Sunday, December 8, 2024

How To Work With Spirit's Gentle Reminders


Yesterday I experienced something very meaningful and gentle at the same time. This is going to be a very short blog post on how to trust that you are being guided without your realizing it until you are meant to realize it.

Energy flows like a gentle stream. It meanders.

And yesterday, after a somewhat frustrating day--the roof cleaners had not shown and not given excuse--the rat pest guy did arrive. It was not terrible up in the attic. Nothing had eaten the bait on the old traps. But evidence was present, and sunlight could be seen where roofers had worked earlier in the year. 

Some big things I had done were to lie in the sun outside, something now I am often too busy to enjoy. And I ate ice cream for dinner.

When I was not sure how to spend the rest of the evening, I asked Spirit what should I do next?

The answer was very clear--go find the eight hour opiod abuse training you need for your reapplication of your licenses next year. So I looked up, sure enough, both licenses are expiring next year. And I looked on my state anesthesia society website. No free online courses like in the past! But my American anesthesia society had some. I renewed both for next year, the membership (it is not cheap! but if you do not renew then you are dropped and cannot become a member). 

I started the videos. There are twelve one hour ones for the course.  As the third one started, I heard the rat in the ceiling again. And to my horror, the technician had not closed the attic door properly. There was a huge gap that a rat could easily fit through!

I got the ladder and closed it.

If I had not been in my office, I never would have discovered the risk.

So there you have it, slowly, gently, meandering through the day, with no pressure or fear, I was protected from something really unpleasant by spirit. 

I like that!

Do not be afraid to allow Spirit to guide you.

You will be glad you did!

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,



Ross and Carla

The Couple

Saturday, December 7, 2024

Demystifying Self-Love


You don't know what you don't have. You just believe you are normal and everyone else is like you.

It has taken me sixty years to appreciate the concept of genuine self-love. I have heard it recommended for years, even my mother used to say we have to be our own best friends in life...I don't know, maybe I was too literal, but I couldn't see myself holding my own hand and riding off into the sunset like in a movie. 

I just did not know what it was.

I come from a double lineage -- both sides -- of highly traumatized humans. On mom's side was war, child abuse, and disruption. On dad's side was poverty, early death of a mother, and cruelty.  My dad's side of the family is especially low on self-esteem. I know this is genetic because I have a half-brother and he is just like dad and me in this respect:  humble, self-effacing, and trouble with starting and maintaining close interpersonal ties.

Are we neurodivergent? Probably.

I remember as a child I could see how the Down's syndrome children were incredibly warm and engaging, and loving openly to their loved ones. It was like sunshine! I could not help to note that for me, with that part of my brain, it felt like being cold in the shadows and no matter how I tried I could not access that bright, unlimited, radiant warmth. I might have been intelligent, but just as Down's skews one direction in intelligence, I was keenly aware of how that skew was gifted in areas of emotional intelligence and confidence that I lacked. 

I wanted that with all my heart, to be warm and able to bond with others who are close to me.

You might question how I arrived at self-love, then, on this sixty plus year journey?

Some of it was natural love for Divine Creator, it just flows and flows. Along with appreciation for Natura and Creation (animals, plants, science...).

Most of it was being devastated to my limits, over and over again, and realizing, 'guess what I'm still here'.

I wasted many years looking for outside validation, grades, possessions, partners. I bought a lot of things to help me feel better too. 

I think the key was acceptance.

I have been trying very hard to lose weight for many years now. I track what I eat and when I exercise on little apps. I weigh myself daily.  God wouldn't let me lose weight, no matter how much I asked for help. All my rental clothes subscription I had started last year because I thought I was going to shrink because I had found the right way to diet...I never dropped not even one size.

But I learned to look my best from the rental subscription my sister recommended when I asked her about my New Year's Resolution to be more fashionable and take pride in my appearance.

I looked around and not many people my age have tiny waists like I wanted to get back again by dieting. It was especially hard to see Joan the seventy-something weight lifter who went from looking like me to looking like I used to look with her figure. I realized her daughter is a professional body builder, and helping her. I still embraced Joan's encouragement and belief that health is number one. I continued to exercise but now for mobility and strength and enjoyment of life. 

My family members all looked like me. Or should I say, now I look like my aunties and grandmothers. 

Then something clicked inside. It was like a switch. The warm and glowing started to make itself known in my chest!

I can be heavy-set and still be beautiful! I can take what I have and make the best of it. And I can stop abusing myself by skipping meals and cutting carbs way the heck back (I do not really enjoy meat, to be honest). I was getting sad because I was so low on the carbs, it affected my mood. 

