Saturday, August 24, 2024

Your Joy Is For You!


You are made to be unburdened in Life.

That is the original blueprint of Gaia--to test your ability to prosper and thrive amidst challenges which can befall you. For example, fighting the tiger off with the other villagers, and then sharing a celebration after the fact.

Unfortunately, there have been traumas and evil machinations upon this beautiful planet. Many of her inhabitants are the 'walking wounded', psychologically. Some are even so deep that they do not even realize their can be misperceptions deep within the subconscious and they are completely unaware of them. 

These 'setbacks' will rob you of your joy. Any joy you experience, any happiness, will appear fleeting in the context of deep unknown and unhealed pain and suffering.

What is going on in the world, and with others, is a distraction from what is going on inside YOU. Compassion is a good thing, so is concern and empathy for others. But never lose sight that this is your personal life experience, and healing and unburdening this hidden pain can only be done by you. There is no surgery or psychological experience which may magically remove your emotional baggage for you. 

Remember we have eyes on the front of our heads to look forward and to let go of the past.

We also have the ability to unlearn that which has been learned.

Your joy and perception of the world is a delightful gift! And until it is the end of your Life Experience, you get to decide whether to seek the joy, or to bury it with sorrow. Remember that crying releases beautiful soothing hormones into our system which are cleansing. Remember that journaling, as a daily habit, is such a powerful way to undo trauma that even MK Ultra victims can heal through it. Moments of appreciation in our day, stopping to enjoy the sights and smells and tastes of our environment will help to connect us to Gaia through grounding--almost as much as 'earthing' with the bare feet on the soil. 

Let go.

When hard times come, or bad memories or dreams bother you, acknowledge them. Allow for healing to process. And reclaim your joy.


This goes for multiple incarnations and also for concurrent life experiences running throughout creation as well. 

Remember I can split myself into infinite multiple separate appearing consciousnesses as I have mastered this ability through meditation and practice, as well as my being in the other realms. 

When something hurts you, fall down, feel a little concerned and upset, take care of any scrapes on your knee for example wash it and put ointment and dressing on it, then get back on the bicycle from which you fell. Enjoy the ride! When the next bump arrives give it your best shot. And if you fall, well, repeat the same steps. Get back to your happiness. It matters not only to you but to the rest of us up here in the higher realms as well. We can feel it.

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,



Ross and Carla

The Twins