I have been told I do my best writing when I am annoyed and aggravated...which today I am.
Clarity is coming through. I need to practice compassion for myself.
First off, my son is away at college. There is not enough parking space for undergraduates to have their own cars. Initially, his Freshman year, it was just lowerclassmen without car privileges, the Freshman and the Sophmores. Last quarter he needed surgery and needed to get to appointments back home, so he got a parking permit just then. Bus far is free and so is the trolley public transportation. To do shopping, the roommates rent a car from a car share app, just to get to the store that is blocks away and a little too hilly for walking distance.
Universities like this ARE Fifteen Minute Cities.
They are already here. We just don't think of them as such because they are such a part of the culture. Thinking back to my college days, I felt trapped without a car on campus. My roommate had one, and so did my boyfriend. So it didn't seem so bad at the time. But comparing that to my graduate school experience, with a car, there was a vast difference in my freedom.
So that was clarity 'whoa!' number one.
Number two 'clarity whoa!' is that this is a Spiritual War. And as spiritual as I am, I have been swayed properly politically according to my generation. Back in the day, I had no clue how evil the Bush family was, or that the son was a complete Archon, or that the two parties were actually friends outside of work (democrat leaders and republican leaders). Thus, my clarity is 'I can be fooled'.
Most recently I realized that all the leaked information about what goes on behind the Church, and my disgust and unwillingness to give them money like I had because how could I support such horrors? I fell into the hands of the Dark Team. How? Because corrupt as it is, if I had sent my son with me to Mass and to catechism and communion and confirmation he would have education about values, right and wrong, and the spiritual protection of the Eucharist! A mother's love can only go so far. I have to admit it, I was tricked. It truly is a no-win situation. I pray and I talk with my teams. But now I know how despicable the Enemy truly is, how organized and coordinated against us everything is.
Number three 'clarity whoa!' just happened while driving through a local military base between San Diego and home. I remember Svali wrote of what goes on there at night. I had always thought she lived on the Oceanside edge but I realized she most likely was on the San Clemente side. She shared that there was a lot going on for End Times preparation, back in the eighties and nineties, there at night. My clarity today is that like the Church being a cover for the dark stuff that goes on behind the scenes, the military as we know it is also a cover for a Military of Darkness that has been trained with the highest sophistication in warfare, especially Spiritual warfare. It is probably like this all over the world.
Clarity number four, 'whoa!' is that after listening to Simply Graceful's three part video on the Big Game (being held today), and learning about how entertainment is simply that, not exactly 'sports', I recalled what my cousin who works in the industry told me about Hollywood movies and the CIA. He said of course they give ideas for movies! Everyone there knows. And he mentioned how FANG is a part of that too (Facebook, Amazon, Netflix, and Google). The whole world as we know it is a product of that secret group. Just behind face value. With the different names of production companies and apparent competition it isn't as obvious. And most likely all that CIA is orchestrated by the military expert darkness spirits who control Team Dark. That was disconcerting.
I saw a post that showed how there are contracts in Idaho for people who fly to spray nasty stuff into the air. A friend commented that we taxpayers are paying for our own poisoning.
I respect the enemy.
It is like a giant mousetrap has been set, and without realizing it, all of us are in it.
Remember to put on your armor of Spiritual protection and never forget we are in a Spiritual War and battle daily. Take time to heal your wounds by connecting with Spirit. Hate the sin and love the sinners. Because of the grace of God there goes us. We know who wins. And the movie is exciting to watch, I must admit.
So for today's lesson, it is OKAY to be wrong. There is a lot out there making it easy to be misled. Often we are in a sort of double-bind so either choice is rigged against us Spiritually.
Keep your heart pure and LOVE. Remember this is a funny game, a weird dream, and none of it is 'real', like 'Home' back in Heaven is totally unmistakably 'real'. Be kind to yourself and to others. Have gratitude for everything that is good. And don't beat yourself up when you find you have been tricked! Just make a note of it not to happen again.
The more those who mock the Bible mock it, the more proof there is that everything written within it is Real. Including myself. But that is beside the point.
Remember to make time to strengthen your Spirit and your Soul. More than what Carla said, taking time with Source in order to heal. Do GOOD. Help the neighbors. Be kind to others. Be alert do not walk into any scams. And if you do, well, once you realize it is a scam you can get yourself out.
When you learn you have been tricked, say to yourself, 'ha ha there you really got me!' and then turn your back and walk away from it. Do not let your blood pressure rise or yourself get angry and upset. For then they win. Just say to yourself, 'shame on them' and ask for our Divine Guidance and Protection to get you back on your journey path.
I love you.
This is going to end, this whole show, in the best possible way.
clap! clap!
Aloha and mahalos,
Ross and Carla
The Couple