Sunday, January 6, 2019

A Delicate Subject

Our countdown is one hundred sixty two days until the Council--who says there is no such thing as time, as of late--said we could 'mark it on our calendars as when things will be better'.

It's about six months.

My Higher Self came up with this title. I've been talking with her a lot. I've complained about the whole life experience. I talk to her like an older sister. I asked, 'if we are perfect just the way we are then WHY is there such motivation for us to improve and be our better selves?'  I told her the lessons are difficult and unpleasant.

She listened.

I trust her.

I still don't understand why she's there and I'm here, or even what the basic point is of my being incarnate.  I appreciate that on some level it's a super special thing Back Home to 'be incarnate here now' so I don't trash it.

I do spell out for her the discomforts, both physical and emotional, and how I would like some relief.

Recently someone made a statement which struck me, because it put into words what I've been picking up all over in my interactions with people for the last ten years.  The statement was, 'I couldn't make it to the end of the food video' and the implication was 'it was too uncomfortable for me to watch the rest'.

I was grateful for a teaching point.

I also see it in myself, this natural reaction to turn away from discomfort, in my talking about the discomfort with my own Higher Self.

There are some things in life that are unpleasant. For example, in the hospital, I give thanks that my job description does not include cleaning a patient up after they have a code brown.

It's stinky.

I get it.

Let's get to the delicate part:  how do you think the tortured animals feel when people won't even watch the video to learn about their plight?

Let's take this one step further:  how do you postpone taking steps to help free the animals from their torture and abuse because of your own discomfort when theirs is life and death agony in comparison to this discomfort from watching the rest of the video?

This is only one teaching example, and I by no means wish to single out the reader on this delicate subject. Or any of the many, many, many who have expressed dismay and disgust over the emergence of the hidden truths of SRA, Peet-Zah gate, the deep Stayte, HAARP, geoengineering, vaxxxxx-enes, and the rest.   I know some of my closest students who won't follow or join another student's group where the focus is on exposing this truth!  The reason is that the person was in a very dark place once, spiritually, worked hard to get free of that, and didn't want to back slide into the darkness by watching those things.

It's okay.

It's totally okay.

I 'get it'.

This is where I am going to push, now.

Look into the boundary edges of your own comfort zone, and the discomfort just beyond those edges, and try to come to terms with that.

If you are a widow, and you don't like to live alone, but you are living alone, what are you going to do about that nagging sense of discomfort with the aloneness?  Are you going to embrace the discomfort and break through to the spiritual lesson this discomfort is telling you may be important to work through? Could it be an old hurt or rejection coming up to be released and healed? Could it be a memory of perhaps how you could have been there for someone, chose not to, for whatever reason, and now the tables are turned so you experience it too?

I don't know.

This is one example which is teachable, the widow.

Another example is myself.

I'm uncomfortable being awake in a society run by TWDNHOBIAH and people are asleep now by what appears to be by their own choice. Due to their comfort zone. They WANT to live in a world that has alignment with all the stories that have been told to them since infancy. There's the sports and sports hero story--I tore holes in that one yesterday with my son--to no avail--during the Dallas --Seattle game when that player's foot nearly came off his leg  I told him that football is a blood sport that takes people's focus off of their own Divine Purpose. That taking a knee or clapping for an injured player is nowhere near adequate for someone's career being over in an instant. I told him how this is a pilon fracture,(a distal tibia/fibula fracture), it's one of the hardest for a surgeon to fix. I've seen them. And if the neuromuscular bundle was disrupted--no blood supply to the foot--he might even lose it in an amputation. All those years of training for what? A lie. A big fat lie that makes money for the teams and for the Illuminati. It's not even a 'legitimate sport' because in the fine print it is called 'Entertainment' and it's just as rigged as wrestling...

These again are MY views. And mine only. I stand by them. Ross isn't of such views, don't get mad at him--he's all love and all 'everything will work out'.  He paid the ultimate price, and he's helping to heal the world in his own way.

But since infancy we are told stories over and over and they make us happy. Bedtime stories told to us by our mommies and daddies help everyone to thing everything is okay with the world. Then we grow up to TV/Entertainment stories, which start off with Sesame Street and Mother Goose. But at the Hannah Montana level, sweet and innocent turns sour over time. That's a 'story' told to us that's a little worrisome. There's the 'History' story told to us at school, the 'Science and medicine' story told to us, the 'our government has our best interest at heart' story, the 'celebrities are cool' story...even the Rich and Famous story so many people strive to achieve.

We can't change the world without first changing ourselves.

Look at your discomfort.

Learn to embrace it.

Ask it what it is telling you.

For me, I need to let go of the outcome--signs of change on a larger scale--and just focus on being 'On 24/7'--another part of the discomfort I experienced yesterday but forgot to mention until now. As Mrs. Ross, everyone is going to take notes on every little thing I ever did or said in my interactions with them. I'm always 'onstage'--at work, at the grocery store, at home, when I travel, online...I realized this for the first time yesterday and I told my HS -- wow! I can never 100% relax! That's rough.

So I work on embracing my discomfort, learning what it is trying to tell me, and working through it.

Even if the end result is nothing more than a better relationship with my HS and genuine trust in her and in Ross and in the plan for Ascension for Gaia and her People.

When we are truly comfortable in our own skin, after having come to terms with the lessons from this discomfort, we can accept the roles the Divine had us sign up for when we came here. At some point, awakened people will step to the plate, and major changes for the betterment of everyone on earth will begin.

Until then, know people are counting on you. Both here and up with Ross and his teams.

Keep your focus.

And do your best.

Angels can do no better!

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,

Ross and Carla
The Couple