Thursday, October 10, 2024

Listen and Trust


Your inner guidance system is key. 

Sometimes, especially lately, there are a lot of thoughts and events going on which have a strong ability to distract us. It used to be easier years ago to hear Spirit. It felt 'close' and now the information given from the Other Side seems 'quieter'. 

Discernment is still very important. But in times where the guidance is advising to do something that won't hurt anyone or yourself, if it feels 'right', follow the guidance.

Years and years ago, I was guided to bring an angel food cake to my ballet class. I thought it was very weird. So I didn't. It turns out it was my ballet teacher's birthday. That day.

On Monday, I was guided to ask my surgeon if she had taken her son to the Pumpkin Patch? I waited until after the case. And I asked. She just had, the day before, and her son who is very young had loved it. This time instead of the train he drove the 'tractor' and loved smashing into the hay. 

Yesterday I was guided to walk to lunch. I had another one of those long, unpaid gaps in my assignment. This restaurant ironically was one that Anthony's father had taken me to after we had gone to a Scottish Festival in a nearby town. It was Japanese. So I had noodles for lunch. It helped.

This is a Spiritual battle -- all over the world -- in these times. Technically it has been a war our whole lives but it was not quite as obvious. And as a battle there are going to be some really challenging experiences that come into our paths, perhaps from work, perhaps from family, perhaps from things completely outside our control. Dig in. Use your weapons. You definitely have them! Prayer. Healing. Kindness. Validation. Giving. Using blessed objects. Applying the Blood of Jesus. Sending Reiki. And getting support from others. 

We are in this together. Both on Earth, and with Heaven. Remember your Home. Remember you have the full support of Home. Always.


Carla had a shock the other day. It was a big one. She reached out to me at once, and also to those she trusts, for truly, she had been overwhelmed. 

She couldn't sleep.

That is why I sent her to the noodles at the little Mom and Pop. 

I also sent her to look at Jewelry at the discount stores, to help pass the time. 

She got a lot of steps which also was good for her.

Today, after raising all the flags and ringing the bells, metaphysically, the ball is in my court. Carla is watching to look for signs and developments. Carla knows and trusts that the invisible may even be a little MORE important than the physical in dealing with something like this. 

Much as Carla would like this resolved forever, Carla knows to wait.

And Carla knows what steps to take to prevent risk to her future. She knows what boundaries to hold and to hold tight. Because sometimes through mistakes one gains wisdom to help clear and protect their whole life.

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,



Ross and Carla

The Twins

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

We Can't Quite Put Our Finger On It...



You know what?

My son was able to locate our favorite kind of bread for sandwiches and toast the other day. It had been about a year that our local Costco and Trader Joe and Ralph's and Pavilions stopped carrying it. He went to a different store. It's called Milton's bread. 

Anyways that was a small miracle in and of itself!

Here is news from John Smallman's daughter Kirstie. He is getting better! 

I almost titled this blog post You Ain't Fooling Nobody! But it does confirm something I had sensed back in Covid times. With the restrictions imposed in my home state of California, many many have sought refuge by moving out of state. Specifically to two very large states, in addition to Tennessee. One (the stars at night, are big and bright...clap clap clap clap...deep in the heart of Texas!--nice song, isn't it? we sang it in grade school)--last year was frozen without power and the solar energy did not produce during the cold snap.  The other is famous for no state income tax, and many people go to retire there. There's a lot of coastal acreage in that state. 

Anyhow, I wondered if perhaps these states were set up to draw out people of a certain mindset, and in the back of my mind I was curious if once these people were concentrated geographically, would they be at risk to be targeted in some way?

I wonder and am curious about a great many things.

The auroras are really strong this year, stronger than others, and I have seen colors like red I hardly ever have seen before. Is this natural? Or the New high-tech world that we live in?

Mountain Dew had Baja Blast and Maui something. DEW. Hmmmm.

And if I recall correctly, in Columbine or somewhere in Colorado, some shooting in a theater during a showing of Batman happened long time ago. And in that movie was a scene that when frozen you would read and see a map of Sandy Hook. THE Sandy Hook. 

What famous movie is out now? The one about some joker? I thought that had been the movie when Heath Ledger had gone too far in the acting and ended it all, years ago? Maybe I had the wrong character? But movies like these are filled with comms (communications by symbols). 

I recall someone high up somewhere saying something like, 'prepping can't prepare you for what is coming'. 

That seems a pretty accurate description of the sudden and severe natural disasters, which by the way, are considered 'acts of God' and insurance doesn't cover...

There is so much to think about!

