Tuesday, November 28, 2023

A Quiet Victory


There is nothing to prove.

That's a very good sign, actually. Being calm, at peace, and not needing to change anything or anyone. There's a little bit of changing myself, which I am committed to, physically and mentally, especially with my communication skills.

That happiness inside I mentioned in the last few blog posts, it's still with me. Even though nothing externally in my life has changed from last year. 

I think a large part of the healing too, has been coming to terms with how much stress I endured being a single mother, working in the hospital and having absolutely no control over my schedule (or time to see friends or work out), and running a household all by myself. I'm grateful to being able to have produced as much as I did during those years. And I'm thankful now for a little less pressure overall. Work in itself has grown a little more intense, actually. Why? It's because the production rate is accentuated, and time between cases is at the minimum possible (that's when anesthesiologists can take care of their personal needs and make phone calls for example).  With the bigger cases in main OR there was time for a meal or a little mental break. 

One of the forces helping is an appreciation and understanding that everything is in the right place as Creator intends it. 

The other thing that helped is being able to feel a connection to Source, and the Underlying Unconditional Love from Home.

I saw this quote today, it made an impression on me. I will share it and then go:

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,



Ross and Carla

The Twins

Saturday, November 25, 2023

Easier Said than Done


Pardon me as I search to find the words to describe something pertaining to my emotions, my most delicate part.

Children are highly resilient. Their natural tendency, as well as the grueling teasing that they survive on the playground at school growing up, is to assimilate. Everything is normal and I fit in. 

Even Monarch type programming takes advantage of this need to be unified, whole, and present as 'normal' to society. The scars are heinous deep within the psyche, and yet, the healing mechanism inside the mind will bury the horrific memories even from its own consciousness. That is how we get 'buried memories' and 'dissociative' states...

Yet, on a deeper level, there is always some form of 'cry for help'. 

If the child is told never to tell what they did, then, perhaps, they will act it out, or draw it over and over and over again. The family might never make the connection between the trauma and the behavior, but the unconscious is trying and trying to heal even though the damage is running in the background and the individual isn't actually aware of what is happening.

We manifest our minds...in our appearance, in our surroundings, in our belongings, and in our way we run our lives. Some people take this to extremes and become a bit rigid and controlling perhaps...that way no one would ever guess about the mess that is inside.

I've kind of felt like this one my whole life. Even to the point where someone who is totally well-groomed and put together isn't attractive to me. I like a little scruffy and if possible, at least one flaw...
I've been sharing with you about all the deep inner work I've been doing. 

It's as slow as molasses and takes lots of time.

Factors that have been helping is Anthony growing up and moving away, and also, work having less traumatic hours so I have a little free time to enjoy life a little. 

It also is helpful that my family drama has diminished significantly.

There is a pattern I've been noticing as I go through my belongings, deciding what to keep and what to let go. Overriding this all is my new awareness of my need to be surrounded by beauty and serenity. My mind is wanting to have organization and harmony, and this gives me the strength to go at my own pace to start getting rid of things I no longer need or use. 

The pattern I'm discovering is that I purchased a lot of reminders to prove to myself that I am loved.

Slogans on art 'I loved you before and I love you still, I always have and I always will', or 'You are Loved'.
Nice jewelry. Lots of photos of me with my own small family. Keeping photos of the whole family. Cute stuffed animals and things like Hello Kitty designs. 

It's all the same, smiling, reaffirming, objects I bought for myself.


Because for the longest time I didn't believe it. 

Not deep down, on a soul level.

And Spirit has been trying and trying to get me to make the connection. Even back thirty years ago, when I was introduced to Al Anon and I was learning to pick up pieces of my own development and growth that all adult children of alcoholics lack in their family of origin...there was a delightful woman, a sponsor to many, who proudly exclaimed, 'I am God's Kid!'

I told myself that. Over and over for all these years.

It wasn't until recently that I actually FELT IT.

God is in charge of my life.

Everything is going to be okay.

A long time ago I had thought being pregnant meant that you were loved. Nothing could be farther from the truth of my experience...I had to go through it as a single mom to realize that it only means that you are pregnant.  (my baby and I love each other, and God blessed me in sending me a child, immensely).  It wasn't love from the father, that's my point. 

Being married doesn't mean you are loved. I've done that twice.

