Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Your Divine Purpose


We live in a society where information is a commodity. 

It also is a form of controlling the masses.

Remember this world is run by energies/forces that are not of this world. 

The 'Prince of the World' behind a lot of politics and riches and fame, who has 'builders' working at his beck and call, didn't actually CREATE the earth and all the materials the 'builders' are working with.

That Prince sits on a throne of lies.

Which is what makes our purpose, and your own, important.

To live your life, follow your dreams, and share your truth. 

Sometimes our truth may be a sad one. But it is experienced from the heart, and leads to soul learning, as well as sharing to help others avoid the same fate. 

Even still, in this world of lies, our heart will tell us what resonates as Truth.  This allows us to be open and welcoming and warm to others. No matter what they have done. (as long as you are truly guided by the Spirit and not taking unnecessary risks, of course).

Yesterday I was post-call. It was brutal call. My last weekend one. But I worked from eight in the morning until well past midnight until four in the morning the next day. I had two hours sleep, got myself home safely, and enjoyed a breakfast with Anthony. 

Then I was too amped up to sleep. Until about noon.

I saw the most remarkable videos. I discovered a trans person called Blaire White, interviewing a person called ShapeShifter. I won't go into details of this sensitive topic. But I appreciated listening to ShapeShifter's story. It is painful. But it highlights the difference between what everyone is being told about this topic, and what the personal experience of someone who is living it is like. 

I also enjoyed watching because I know what goes on in the system where Kerth Barker and Jessie C were raised, about the gender bending that is systemic in that organization. Again, if Creator made male and female, well, Prince of the World is going to use that hatred of Creator to do all kinds of unimaginable things with those polarities. Right? Makes sense really...if you think about it.

So here I am realizing on some level, there's a deeper level to what that YouTube interview's Truth really is...and I'm asking myself how many are living this truth out there, especially in sports and entertainment, that I don't know that they are? Blaire was pretty easy to fool me except with the excessive hair touching...that was a mannerism kind of odd. 

Remember that these are the people back in the day, who we liked. The outcasts. The misfits. We would reach out to them, let them know they are loved, and valued, exactly as they are. That was OUR Truth, back in the day. For me and Ross. 

We would encourage them to raise themselves up from their circumstances, to follow their dreams, and to live a new life--which is entirely possible! One which is in alignment with their heart energies...and most important not to give up!

Keep your eyes open for the Truth of people around you. It's not easy to see. But be an open, caring person where people can open up to you about their Truth. 

Life YOUR Truth. Keep it on display out there for everyone to see. 

This is truly how we create Heaven on Earth. 

We remember Home. We live Home. And we follow our dreams, no matter how old we are or in what condition of our bodies, our dreams adjust. Seek joy and fulfillment. Keep your heart open and able to resonate to detect Creator's Truth. 

And everything is going to be okay.

And I've got to get myself ready for work.

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,



Ross and Carla

The Couple who are a flagship of emotional generosity and light for those who are seeking it