Saturday, January 18, 2025

Messages From The End of The Road: The Advanced Lesson


The other day I was driving to work and talking with Ross. I asked him, point blank, what the whole point of this existence is? All that was intended was for people to be alive and experience the fun and joy of being on Earth. Where is the fun? Why are we tolerating those who do not play nice? Not only do they play rough, they will not go away. 

Ross was quiet. 

He did not answer me.

He did not change the subject either.

I understood that this was too complex a topic for me to comprehend at the time. And I also knew that I was heard. 

Ross listens with his heart, and always pays full attention. 

This morning, right before I woke up, he gave me a little insight. Since it was from Spirit and not in words I will do my best to translate it for you.

Humans are born with creativity and with generosity and kindness. This is our nature.

The World has its own form of Creativity--the fine arts, music, fashion, design, dance, architecture. We are, as a society, 'outsourcing' our own individual creativity for those who the world says are better than us. And we pay money for it! We pay to go to music festivals, concerts, movies, wear designer get the idea. 

Earth is a school and some who wish to develop a career based on their creativity in the realm of Creativity may be internally motivated by Divine Mother and Divine Father to pursue this. 

But for every one, there are countless others who have been raised and groomed and promoted by The System. The System that is led not by Divine Mother and Divine Father, but the one who is in charge of this world.  (that was really the point I asked Ross, why this 'one' is 'ruler of the world' and not Earth itself?)

So the first way we are going to look at Ross' point, is 'who is telling you to be creative?' Are you listening to your heart and your emotions and your sense of creativity?  Or are you needing mind-altering drugs and the 'sex, drugs, and rock and roll' type motivation? 

It's subtle. 

But most important for you to know. 

This brings us to charity and kindness. Our empathy is from Divine Creator. Both Divine Mother and Divine Father. Not only does this make us human, it allows our society to coalesce and function. Those who cause harm are stopped by those who make it their mission to be protecting us. The first responders--fire, police, ambulance...

Our giving nature has been exploited. It is easy to exploit. The news shows you something horrible that happens to people. You are heartbroken and want to help. So there are lots of people telling you to give something. It is like all on the TV and the radio and online. You feel good because you gave. But like a wolf in sheep's clothing, no one can tell if the person/organization once it receives your gift, is actually going to help those in need as you intended. 

So there are ways to 'grade' charitable organizations by how much overhead they have and how much aid goes to those they serve. But in times of disasters, like 9-11, Katrina, or the fires here in Los Angeles...scammers flock to the opportunity to make some quick cash. 

Ross's point is, who is telling you to give? Do you see the person, they might be a neighbor, and you are so moved to bake them a casserole and offer it to help them in their grief over a loved one? Or is it something broadcast, and so easy to just click and send because you feel so awful for those people who are suffering? You don't want to feel that awful so you give. Then you feel like you have done something. 

The System of the One who rules the world, at the moment, knows how to exploit your natural generosity and kindness. 

Your money is your energy. 

And there never seems to be enough money no matter how hard you work. 

That system is not from Divine Creator, Divine Mother and Divine Father. 

Do the best you can in this difficult world. You are walking on a tightrope between truth and evil lies, and your very creativity and goodness and generosity and kindness are at risk of being harnessed by Those Who Do Not Have Your Best Interest At Heart. 

By having this discussion, you can reflect upon your motivations. Think before you act. Anything reflexive or automatic might be at risk of you being so great 'people' and using the term is being extra generous here.  Spend time in prayer and in meditation to help your discernment muscles strengthen up.

These are difficult times. 

Remember if you are not sure, apply the same concept as when giving Reiki where you ask Spirit to help correct any mistakes you may have made while trying to help and bring healing to others.

You are not at fault. You are never at fault.

Just keep your eyes open and avoid any pitfalls and traps that are easily put out there for you. Do your best to make one hundred percent sure you are motivated by our team, by Creator and the Divine Angels, when you choose to act. Even for the smallest of actions.


God always gives us the benefit of the doubt. Our discussion today is to point out that there are some pretty big puddles of rainwater out there in your path. Our encouragement is for you not to step in them. If by chance you do, do not be afraid, your clothing and shoes and socks will dry. There is no harm. But try not to step in them in you can. And by them, I mean, doing your best to nurture your own creativity and generosity and kindness and not be exploited into furthering the goals of the System who benefits off of Creativity as an industry and Philanthropy as a product to be mass marketed. 

That is enough for today.

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,



Ross and Carla