Thursday, November 21, 2024



Today's blog post may be considered controversial. These are only the views of the writer, at this time.  Take the best and leave the rest, continue believing whatever you think is right for you...

Once upon a time, there was a plan to create a beautiful new school in the Heavens called Earth. It was to use a new concept called Duality to test the soul of the students enrolled in this school. Now, whether this school was the concept of Divine Creator originally, or perhaps a concept that was proposed by someone else instead, I am sure that Divine Creator cannot be tricked, cannot be fooled, and has absolute control at all times.

For argument's sake, if we suppose that Heaven and the Heavenly Realms are considered 'good', then to construct a duality there must be someone to uphold the opposite polarity of 'evil', 'darkness', etc. And to make this believable, Creator selected one close in the hierarchy to take this 'secret assignment'  and play the role of the villain.

Everyone knows who that is.

The story is that the Bearer of Light (as he likes to call himself) stormed out and took a third of the angels with him. 

He fell.

They jumped.

And the rest can't go back to Heaven. The leader can, to get permissions and make changes with the 'battle plan'.

This is where things get a little fuzzy in the 'common sense' category...what we are lead to believe is that this is a random, haphazard, totally unorganized assault on mankind (the students). 

Do not buy this for a minute. 

Here is what I think.

If not before the 'jump' and premeditated, then from the process of 'jumping' it is like mad cow disease struck the Bearer of Light. Avarice overtook him. And now, according to insiders like Jessie Czebotar, his plan is to overthrow the Throne Room and take over Heaven itself. 

The Bible says that he will be thrown into a pit for a thousand years. And this overtaking is not going to happen.

This is why there is so much anger against the Abrahamic religions. And so much effort into finding some way to prove the Bible is not true. 

The part I want to discuss is that in fact, the 'opposition' is highly organized, highly disciplined, and the leader is a brilliant military strategist who is known for playing the Long Game. The Long Game is designed to make changes on the human gradually, perhaps very small ones a generation, so that the humans are unable to detect them.

According to Jessie, there are major and minor dark angels on that team, and there are about twelve who are at the highest ranks. Each of them gets a jurisdiction on Earth school. And their jurisdictions cover not only geographic Earth, but also time and the seasons. Astrology has the twelve houses. So does the Chinese zodiac. Then there are the planets, who are considered their 'territory' as well. Does this makes sense and do you follow?

So being born on July 7, for example, I was not only stripped of my memories of Heaven by the amnesia, but my place and date of birth assigned me under not only my country, state and county, but also the astrologies--and each and every one of these things is under dominion by these dark beings who rule the earth. 

What is this called, in other words, this innocent soul being put under these 'owners' if you will simply by incarnating on Earth?

This is what is considered to be Original Sin. 

It's not your fault. It is the facts of life of being born here on this highly organized and structured school that is being influenced by a military strategy genius. 

Let's take his Earthly realm, his hierarchy. Jessie has described it. There are five major branches (for censorship sake I would direct you to her work, but I will say they consist of one brotherhood, at least two separate religions, the military, and I think a order of priests). She says that the Mothers of Darkness oversee from the top, and daily, they take directions from The Boss. They talk to him. Then under them are the various ranks and councils. These are like Priest, Priestess, High Priest, etc. Please note that every one has a geographic area assigned to them. And at the top there are the quadrants, the western quadrant, the northern quadrant, etc. They even do things like weather magic and control the weather.

Furthermore, the systems that govern the earth--the schools, the banks, the governments, the healthcare--are squarely controlled by the earthly hierarchy who has infiltrated almost everything. And the technology has advanced so much that our psychology as humans is all figured out and sophisticated assaults on this are commonplace. Information wars. Advertising. Subliminal messages. Directed energy weapons. All that stuff...

So it is a two-pronged grip on each of us. There is the incarnate hierarchy, then the spiritual dark angel one. As if it was not hard enough to just get through our lives and learn our life lessons, right?

There is one and only one way OUT. 

And this infuriates everyone on the Team Dark. Well, I am certain there are some less than willing participants who would gladly leave but are under great pressure.

Of the incarnate Team Dark, there are two factions, the Light and the Dark. Currently they are battling for Earth. It is not over. And their leader is fine with throwing the Dark under the bus in order to have the Light create the false 'heaven on earth' so everyone will worship that fake religion. Because the last thing that they want is for us to follow the one who bucked the system and made a way out for everyone.