By following health and weight loss content creators, I have learned that weight loss is done in 'cuts', six week challenges then you go back to maintenance. It is not one long steady downhill to your goal. The whole time you practice healthy habits and exercise. But you keep the major effort short term. Then you repeat it as necessary.  I also know myself well enough that feeling full from GLP-1 inhibitors (miraculous medications, truly) is not something for me. I view it as there is GLP-1 'activators' hidden in almost all our food and the medicine is the 'antidote', but this is my own viewpoint and not based in science. The other thing is I limit carbs to protect my pancreas, but I also need to keep my brain and mood never lower than a certain threshold too.

From growing up in a rough neighborhood, I learned quickly that life can be harsh and to always be ready to save my own skin. That is survival.

Being able to look for and appreciate beauty as it fades in myself (and others, I adore Paulina and how she shares her makeup tips). 

There have been some awful curve balls thrown at me in the last six months. One right now is there are rats in the attic. I paid almost one thousand dollars last year to exclude the house from rats, to make it impenetrable. But there are things running and scratching over my bed in the ceiling that make my stomach churn. Today there are workers coming to set traps in the attic like I have had them do many times before. I know it is going to be okay. It is unpleasant. But I know the steps and I am taking them.

I helped to awaken myself to my attachment insecurity, and learn and practice and grow. 

My heart is good and always always is filled with love for others. Now I am learning to un-parentify and discover my own needs and to fill them too.

So, self-love is more than survival. It is making your way through a tangled mess, being proud of yourself and accepting for being able to keep going, and to truly appreciate your multifaceted beauty (or handsomeness!) that is your gift from Creator.

It never goes away.

The harsh self-talk turns into being your best cheerleader.

And you don't need outside validation any more. If it comes great but it's not going to change your opinion about yourself very much. You are strong in your own assessment of your weaknesses and strengths and are taking steps to improve always.

Even if it is just a silent prayer in your heart for things to get better. That is an excellent first step!

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,



Ross and Carla

The Twins who are One

Thursday, December 5, 2024

Cherished, Supported and Loved


Good morning!

Today we are going to explore three secrets to help strengthen you during Spiritual Attack, and also during Daily Challenges. 

Are you ready?

Let's begin!

Last time we spoke about strengthening your connection to Divine Creator. Well, at this moment we are going to share one of the most excellent ways to achieve this! I stumbled across this secret almost by chance, when I was waking up, and  still a little sleepy. I set the timer for an extra twenty minutes. I went back to bed, now mostly awake, but luxuriated in the warmth and support of my bed. I focused on letting in feelings of love and support and being cherished. Sometimes I drifted off back to sleep in this bliss. But that is okay, I was sleeping in the arms of Divine Creator this time. And when the timer rang, it was time to start my day.

That's all it takes.

Simply set a timer for twenty minutes, and relax somewhere with the intention of being able to receive love from Source. It can be anywhere but you need to be still and safe. 

Try to incorporate this into your daily routine as best as you can. 

It is going to help you very much.

The second, is to  monitor yourself for feelings of despair. Despair is the favorite energy to consume by the Dark Ones. Once you register it, use your spiritual and mental strength to FLIP the SWITCH in your mind, and start thinking of things you are grateful for in your life. Stay with it. Repeat it if necessary. You can look around the room and name items you appreciate. You can start with your five senses and your health. You can go through a list of vacations, or special events in your life. You can appreciate your connections with friends and family and name them one by one. 

Whatever it takes, starve that Dark One who wants to feed off your energy! Really piss them off! They have no right to you, or to your happiness! Even in receiving very bad news, as best as you can, reach out for support from those who care about you. Be grateful for this,..the people who tell you everything is going to be okay, and MEAN IT.

The last?

I have not felt like a spitfire or warrior for some time now. Life has been wearing me down. But this one does the trick. It really helps!

Make your bed.

Make your bed each morning.

Not for the sake of making it.

Make it because it is a discipline required of soldiers who are in Special Forces--the highest ranking, hardest to get warriors who are trained to do the most incredible things in battle!

When you make your bed, you are accepting your place in the grand scheme of things--someone who is entirely dedicated to Home and Divine Creator and that you have been selected to walk the earth at this time as a representative of All That Is Good. And you take pride in this! You are announcing to the Universe that you are stepping up and starting your day. No matter what happens, you are dedicated to being the best YOU you can possibly be, and flexing your spiritual muscles throughout the day if the need arises. 

It is also a beautiful reminder and reward at the end of your day.

So there it is! Soak in the love for you that Creator generously gives, and you DESERVE as your Birth Right--just because you breathe!--during protected time you set with a timer. Do this daily if possible.

FLIP the SWITCH when you acknowledge feelings of despair. Turn on the gratitude instead. This is healthy for you and extremely unhealthy for dark unseen beings that like to torment us. 

