Sunday, June 30, 2024

Ride The Wave


The month of June is almost over!

So many timelines are moving forward...the Schumann resonance frequency, Ascension, the End Times! Truly, we are at what amounts to a virtual banquet of energies for our incarnate souls to encounter. 

Yes times are hard. Things are going to get more challenging I suppose, if you study some of the timelines above, some get harder, some get easier...what matters most of all is we are cruising down the path of our own particular timelines towards their natural conclusion. There is nothing we can do to stop any of them.

So enjoy the ride!

You may not be able to control the ocean, metaphorically, but you can learn when to hop over a wave and wait for a better one, when to paddle like mad, pop up and enjoy the ride, and when to jump off the board when things get a little too much.

We each have some element of control. Most of it is with our reactions. 

The fear reaction is a difficult one to face. As I have grown older I have gotten a few more fears of things that did not used to both me whatsoever in my youth. I examine the fears after the encounters. And some I have decided to live with. The ones I have decided to face are the ones that make my life more difficult to enjoy. So gently I am working through them. Not expecting perfection. Just doing my best to hold things together and make my best attempt on every try.

What is an example of a fear I will just let be?

My fear of heights.

One I have worked on and succeeded?

My fear of crowds.

One I am working on currently?

Being able to identify and ask for my needs and wants. That one was literally squished out of me during my childhood, and it sure makes life difficult as an adult to function without this ability. You can't create and enforce boundaries if you cannot even ask for your needs and wants.

I do what brings me joy. And I also seek to find joy in all things I do. 

Lastly, I rest.

Rest is super important and helps us to roll with life's punches.

Do I talk to Spirit? Always. Almost always. I feel the connection to Source.

Do I ask Spirit what I want? Yes. It is not easy. It is one of my exericises.

Do I still ask the Unity Prayer? Yes absolutely. Sometimes I shorten it to let your lungs be my lungs and imply the rest. 

This is a wonderful time of year. I hope very much that you enjoy it.

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,



Ross and Carla

The Twins

Sunday, June 16, 2024

On Bonding Together


We are one.

So many prophets and wise ones have told us this:  although we may appear separate, we are all from the same Source, we are One.

Even Hope Johnson says that everything we see and experience we are 'making it all up' for 'our learning about ourselves'. For example, your partner may be showing you things you need to know about yourself when you are getting upset with them. 

Attachment Theory has exploded on the internet. The basic idea is that about half of the people 'out there' are what is called 'secure attachers'--they grew up with the right support at an early age and are emotionally 'healthy'. Then there are 'insecure attachers' who tend to polarize and attract one another--anxious attachers and avoidant ones. There is also a subset of 'avoidant' called 'disorganized' or 'fearful' attachers--these are individuals who have seen some pretty bad stuff growing up, for example an explosive parent with anger management issues. Fearful avoidant have both anxious and avoidant tendencies, like a core of avoidant wrapped in a layer of anxious. 

Attachment heavily influences reproduction. These scars are subconscious and get played out in intimate relationships as the psyche tries to heal by reproducing the experiences of the past and 'come out on top'. It causes a lot of pain and anguish, especially in the partners who have been 'discarded' by an avoidant attacher. 

Attachment wounds can heal. And we can change our attachment styles. Sometimes secure attachers will turn anxious when paired up with a severe avoidant. And even avoidant (both types!) and anxious can heal and become more secure if they really work on it.  Jeff Brown has a new course out, precisely on this way of healing. 

What I can tell you as the child of a mother who grew up in the war and displayed narcissistic tendencies, who was herself the child of a mother who had been severely abused physically, mentally and emotionally...and as the child of a father who also displayed narcissistic tendencies, who was the son of a mother who had experienced trauma with her mother dying from tuberculosis when she was four (she saw the undertaker jerk the body really fast into the carrying away bag)...this stuff is intergenerational. 

Traumatized people are easy to be controlled. 

There are experts in the power structure behind the scenes of how the world is run, who inflict trauma systematically with the purpose of shattering the core personality of the individual who is raised up in the system. Like a computer they layer trauma upon trauma to create personalities in the same way a pearl farmer places irritants inside the oyster to produce the pearl.

Svali, is but one of the many survivors who have escaped the system. 

The only way I knew at all I had any avoidant tendencies was the 'ick' I felt when people got emotional on me. And how I did not understand or process emotions as a valid way of expression compared to factual, 'information' type communication.  I knew my life was bad/scary growing up. And I thought I had done my best to get through it. I had friends. I was good at work. But my private life? Very unhappy. 

Now that I have been working on things, I am learning that having feelings is a very important part of being human. Slowly I work on identifying and naming my feelings throughout the day. 

Was there a purpose, a Divine Purpose for my suffering? I would like to think yes there was. How could I see through the lies in our Society, and dig through really disturbing information to learn the truth of how 'all the world is a stage?' I was not attached to a partner, or to a government, or even to what society said I must be. 

Nothing is ever wasted. Experiences are important. Following our individual life path is priceless!

There is one abandonment wound that persists, no matter how much you work on it, because of the amnesia we are given upon coming to live on Earth. It is Spiritual. I am hoping that the logical next step after most of society awakens to the problem of the attachment wound, and healing it--as you see with the experts making courses and things--is a spiritual revival.  The kind like was written in the Bible on the end times. How in response to 'certain circumstances' (the A.C.  wiping out Abrahamic religions)--the Holy Spirit becomes daringly alive and present through a large number of people!

Remember your attachment wounds.

Honor them.

Honor yourself.

Seek healing.

May I suggest The Unity Prayer? By Father James Blount. You can look it up. If there are links here this platform tends to suppress the posts and unpublishes them.

It really works!

My days have been more joyful since I have started saying this prayer and modifying it to include whatever part of me I wish to be in Unity with Our Lord. 

It feels good.

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,



Ross and Carla

The Couple