I was going through my belongings, and I saw the pattern, and I said to myself, wow! My subconscious has been screaming for attention and care, and even though by baby steps I've been gradually taking better and better care of myself, this has been the hardest lesson for me yet!

Inside now, I feel better. I feel relaxed and calm. I remember how much energy I'd expended keeping my buried memory hidden from age four till twenty six. It was a huge relief, energetically, even though the memory itself was really painful when it came up. 

God has a plan for me that is good. 

And even though Hope is right, Hope Johnson, that all of this is illusion. And even though the messages of John Smallman emphasize we are awakening and none of this we are experiencing is REAL...it's nice to let go and accept the fact that in all of this illusion, deep down, all there is is love. Unconditional love. And not only are we love and everything around us is Love...we are loved for who we are--whatever that is!--both inside and outside of the Illusion of Life on Earth as we know it.

That's all I have to say for today.

If you are struggling, don't beat yourself up for 'not getting it'. The damage we experience, the psychological damage, is real. The pain hurts. It makes it difficult to function. We do our best to get through. 

Everything is happening for the best. Everything is going to be okay. We are actors in some movie and we aren't really sure what is going on here on the set. But our Director is a genius. And the Producers and good. 

So show up every morning, do your best with whatever resources you have been given, and enjoy making the show.

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,

Ross and Carla
The Twins

Wednesday, November 22, 2023



I really really like this picture. It's an old-fashioned camera. My nana had one like this when I was very little. It took excellent photos. But when you were the subject you had to hold really still.

I've been talking a lot with both Creator and Ross lately.

I will give an example:

Two of the worst experiences I'd ever had with my mother, were at four and one half, when my new baby sister came home with mom from the hospital, I'd worn my favorite yellow dress with black trim with white polka dots. It was a summer dress. It was February. So the weather was cold. I put an undershirt, a simple white tee, underneath for warmth. 

With the flurry of excitement on their arrival, out of everyone's eye (grandparents, both sides, Dad), mom pulled me aside. She got her face down to my eye level. And she was angry and upset. She said, menacingly, 'how could you ever wear anything so ugly on such an important day?'

I was crushed. Not only had I not had any help picking my clothes, from Dad or grandparents, but for the first time I had actually dressed myself completely. I didn't know there was a way to make clothing look 'pretty' or 'right' or 'correct'. I'd chosen my favorite.

About a year, a year and one half later, I was sitting in my mom's lap, and my baby sister pushed me off so she could sit. Mom laughed it off. It was the last time I remember ever sitting on her lap. It was also the last time I ever experienced warmth from my mother. 

They asked me about situations that had troubled me in my childhood. 

This was what came up.

I've been studying a lot about narcissists lately. 

So they asked me to apply what I'd learned.

I started at the beginning, everything had been cool between mom and me up until the baby. Then something changed.

Through questions I was asked, I was able to see that I was unplanned, and yet the new one was a product of the ego because mom had decided to get pregnant and did. 

Mom unfortunately saw more of 'herself' in the baby, and this was her new 'supply'. 

Her angry words to me were because what other people thought of her through what I wore was more important to her than my feelings. Again this is not the trait of a healthy, mentally balanced mother. 

The healing was in that Ross and Creator showed me that mom would have behaved in this manner to anyone in my place. It wasn't really to me, even though it hurt. 

And they emphasized that I am just as worthy of love now, as I was then, and nothing on Earth can change that, not even a mother who really dropped the ball and ruined our relationship time and again, starting on that day.

Ross wants me to share another painful memory with you.

I'd found the love of my life, I was going to get married. My mom had been busy so my Aunt Edna had gone wedding dress shopping with me. 

I'd gone shopping for the prom with my mom, who was businesslike and distracted, but made sure I had the right accessories to go with my dress, even though I never even thought to ask.

But for my wedding dress, the next day, when she drove me there to order it?

Mom was cold, cold, cold. I actually started crying in the car, and exclaimed, 'you don't even want to be here!' There was no motherly love for me in her heart. I could tell. And I didn't even want to go. She had to pull over for me to collect myself. It was the perfect dress, and not too expensive as far as dresses go. 

It was a very businesslike, solemn transaction. There was no joy. 

I did what I needed to do to get it done. I buried my feelings. I thanked mom profusely. I took care of her needs instead of my own. 

