Saturday, September 3, 2022

A Losing Battle


According to messages from Divine Father, the AC lost the battle a long time ago, and is contained. Furthermore we are in the times where changes are about to show.

I'm waiting with interest, but not holding my breath. 

I see some very concerning 'programs' 'out there', including political speeches, that are so intentional to divide people against one another that it could possibly be the death throes of the losing team who won't give up?

I don't know.

At lunch yesterday, I sat with three physicians, two Vietnamese surgeons, one a neurosurgeon and the other an otolaryngologist who worked on me. The other was internal medicine, who was Persian. The conversation was lively. The Persian said he was atheist and that that the Bible was a story unique to a local area and basically a fairy tale.  Each offered their own opinion, the ENT is very Catholic, devout, and also, very liberal.  He said if these are the end times you better make sure you're okay with Jesus!

I smiled and shared how I use the opposite logic from the Athiest. 

Luciferians absolutely hate and mock Jesus and God. With a vengeance! The AC is working actively to rid the planet of any Truth and worship in this regard. One of the highest forms of the 'light side' of Luciferianism is to get people to worship YOU as a God. Kerth Barker talks about it in his book on Cannibalism and Blood Drinking (available on Amazon if you're curious. What a title, right?). 

My logic is:  if it really is a fairy tale then the Luciferians shouldn't give a fuck about it. 


Later I realized--I shared with the group how I've read stories of survivors who have escaped 'The System', and I also said how many Luciferians refer to themselves as 'Atheists'--the only way people have escaped the system is from Christians and Christianity. Kerth. Svali I think. Jessie and Cisco. It undid the programming. Cathy O'Brien unfortunately was programmed WITH Bible 'flavor' programming and it took her husband Mark Phillips' knowledge of psychology to help deprogram her. 

You never heard so much silence and saw looking at plates and total buzz kill for the joy of the discussion as when I brought that subject up. It's going to be a hard sell for the Awakening. That's the truth! No one wants to hear it!!!

There sure is a lot of control 'out there'. Lots of stifling Truth. Some places I suppose are better than others at making Christianity 'disappear' but in fact I would suspect that it drives the popularity of it up as it gets 'forbidden' and driven 'underground'. 

Then I read this article which was fascinating, especially I like how it talks about those beings who follow Universal Law and those who don't follow it. It describes how the battle that's really old is coming to a head here on Earth. 

I also like how it warns that you can be dead but unenlightened, and also, you can be an ET and not follow Universal Law, so don't presume anything about anyone you meet in the Spiritual Realms. 

Anyhow, that's my thoughts for today. It doesn't seem energetically feasible to be in the loser's camp, because there is a lot of trying to 'push a rock uphill, a very large rock'--and the energetics, in the big picture, favor following Universal Law. 

It's a pretty big Universe. Most of it follows Universal Law. 

Do you need to be a Christian?


That's not the point of this article.

The point is, that the only way OUT of the 'System' appears to be connected to Christianity--and that's why the dark ones are trying so hard to suppress it. 

Furthermore controlled opposition is flying everywhere left and right! No better reason to develop meditation skills and strengthen that connection to Divine Source/Creator/Mother and Father God. 

Being incarnate on Earth is a very good soul test, and being incarnate in these times? It's definitely challenging!

Enjoy your time here, grow, learn, and do your best to be a good person and follow Universal Law. When you make a mistake--we all do! -- simply own it and resolve to do better the next time. That's how we learn.


There is a very big difference between the Real Thing (Jesus Christ) and his 'followers' (Church). One is no longer human and impossible to corrupt. The other is highly highly infested with darkness and ostentatiously offending others right and left in order to 'mix things up'. 

Remember there was Kerth who was going to copy by hand a book by someone the Poisoner--and that's where he found his Christian support, from a very hidden, almost magical Christian sect. 

In other words, God will find you.

When it's your time for you to be found by Him. (something greater than yourself. This is the problem with the Luciferian proposal that everyone can become Gods and Goddesses in their own right. Then there is no higher Source or Power. Everyone is technically 'an equal' but to watch them in their 'faith' there are inconsitencies, in particular, with the 'expendables' and how they are raised and treated within 'the system'. )

So open your heart to God, and allow God to touch it. Heal your Soul and learn to follow it's natural navigation.

That is all I have to say. 

There are good churches. There are not so good churches. Find whatever works for you to 'worship'. and do your best, your very best, to find your way Home. Back to the Higher Realms. Where everyone follows Universal Law.

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,



Ross and Carla

The Twins