Remember the movie, Life Is Beautiful (La Vita E Bella)?
Remember the father's love for his son, and his son's love of military tanks?
The father made it a game for them, knowing he was going to die, and took away all the fear from his son, creating joy in what little opportunity they had? And that the boy, hearing the silence, came out of hiding realizing he was the winner when the great big military tank appeared?
He won his life while thinking it was all a fun game, in the midst of war and oppression and death.
Life IS truly beautiful.
The social credit score on social media, 'thirty eight'...the stepping down of a Prime Minister...the economic hardship here in the United States...we are approaching the end of the 'beginning' of the time of sorrows, and moving into sorrows, if we go by guidance from the 'great book'.
Is everyone going to wake up and smell the coffee?
I seriously doubt it.
I transitioned from red to black in the pill department some time ago. The knowledge is out there, and a good portion of people are motivated by what they know and understand to be truth. True truth. But for every one like this there are at least ten others who outnumber them, wanting to believe in what their eyes see and ears hear.
They simply do not want to wake up.
In the past I have spoken about being able to hold the space for them, to allow them to wake up, and to guide them gently. And for the most part, the percentage that has been waking up has had an easier time of it than most of us had in the beginning.
But now, I ask, plainly, simply, will you be able to find your joy, and make space for that joy, in the face of great obstacles?
Will you be able to create your own 'cloud of joy' so as the most vulnerable ones can take shelter in your courage, your faith, your strength, and your commitment to seeing this assignment to its completion?
You may be asked to do this for those you love and care about.
You never know.
None of us do.
Even though we have somewhat of an idea of what is to happen, it is more the 'flavors' and 'nuances' but not the actual thing. Stay true to your soul, follow your heart, ease your mind, and spread joy. Have faith. Set the world on fire. You were sent to light up the world with your energy. Remember how much we believe in you.
clap! clap!
Aloha and Mahalos,
Ross and Carla
The Twins