Again, money was tight. I knew it. I'd asked mom and dad to give me a budget, but they didn't. I would have been able to spend within our means. After the wedding I felt so guilty that my husband and I gave half of our wedding dance money to them to help pay for the wedding. We had collected three thousand dollars in 1988. That was a lot of money. And mom and dad never even said one word of thanks for the money we shared. 

I can see now the pattern again, not wanting me to look pretty, taking no joy in it, there was no kindness, no caring no love.

But there was backstabbing. They had rented a tuxedo for my sister's boyfriend (now husband). And never told me. It was as if I was to just not notice at my own wedding where I had planned everything down to the smallest detail! If they would have asked I would have said 'of course!'. But they didn't. 

What I have learned is that my parents groomed me to fall in love with an abuser. In learning to cope with their upbringing, I didn't gain certain much-needed social skills like being able to ask for my needs (or even know what they are) or assert boundaries. I also was conditioned to tolerate abuse. And not to walk away.

So husband number one (mom said she had a bad feeling about him that's why she was mean to me), we were incredibly close. Until his mom said to 'put his foot down with me'. Then it got ugly. In hindsight, he hated his mother and never healed and took it out on me.

Husband number two, no passion, just compatibility...had also a traumatic upbringing and didn't heal. His father drank the paycheck and his mother stole bread for them to eat and got arrested for stealing bread. He was kind enough to others. But in a close, personal relationship, and my not even knowing how to be healthy, it got really ugly. Like, me on the floor in a fetal position, crying uncontrollably, bad. He'd lied to me about his debt, it was a lot. Scary a lot. And I insisted he did a credit payoff program or I'd leave. In the end my therapist suspected he was bipolar. I didn't even cry once we split. I enjoyed the freedom. I'd already cried my tears...

So, what's different now?

I took nearly twenty years off from 'relationships' after Anthony's father left me when I was four months pregnant. 

I knew I couldn't handle it.

Now, I've been picking up the pieces, and gaining interpersonal skills. It's wonderful to have better working conditions. And a few days off here and there. 

As I face this Thanksgiving, I have a lot to be thankful for:  understanding that what happened to me would have happened to anybody. And that what happened to me has no bearing on my value as a person. Furthermore, what happened or didn't happen--the skills can be gained at any time--it's never too late. 

It's really really hard to learn to love yourself.

I've been jealous at times of animals, because they have a strong sense of integrity and dignity. You can just tell. Cats, dogs, birds, lizards, anything, has this consciousness and you can tell they respect themselves. 

Today I have joy. 

Yesterday I had the first day where I realized I am lovable, and believed it, the whole day. And it didn't matter who validated me, because other's can't give that belief to you no matter how hard you try. I should know I've spent a lifetime trying. 

Ross and Creator helped me see that my Nana and Nannu always loved me, and treated me with kindness and respect. They weren't crazy. They were good people.

And I remembered long ago, in my training both as a chemical engineer and a physician--I always valued the respect and admiration of those I respected. I knew others to weigh their opinions a little less if they weren't people that had my respect and admiration. It was just data in that case, to act on it, but not to let it affect my self-esteem.

So I applied it to my family. And to who had my respect and admiration from their consistency. And who perhaps was a little short-sighted, and didn't understand the Big Picture because they were a little too focused on themselves (my parents). They did the best they could. And caused a lot of damage to me. But they are both gone now. They can't damage me worse. I can heal. 

I think this is an important insight to arm yourself with going into the holidays. Family can be difficult! 

Work on your ability to understand. And give yourself time and space and time with Creator and Ross...you will find your way to joy. A quiet little warm feeling in your heart. You won't need to feel sorry for yourself because the past is gone. The future you can create. One that is welcoming and warm and loving. 

For this let us give thanks!

clap! clap!

Aloha and mahalos,



Ross and Carla

The Twins

Monday, November 20, 2023

Paddling Like A Duck


It's been hard lately.

A little bit of my muscles are sore and I'm tired but happy--in my life.

And a little of really stopping to feel the feelings I'd buried so long ago, ones that are quite painful. 

I work a lot, a lot, a lot, and when I come home I'm tired. The days are good, I'm not complaining. But I miss the times when I used to just space out on the couch and talk with Ashtar Sherhan. 

It seems like so many years ago. Ten years, to be exact.

And, I recall in 2012, when we didn't all Ascend, I was so bummed and completely heartbroken. Why? Because the next astronomical alignment was in 2025! So many years, right? 