And lastly, make your bed. Not for neatness sake. But for being in an elite class of spiritual warriors who are engaging in the fight day after day after day while walking through their earth walk.

You've got this!

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,



Ross and Carla

The Twins

Wednesday, December 4, 2024

The Art Of Staying Still


At this moment in the picture, the dancer is still. During dance itself, the movement is punctuated by slow movements and stillness in contract with the bolder motions. 

Today we are going to talk about applying these stills of being able to achieve momentary stillness to reconnect with Divine Creator in the midst of our busy lives and the even more challenging upheavals going on worldwide.

It stunned me yesterday to learn of South Korea going on Martial Law. I could not remember any country doing that in my lifetime. Fortunately through the wonders of technology, I found information from a reliable source (South Korean journalist in New York) who not only explained what was happening and why, but also shared when about twenty-four hours later Martial Law was removed. 

Things are brewing 'out there'. I am starting to see it in the operating room. In reaction to the election, women who have never had children are opting to have their tubes removed for sterilization. Many cases are being booked. These are in response to anticipated removal of abortion rights. My surgeons doing the surgery (they are adults, over twenty-one, if they want it I will do it.) disclosed fascinating information. In Texas OB-Gyn physicians are leaving the state out of fear of being put in jail for breaking a law. The government is changing the status quo, for examples in the event of ruptured amniotic membranes, miscarriage, when to do a D and C. I am not a gynecologist so I am not certain of what these rules are exactly. But the ones in certain states are concerned. They said in Montana new rules are being put into place too.

The other disturbing news is about the CEO of a major insurance company that was shot today in broad daylight. My OB-Gyn surgeons have cancelled their contracts with United Healthcare because there was no money to be made in doing those cases. The reimbursements were low and too many cases were being denied (highest rate in healthcare, thirty-two percent of claims denied). These denials add up to multi-million dollar compensation for the CEO. Plus with the data leak that company stopped all payments to providers for six weeks. And then offered the practices going out of business ten cents on the dollar to buy up their practices/businesses!

A plastic surgeon I was eating lunch with shared that HMO's pay for his services, but PPO's do not. They will pay for routine office visits. But for surgery they will gaslight the provider (my words, not his), by denying pay under the assertion it was cosmetic even when the medical record clearly states it was for cancer. Then there are requests for medical records the office never receives, and payment is denied because the medical records were not sent in by the deadline. When the medical records are sent in, they are lost. It takes several times for it to go in. Then more denials. It takes about a year for him to get paid for his work.

Sometimes plastic surgeons will do a combination surgery--partially for the insurance, then partially for pure cosmetic (cash payment). It is like upgrades the patient wants. But then when the patient submits the cash part for insurance payment, the insurance makes him return money to the patient and sends him a tiny check that is not his going rate for the cosmetic part. He refuses many patients because of this double bind by being contracted with the insurance company but there is risk of the patient seeking insurance payment of cosmetic portions of the procedure. 

The same surgeon shared that his homeowners insurance was renewed but is up four thousand dollars. I was crying over mine yesterday. Absolutely distraught. They said I had something organic growing on the roof. These insurers are looking for any reason to cancel coverage. And you need it to have a mortgage on the house. So after having been an excellent customer for twenty one years, they canceled. Fortunately, many of us here in the state are having similar problems. I heard that for Covid they couldn't raise fees now they are trying to make up for it. There are ways to fix the problem the insurance company stated as the reason, and to fight it, so I am going to do that. Oh, and I heard insurance for an electric vehicle is four thousand dollars a year!

These examples are to show you that there is a spiritual battle going on behind the scenes, and it seems to be not so well hidden in the shadows any more. People are being squeezed and life is a struggle. Something is going to crack. Somewhere. 

So what can we do?

We are built to connect. 

And for today, the most important attachment we can have in these times of rapid change, is to Divine Creator. You need it strong. You need it alive. It takes effort and a desire to have this attachment be healthy. Reading spiritual materials may help some. Journaling may help others. Prayer is good. 

I saw Divine Creator today for the first time in many, many months if not years. I confessed how I am nowhere near as strong as I thought I was in 2012 for the spiritual battles. I told Creator how I really do not like the 'bad actors' and I am not enjoying this game at all. Even if it is designed for the highest good of all, it is not fun to me and I really do not like it. 

He said he had been in many meetings, that is why I had not seen him. And also, he had for me cookies and lemonade to refresh me. I used to share those with my teams and they looked at me funny because it was an Earth thing. So that I would receive Earth things to comfort me meant a lot about the thoughtfulness of these intelligent, caring souls back Home. 

Why not come up with a game plan? Follow your heart during these turbulent times. Feel your emotions, name them, but wait a while before you choose to act on them. Keep up your connections, to others and especially to Source.

That is enough for today.

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,



Ross and Carla

the Couple