At my work, it was a good place during Covid. They did force the, how do you say it? Those who did not participate in certain medical recommendations to test and isolate to the hallway for breaks as the break room was only for certain other people. But now, it's been making its rounds. We have two people out at a time, for a week or two, and need temporary workers to cover. It seems disproportionate who is catching it now and who isn't. There seems to be a pattern and I can't quite put my finger on it...if you know you know, right?

Speaking of work, we are now asked to 'conserve' i.v. fluids. The Baxter facility who makes them was affected by the last hurricane, Helene. So, whenever possible, patients must hydrate orally and take medication by mouth instead of i.v. There is no maintenance of i.v. fluids, just heparin locks. There are other makers of i.v. fluids but Baxter has like, eighty percent of the market. They just need to get back on their feet. Ironically, the other makers of i.v. fluids was in Puerto Rico, and when they had a bad hurricane many years ago, we had trouble getting i.v. fluids at my work too. Hmmmm. 

Mosaic warfare, or also called 'non-restricted' warfare--is something that the masses do not realize is happening. There are information control and psychological operations parts of mosaic warfare. There is high-technology stuff most people do not realize exist being used openly under cover of plausible denial. And critical infrastructure gets targeted. Hungry, fearful people are easier to control. Never mind the spiritual overlay of conflict between team dark and team light to factor in to everything.

Although this is all pure conjecture, and we can't quite put our finger on it, we know. 

We know and we have our tools. Our faith. Our commitment to what is right and true. And our hearts. 

Be brave! Be strong! Be courageous! 

Remember we have each other!


Remember it is always darkest before the dawn. I want you to remind yourselves of this often! 

And pray! Pray for others as well as for yourself. That all needs may be met and safety be apparent to everyone.

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,



Ross and Carla

The Couple 

Saturday, October 5, 2024

How To Assist with the Waking Up of Others Around You


For those of us who have been with us, we salute you. Early on you have taken the bitter truth knowingly and in Divine Trust.  Together we have looked for opportunities to support and assist others in their awakening. 

The Truth is hard to hide.

And now, with global circumstances, the audacity of TWDNHOBIAH is becoming more evident to those who, until now, have been in 'slumber'.  Some of you might have a little resentment going, and thinking to yourselves, 'It has been pretty freaking OBVIOUS hasn't it?' and wondering how they never were able to see it before, no matter how many meme, posts, hints and direct discussions you would have with 'these people'. 

Well, at the end of every anesthetic, people 'emerge' from the chemically induced 'slumber'. 

And now, circumstances are forcing people to see with their own eyes, what up until now, had not been possible--due to a number of things--highly sophisticated psychological forces, magic/enchantment, and denial. All are stronger than we know individually and these three 'technologies' (for lack of a better word) are very potent. 

I think there is a common thread among those who are already awakened--many are survivors of horrific abuse (mental, physical, emotional, psychological). So they know from first-hand experience that humans can be cruel and unkind. Even those for example like mothers and fathers who are in roles to help nurture their young. 

Fortunately this makes the survivors less susceptible to the big three 'technologies' ...and dissociation. 

Like the frog in the slowly boiling pot of hot water, those around us are starting to feel the heat. Life is getting uncomfortable for themselves and for others.

So what do we do?

We hold the space for them.

We do not get sucked in to their drama.

We answer questions such as their asking us, 'Is it real? or am I going crazy?'

And we nurture ourselves because holding the space takes an awful lot of energy. You have to be on the alert and consciously deciding what to do and say.

It also helps to be familiar with perception. Our five senses can be victim to illusions. That inner knowing, that trust, that faith, and our belief systems will help guide us even through the thickest, most blinding storm in this spiritual battle.

When all else fails, have compassion for those who are newly awake. For us, we did not have geographic catastrophes happening while we were realizing how the world is run and who runs it and what these people running it believe.  These new ones needed the extreme circumstance to wake them up. And I can anticipate even more people needing even more extreme circumstances before they too will awaken.

God is in Charge and everything is taking place for the Highest Good. Even though it may not look like it. 

Things are being positioned to set off a Civil war--many of them. Due to the manipulation of perceptions. Also keep in mind that we have been in a non-localized unrestricted warfare for most of our lives, as well as a spiritual war on top of that. What you think, say, and do is highly important and besides journaling, probably the most effective way to counteract and heal mind control programming in others. Consistency is key. And mindfulness is important.


Carla is looking forward to making blueberry pancakes from scratch! Anthony is home for the weekend!

Remember to savor the joys along the way. Even in the worst concentration camp, Ravensbrook, Corrie Ten Boom remembered to appreciate the beautiful birds and flowers she would encounter in her day.

This is important for the mind, soul, and body to appreciate beauty. 

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,



Ross and Carla

The Officers