Here we are.

I've grown a lot more on the inside, I had no idea I was walking around with those scars I had inside. Today I have found lots of support, and they are healing. Slowly. But I know the basics of how to look for red flags, how to communicate more effectively, about the delicate balance between the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine, and how to maintain strong boundaries in my relationships. It's good.

If I had experienced Group Ascension back then, and needed to interact like I do back Home, then I would have been relying on my Amnesia to be suddenly lifted in order to function. Today, I'm chipping away at the Amnesia by gaining valuable interpersonal skills. It reminds me of those who lift weights and body build while they are in jail. There's nothing else to do, right? Might as well get stronger in the meantime. 

What has changed?

I made a promise to stop Frog Farming forever. (The Queen's Code is an excellent resource on how to learn that). 

I'm slowly processing the painful childhood experiences...the deepest healing couldn't take place until my mom passed and her estate settled.

With Anthony in school I've adapted better than expected. It's good we are both growing, him discovering himself, and me, rediscovering myself. 

My health--my knee--improves. 

What is lacking?

Motivation. Joy. Being able to plan things and look forward to them. Carrying out my 'to do' list. I find I respond well to fresh air and sunshine. I try to get as much of that as I can. I think I am going to need to schedule more time off for myself just to decompress because the work is so intense. I headed into this week thinking I needed to get things done around the house, and actually, I need to invest into myself a little first.

I feel scattered.

But not in a bad way.

I feel like God is nearing the completion of the demolition phase of my life, and I'm giving Creator permission to remodel me into whatever it is I'm destined to be. I'm not riding on the influence of people on The Other Side I know and who love me. I'm not even thinking about who I am when I am Home. I sense at some point the me here will be the exact same as the me There. Same old me. To whoever I meet. 

The other thing is that there's still lots of opportunity to help others. It's the best way to heal a number of things that concern us. 

Do I think we are Ascending?


I see more and more signs of it. For example, over the weekend--I found--or should I say, it found me!--a little fair with pop-ups of businesses that specialize in autism services! Sensory toys. Special vacation places for families affected by autism. Dance companies which specialize in special needs dance lessons. There were groups that helped families navigate the various social services too.  There was a horse with the mane and tail dyed rainbow like a unicorn next to two other horses by a trailer. Not sure if they were therapy animals or not, but they were so beautiful to see. 

This wouldn't have been possible in the eighties. People used to play down such family members. Now, it's a thing. And there is support. 

It's just a tiny example of things overall getting better. People seem more genuine and kind everywhere I go. This is a welcome thing!


I would like to share an example of Carla's growth. Yesterday while relaxing and watching TV, a small mouse-like critter boldly walked across the carpet and climbed into the entertainment center cabinet.

Carla remembered her mother having rats living inside the couch at her place, and groaned inwardly. With just one person in a home, there's not enough noise to keep the animals at their distance.

She had also left the door open while taking out the compost the other day, and understood the opportunity.

Instead of freaking out, immediately she went to find a trap and set them with peanut butter.

Nothing happened during the night. Nor in the morning. 

She looked quickly through the cabinet, it didn't appear there were nests there. And it was a tiny bit of tiny poops just behind the entertainment center on the side where she had seen the 'mouse' approaching. 

What could she do?

She's been through it plenty at her old house.

Just wait.

Well, today after exercise class, she came home, and was startled to see not one but two tiny baby rats with long long tails, in the traps!

She took them outside after notifying Anthony what had happened, both last night and today. 

Then she let the trapped ones out of their misery. 

There is not even a blip on the emotions. Not even upset. Simply action. It's like keeping your shoulders down instead of letting the stress tension make them raise up when you are exercising. 

Now, that is a warrior who has been through training!

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,



Ross and Carla

The Couple

Wednesday, November 8, 2023



What is Escatology?

Scatology is the study of poop!

Not much different, Escatology is the study of the end of time.

There is a small distinction between the study of End Times and the End of Time, in my book, because both are described to appear in the book of Revelation that is written by John.

Are we in the End Times?


Even those who actually were there in the Bible at the beginning thought that their Master Teacher would return in their lifetimes! It is only natural to think that we are in the End and that things are going to get better soon.

Unless you are one who really, really studies the esoteric and/or the Bible. 

That is the purpose of this brief blog post.