This is just to get you thinking, and even more important, observing and taking in information and processing it yourselves to see--to have eyes that see and ears that hear--and for you to continue to say yes when you mean yes and say no when you mean no.

You are truly incredible. Thank you for answering our call.

Aloha and Mahalos,



Ross and Carla (mostly Carla today but Ross wanted her to write)

Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Goddesses and Gods


There has been a lot of work and effort put into my healing lately. Truly, it has taken years. And more, knowledge and understanding is not the same thing as healing itself. 

I will spare you the details. Just know that there have been a lot of things that I had been carrying around, things that were my own 'shit', and I honestly did not even realize that it was there.  I always felt 'different' and 'not able to connect well' with others who were closest to me. What I have learned is there have been some very good reasons -- certain experiences or lack of them (emotional attunement, for example) -- for being like this.  ADHD in females is often misdiagnosed as anxiety or other conditions instead of neurodivergence, simply because females tend to mask their symptoms better to be able to fit in.

I was told today that actually, the ADHD brain is advanced. There is a long thin single crystal structure surrounded by smaller crystals in the brainstem. It had been turned off with permission from creator by the one who is given charge of this material world. This crystal structure connects the consciousness with All That Is. So once the consciousness of the collective raises enough, everything will flip. It will activate. Those lacking the crystal structure will be diagnosed as 'something wrong' and the rest will assimilate into the Higher Consciousness. 

I liked that explanation.

And it really does not surprise me. I had terrible allergies growing up. On hot, smoggy days in the public swimming pool my lungs would whistle when I breathed. I got enough air it was just a funny thing I thought everyone had happen to them. I was maybe nine or ten when I first noticed it. I was not diagnosed with 'reactive airways' (asthma) until twenty years later when I was in medical school and having a lot of cases of bronchitis. I could not get enough air when climbing up a small hill from the parking lot. So I got my first albuterol metered-dose inhaler to open up my tightly squeezed bronchi.

So many things go under the radar. Physical things. Psychological things. Emotional things. Even Spiritual things. 

So, I was introduced to a new term, 'Owner-shit' is a play on the word 'Ownership' because it means taking responsibility for your own things that need to be healed. 

Now the baby steps are to treat myself with kindness, to give myself rest when I need it, and to accept that everything happens for the best. Even this. It certainly has taken until later in life...but at least I stopped making the same mistakes over and over, and slowly am heading in the right direction. 

I see clearly now that God's love for us--we truly are God's children, kids of both Mother God and Father God--smoothes out our broken self-esteem. We ARE loved!

A Course in Miracles really guides us that everything is for our own benefit. It is a like a show that is being created by us, our lives, and for our highest good. Hope Johnson makes me laugh in how she often asserts 'we are making the whole thing up!'  

We are.

Which brings me to our next part, the feelings. Feelings are our teachers too. Sometimes they are giving us insight, sometimes they are the result of being traumatized in the past and this new situation is similar enough to set us off. Staying with the feeling and accepting it, but later choosing when to act and how to respond to the feeling is possibly the most important part of our Earth Walk.  Not just discernment when talking with the Spirit world, or from watching the news, but even reaching deep into our innermost world and seeing what resonates as Truth for us. 

I have had a lot of dread lately with Current Events. I can't put my finger on it, but something is not right, and something worse, it reminds me of what I have studied in the last book of the Bible, Revelation. I was feeling really upset over it. I spoke with Ross. He asked me insightful questions to guide my thought process. I realized I am afraid of the drama. I do not like what I am seeing now. I understand things are supposed to get a lot worse before they improve. After living through past lives as well as this life now, the suffering is something I really really really am concerned to witness. 

Ross said something helpful to me. He said, 'Let all the skirmishes and battles go, do not give them your attention. Remember the fact that our team wins in the end. We win. Everything else is of no concern to you. Focus on what you can to pass the time.'

So, if you are concerned about the future, specifically, the AC on the world stage, and things like Armageddon, you are not alone. And as best as you can, if you are not the type to take a 'sporting interest' in the play by play, look ahead. Just like reading the last chapter of a mystery before reading the rest of the book so you know how it ends. 

What I have learned is that our interpersonal connections are highly important to nurture. Even more so than working with Spirit or the Past. We make the highest difference for ourselves and others by validating them, being true to our own souls, and accepting what is to be accepted. I choose to work diligently on my healing to help pass the time, since that is important to me. It keeps me going. Find what is important to you, and give your very best to whatever you choose.

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,



Ross and Carla

The Couple