Monday, August 19, 2024

Recommendations On Activities You Can Take During A Shit Show


Remember your vows.


That's it.

Just like a police officer who has taken a vow to 'protect and serve'--YOU have taken vows before incarnating here on earth that thanks to the built-in amnesia in during the process--you totally cannot remember!

You will have made vows in three ways:

  1. To take care of Gaia and her delicate life forms
  2. To study to the best of your ability while you are incarnate. This includes getting to know yourself as well as yourself in your interactions with others.
  3. To protect and support those in your Soul Group. Your Star Family.
  4. To uphold and serve those in your Earth Family, including gardens and farm animals and pets. 
  5. To honor your Soul Purpose.

It isn't easy to reflect on these things while there is a literal three-ring-circus demanding your attention! In reference to 'current events'--be they political, biblical, economic or societal--let us save time and energy by referring to them as a 'shit show'. 

Remember that the components of a 'shit show' are broad and far-reaching! They are designed to affect you psychologically, to have you lose hope, and to cave in against your beliefs ultimately (even though it may appear that they are singing to the choir--YOU--and you are totally sucked into it by being totally in alignment with whatever version of the shit show happens to appeal to you at the moment). 

Last week I took a much needed week off from work. Anthony and I had planned activities for some of the days. We went to local restaurants, enjoyed baseball games, and went to the zoo. We forgot to visit a local Italian market. But there is always another time for that. 

I took a break from exercise classes. I also cooked some amazing meals, including an almond torte recipe I have been wanting to make for over a year now.  I have taken care of my home and garden. And started a walking routine.  One of the impromptu highlights was when Anthony was talking about sports and a phone call to a radio station, and what they would say back. I added that they would say 'Jones Barbecue and Foot Massage!' with reference to an old YouTube video we thought was hilarious. We ended up watching that video, then also the deep dive one on the story behind the video. It is a professional comedian in that role! A comedian who was once a friend of Bernie Mac. 

We asked to come here during the Shit Show. We actually applied, and despite enormous competition were awarded lifetimes here on earth at this time. 

So, you can amuse yourself by keeping an eye to watch the Shit Show. 

To me and my star Mom, it's an ugly show and if we could walk out of the theater we would. 

But we can't.

So that's why I came up with the list. Honoring your vows will give you spiritual renewal energy. It will help keep you going. Remember the number one thing about the shit show:  you are powerless but the people orchestrating the shit show want you to think you can help whatever side win.  The actual powerful action especially in groups is prayer. It works. And it sidesteps the rules of the shit show and invokes ones that override its rules. 

Don't be afraid of the Shit Show. It's supposed to be a really important time in the history of Earth. Just do what you can to keep your focus and keep making progress on your promises (vows) while  you are on your way. 


There is a stress when you are unable to control something you would rather go in a particular direction. That is tenacity which motivates you to achieve the impossible or near impossible!

We want you to let go of this stress at the moment.

When it is your soul purpose you will know and nothing can keep you from your Task.  Nothing!

But when it is not clear, remember to go back to basics. Your Home, your home away from Home, and your Star Families (your earthly ones are one and the same, in all truth). 

Carla, tell them about your meditation you have found helpful.

C:  I have been working to heal my attachment wound. I understand it more. And why I am constantly craving to be held by someone who is kind to me. So I relaxed and went from my head to toe, slowly, recounting all the major illnesses, surgeries, and painful psychological wounds. I acknowledged each one. I felt the pain sear through me as if it was fresh. But then I was in Your Presence, and I shared how I felt about each one. That is was really bad, really hard on me. When I finished, I felt three things:  release, admiration for my strength to endure, and Love from Heaven which is always with me even though it sometimes does not look like it at the time.  I also asked to be held. I felt warmth and support.

R:  You may wish to try this yourselves. This is why I thought for Carla to mention it. It has been a long journey, a very long one, and your results are exceeding our expectations. I want to encourage you and to support you on your Earth walk.

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,

Ross and Carla
The Couple