The roosters are crowing now with the impending Dawn of the next phase of whatever it is that is happening. People who have studied the End Times, and are fluent in understanding the hidden mysteries in all the prophecy in the Old Testament, are warning of big, sweeping changes that are imminent.

Things like lots of people dying. Because that's what the prophecies said.

Their point is, you better make right with your maker now, because once you are dead, it's too late.

One of them has actually, in meditation, been given a glimpse of what its like in the 'not quite Heaven' eternal existence.

For me, I find myself very sad at the thought of many people being caught by surprise at the end. I'm ready myself if it's my time. But being raised in trauma, I've lived as if every day could be my last. I'm sort of a Wednesday Addams in that department. You never know, right? And I profusely give thanks for every day I get to live. Even the sucky ones.

Just like when a pregnant women is about to deliver, and she exhibits 'nesting behavior'...I find I am working and concentrating with full focus on my lessons. I have been for about six months. I want to get every last lesson in before 'whatever' happens--Ascension, or the End, or however it is meant to go.

I am not getting much information from Ross.

I do know that there was some really horrible people as president of my country in my lifetime. And I was fooled for many years by all of them. One of the ones who stood for decency on his running platform turned out to be a full blown Archon, if you know what I mean. I couldn't see it then. And even now, that I have changed from my studies, I will admit that some of the more evil 'players' out there don't give off that 'evil vibe' at all. It's like for me they mask it. But I do know a pattern of people who totally hated these figures? They were correct all along.

Ross doesn't want you to worry. 

He wants to reassure you that all is well and that everything is happening on the timeline for the highest possible good. He says that although the impact of events is going to be widespread, it won't be everyone on Earth. Not all at one time. So pray for your location. And keep your connection to Source as strong as it can possibly be. Forgive others, but do not forget and make yourself a doormat to be stomped upon by these others in the process.  He says to practice self-care.

And yes, things are manifesting very fast now. I had two experiences of it yesterday. And one the day before. Keep editing your thoughts for the highest possible vibration and don't get hung up on any one outcome before it happens. Let it do its own thing and be pleasantly surprised when it happens.

That's all there is for today.

An early start beckons at work.

Clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,



Ross and Carla

The Angels who are with you through thick and through thin

P.S. Carla believes that a lot of the fire and brimstone type stuff in the book of Revelation is actually describing the activity of DEW type technology. And whatever else TWDNHOBIAH have in mind behind closed doors--such unknown technology too.

Wednesday, November 1, 2023



I've studied extensively the entire concept and survivor stories of trauma-based programming of the mind. For years now.

I've also learned the symbolism of team TWDNHOBIAH, and watched the application of the principles of their 'magic' to the masses.

Daily, I see evidence of Bread and Circus, Repetition (especially on broad'Cast' news), and influencers who may or may not be entirely what they present themselves to be.

But through these perceptions, it has always been through the perspective of Duality, a form of 'them' versus 'us'.

What I am awakening too, somewhat startlingly, is the long-acting ramifications of one 'sour apple' into my own family. And as I look deeper, I see similar effects of trauma on individuals, their reaction to it, and how it causes entire generations pain and suffering. 

Would you like examples?

Of course, no problem. Sure!

My mother was very different. She had horror of opening gifts. Just hated it. It made her feel bad. She also wore a mask in public, a 'social mask' so to speak, where she wanted everyone to think how great she was a person. She was extremely careful to control information and perception. I remember my friends saying they wished she was their mom--mom was way more popular in Junior High than I was. Flocks of the popular kids would roam to the car when she would drop me off or pick me up. Not to see me! To see her. At home, the masks were off and she was an anger management person who terrified me, and also she exhibited favoritism among her children, with me being the last one out, the short stick, the pariah.

I realized mom grew up in war, World War 2 Sicily. Her first experiences were of lack. She never met her father until he was home from the war, when she was four years old. She didn't like having to share her mother. My mom and uncle absolutely hated my nana in the end. Nana had always been nice and kind to me, I couldn't understand it.

The big 'aha!' moment was when I realized the long-lasting and far-reaching influence of my Uncle Frank, who was a monster. The older brother of my grandfather, after the war he had no place to go, he had been a prisoner of war in Australia--shipped from Italy or wherever they were fighting. But Uncle Frank was controlling, petty, mean to the core, and there was no making him be nice to anyone. Out of respect for the eldest sibling, my grandparents didn't kick him out. 

