I am not going to tell you what to think.
I can't.
Just today I had discussions, one with a nurse, one with my son, about the fires here in Southern California. I hit a wall. That wall of resistance which is called Cognitive Dissonance. They were willing to discuss the situation up to a point. But both times, after I presented my insights, I was met with 'well I believe' x, y, and z. The nurse rationalized it that 'she hates people who lie'. And my son said, 'it's simpler than that mom.'
I backed off.
We can't communicate years of study of the opposition in a casual conversation. The soil must be prepared to embrace the seed. My vibration is high, the aura to aura connection is functioning, but the verbal communication can only go so far.
This is where we get into a really slippery slope called Plausible Denial. The shadow side uses this as their best defense. With a good Plausible Denial, such as the electricity being turned off and the fire hydrants not being able to pump...well...the next step in the dance is the Cognitive Dissonance kicking in, and then, voila! Same old same old, different day...and the cycle perpetuates.
The dark ones have been screwing Earth and all of her inhabitants for so long, violently, raping mind, soul, body, emotions, psychology, environment, wildlife, and weather...to me, the only relief in sight is hoping for them to realize some post nut clarity after they finish. And like a rape, which it truly is, we are now simply focused on survival. Survival of the attack.
In my mind's eye, the post nut clarity will come in the form of ambassadors from Heaven. Ain't no one no where denying that!
But until then, let me entertain you with some actual stories from survivors who have defected from Team Dark.
Kerth Barker, also known in those circles as 'Kathy', had to go to a home where two sisters who were both believers in that dark faith, as well as lesbian lovers, to sign some autographs. Kerth, rather, 'Kathy', was a celebrity in the child 'corn' (polite cough) 'business'.
What happened after being told not to eat anything there, and watching the two eat a meal -- of 'long pork' if you understand the term--he was whisked away by the driver and returned home. The Baron remained.
These sisters had stopped 'tithing' to their 'church'. So orders came through a visiting messenger. But they restrained him, drugged him, and almost killed him.
They did not obey.
So, even higher ranking people decided justice. They burned the house while forcing the two sisters to watch. Including the (polite cough) basement. You know what happened there. Ultimately the sisters were moved to the city, and had to work in a think tank. And be loyal to their team.
Jessie Czebotar, was in the system against her will. One day, when she had her foot caught in something and the firemen had to come help her, she whispered to them for help. She said something along the lines of, 'my family eats babies (baby broccoli, baby bok choy, baby carrots, of course, right?)'
What happened next? The circle gathered at the home of her protector, another child her age, like nine or ten years old. His family was made to go outside. The police chief raped his younger sister in front of everyone. No one was permitted to help. The parents and the sister were killed. Then their house was set on fire. Everyone had to quietly watch the house burn. Jessie let her pinky finger touch her protector and friend's finger ever so slightly to escape detection but convey compassion. Later Jessie was told her protector had died and there was denial of that family's ever existing.
There was a home I toured in New York, the Roosevelt residence of where Teddy grew up. Actually the house I toured was next door to the actual house. The actual house had burned to the ground in a terrible fire, and this one was rebuilt for the museum. Why would a house like that burn? I can't say in this situation. Except perhaps it too contained a basement (polite cough) or access (I can't help but keep coughing) like some other places in New York had access without anyone knowing what that group was up to.
The other thing Jessie spoke of, were the Weather Witches. They control the weather. They were there before the technology ways were.
Last I would like to share a story from Svali. There were no fires in this one. But she and her team dark had activities at night at a nearby military base. They drove on dirt roads with the lights of the car turned off so as not to attract attention. She, her husband and two kids. There at those sessions, she was a trainer and smoked cigarettes and had a lesbian lover. She lived a dual life. By day she was a Christian preschool teacher and had no recollection of her night existence. It took a lot of work for Svali and her family to escape. But once they did, there were people trying to get her back. They try very hard. They take advantage of weaknesses, such as calling with tones to activate her programming and make her return, for example. I haven't heard from Svali in any of her online presence in a long time. That system does not like to lose. They play the long game, and will not let up.
If these stories make you have questions, then they were useful. Questions about things people may have to hide, such as evidence. Questions about how elaborate lengths to plot revenge against people who disobey the system. Questions about the role of fire to get revenge against those who disobey.
Remember and trust that we are in Good Hands. And one day, everyone, both those being screwed and those who are doing the screwing, are going to see everything with clarity and what is True will shine bright for everyone to see.
In the meantime, do your best to avoid scams around helping those affected by the natural disasters, and help in ways you know will be truly delivered to those who need it most, such as sending Reiki.
Thank you for your attention!
clap! clap!
Aloha and Mahalos,
Ross and Carla
The Cousins