Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Where in The Game are Us?


One of my favorite Bible verses is from Paul, who says that we are in the race to win, and it takes endurance. 

In this Spiritual race, we are hand-selected for the job, although we may not realize it as we are living through our every day lives.

Ross wanted me to write and share what are my thoughts and actions as of late.

In the physical, there was the preparation and going through the recent Hurricane that came through our area. I was calm and stead for that.

My knee injury recovers. I'm still in physical therapy.

I have a very painful sore on the top of my right foot, it's from both a shoe/blister and scratching the itch too much. It's taking me weeks to heal it. A good friend suggested tea tree oil. I'm mixing it with honey and then I put a band aid over it in the day to protect it from my shoes and socks. I let it air out at night. The healing has accelerated since I started the honey tea tree a few days ago. I do Reiki to it too.

At ten p.m. on Sunday I had my first ocular migraine. Fog clouded my vision on my right eye. I couldn't see. Fortunately it resolved in about half an hour. There was no pain. I'd been watching lots of MSM news for the weather, and frankly, that's the only new thing I'd done. I had trouble looking at the blotches of clouds they kept flashing on the weather screen--the greens and oranges. I won't watch that again.

With my weight, I struggle. I am forming new habits. It's been since January 1 full of hope with the same program, an app/subscription. I'm making better choices but I still haven't lost ten pounds. I'm on thyroid medication. I found Lizzy. or Lizzie? Daily selenium 200 mg has helped tremendously with my symptoms of hypothyroidism. I take a very small dose of thyroid medicine, my TSH is normal. But the peripheral conversion of T4 to T3 isn't something that's measured. So Lizzy has me taking my temperature (it's much higher today, with temperature being a proxy for metabolic rate) four times a day. I put it on a spreadsheet. I haven't needed an afternoon nap ever since I started it. Today I start the iodine and we will see how that one goes. 

With my mind, I struggle. I see and I know, from my self-education, that there is a lot more going on out there in the spiritual battle/war than meets the eye. I was confiding with my best friend how tired I am of the evil. Why it won't give up. How so many people can't even see it when it's right in front of us and totally obvious!

What helps is to focus on the task at hand. And not 'think too much' because we are here to do our part. And trust that someone--some general of sorts--is orchestrating the team.

I figure if I 'don't buy it' -- the general stuff going on 'out there'--I'm ahead. 

I also do little games every day to keep my mind sharp. Things like Wordle. And I'm on DuoLingo learning Hawaiian. I started in March with the knee surgery. 

Emotionally, I'm really working hard on my attachment wounds to heal them. I'm taking online classes and going through workbooks, reading regular books, and praying a lot. I am now where I understand what my needs are and am taking baby steps to create boundaries and maintain them. I've forgiven my mother. I acknowledge the damage that's been caused, too. She was doing the best she could. 

Spiritually, I'm humble and holding the course. I send out healing to a lot of people most days. Not every day but with Ross it is every day because he picks up my slack. My home is getting a little more organized too. Still no system or habit in place yet. It's taken me almost a year to recover from the stress of my old job. 

Yesterday I was tired. I came home and paid the bills. And Ross insisted I treat myself to something I've wanted for a long time. I love the King Arthur baking company. Their products are amazing. So I got a little pan and two mixes to be able to make donuts that look like tiny pumpkins and acorns. I've looked at the catalog for many months, and not allowed myself to buy anything. Work here is very slow. And even though I worked half time at my old job, my new job full time doesn't even make me what I did at my old job.With college and new expenses I've been really super careful. I'm looking forward to baking that. 

I sense Ross says I'm done. There's work to prepare for. And it's time to go.

I guess to summarize is to hang in there. Take stock of where you are at. Relax, let go and dream of where you'd like to move ahead. The energies are extremely supportive (I actually prefer blogging when Mercury is in retrograde, go figure! The words flow a lot better!). When you look at the outside world, remember everything is fake and a lot of it is colored by how we perceive ourselves. So why not take the opportunity to heal old wounds and make plans for your dreams? This in itself is probably the least wanted thing by the opposition, so do so with bravado and a huge UP YOURS to TWDNHOBIAH!

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,



Ross and Carla

The 'cousins who kiss' LOL (Ross came up with that one)