Uncle Frank was so terrifying that my Uncle Ben, younger than my mom by about four years, ate something he didn't enjoy, and threw it all up in the plate. Uncle Frank made him eat his vomit.

Mom learned to lie and to wear a mask to survive the terror that was Uncle Frank. She also said she used to go to his room and steal some of his chocolate he had there. But another time she went and the chocolate was all full of 'worms' (bugs?) so she didn't do that any more. She was seeking passive aggression against him. 

But why was Uncle Frank so awful?

Perhaps it was because he was older than my grandfather when their mother died of tuberculosis--when my grandfather was two. The children were left with the poverty-stricken grandparents who didn't feed the children. Left them out of the house all day. My grandfather used to go into the fields and cry from hunger. And once an angel came to bring him food. Right out of the plants the old man showed up. And he disappeared before my grandfather could get  a good look at him. His brother must have been six when their mom died. The father went to America and remarried, the new wife was Nana Rosa, and they had a daughter, Mary. He didn't break off all contact--he's the one who sponsored my grandfather to come to America years later. But he didn't actively get involved.

When we are exposed to trauma of any sort, sometimes it gets embedded into our DNA. It changes to adapt to the stress. This is Epigenetics. 

On my nana's side, she had even worse abuse. Her parents both beat her, they made her quit school early to run the home and raise her siblings (the great grandmother ran a bakery). They even allowed one baby to starve to death because they couldn't afford to raise her. Nana said that the screams were heartbreaking from the infant as it cried to be fed. Nana got married to escape her home.

On my father's side, his mother was the monster. My cousin went to her funeral just to make sure she was dead! He couldn't stand her. Me, I didn't judge her but she hurt a lot of people with her mean things she said. She was uneducated and opinionated and cruel. But her mother died of tuberculosis when she was four. And her sisters raised her with her dad. With the exception of a few years where they couldn't afford to keep her, and she was sent to the convent to be raised by the nuns, which she hated. 

What I am trying to show, is that we assume our childhood is 'normal'. This is a misperception of being a child.  

We gloss over horrible things our ancestors have survived because they tell us the stories, and to our eyes, they 'seem okay'--and this is a survival mechanism because our food, shelter and protection depend on them. 

We go on to think we are 'normal' and yet we may be walking around with some pretty serious trauma bonding happening in our relationships. We might overachieve and become prey for the narcissists out there. We overlook our damaged attachment systems, go 'chasing a feeling', and end up choosing a partner who makes us feel lonelier than if we were actually alone! Our marriages break up for lack of the skills and foundation and ability to choose a partner who is truly right for us.

How is all of that different from the victims of MK Ultra?

Well, perhaps because theirs is deliberate programming, and ours is just, inherited. 

But for both, trauma passes down though the genetic material to the young. That's why it's also called Monarch programming for the MK Ultra trauma-based mind control. 

I sit back in awe, and I look at the terrible weave of timelines/ancestry, on both sides of my family, and clearly I see how one 'sour apple' can have deep and far-reaching impact to the other members of the family. For generations!

TWDNHOBIAH don't need to plan out the trauma for the masses in each family because it perpetuates itself and makes humans easier to control. 

Then layer on structured societal programming through mass traumas like buildings falling down in New York with lots of people dying, or war to cull the population and make them money (the handlers), or locking them up with a pandemic...


On the flip side, I would imagine the long-reaching impact of kindness in the family and the society the individual is in. It would be a welcome breath of fresh air, a respite, a holiday of sorts. 

Everything IS Love.

Yes there are a lot of people out there, bearing scars and some of them hurting one another, usually not intentionally. But the vulnerability of all of us in this tangled web of energy/scars/terror/pain is really something to wrap your head around.

It makes it clearer that the healers need to be strongly connected to Source. And to ask Source for our needs. As well as to walk away from those who seek or inadvertently cause harm to us.

There is no escaping TWDNHOBIAH. However, if we go into our soul and our resilience, and align with Truth and Good and Love, and are conscious of our psychological weaknesses, always seeking to grow and heal along our life path, we are the bravest and mightiest warriors that ever walked the Earth.

clap! clap!

(Ross wants me to get ready for work so I will)

Aloha and Mahalos,



Ross and Carla

The Couple