken? because of all the letters reminding him of KFC)

That's when things get interesting.

And that's why we are alive here today, and lucky to be alive to witness it. We might be hungry and enslaved or whatever, but our suffering won't be in vain. And who's to know how this one is going to play out? My mom grew up in war-torn Sicily. Yes they were hungry. And the Nazi's made the kids sing German songs on the playground instead of Italian ones. But the American soldiers gave the children chocolate bars from Hershey Pennsylvania, and ultimately freed them and their families from the Nazi's.

The only thing mom had to say about that was 'don't be a hero, try your best to blend in'.

Getting back to our friends, comfort them with genuine loving concern, and reassure them with validation that what they are seeing/sharing is indeed upsetting. Answer their questions with care and gentleness and concern. Ask for Divine Guidance on what to say. And keep your connection to the Divine as strong as possible, doing what you need to do to keep that spark alive in your heart and soul. 

I'd say my most recent friend absorbed maybe fifty percent of what I had to say. Which is more than they would have had if they hadn't asked. It reminds me of feeding a baby at the beginning. Half of what you spoon in with each bite comes out and you have to take it off their little faces. It's learning, and in time, it won't really happen. 

Remember it's an honor to be awake and guiding others. Your soul has worked hard over many lifetimes to be prepared for this. Now is your time to shine, even though, by appearances, the world is 'going to shit in a hand basket' and there is suffering, sorrow and sadness overall. It's kind of like taking care of the cancer patient. It's serious. It's real. And they really need your help more than anything because it's a hard burden to bear on their part. 

clap! clap!

Ross says, 'I look forward to working with you!'

aloha and mahalos,



Ross and Carla

The Twins