Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Getting My Life Back

Today was a big day, and it was a good day.

I'm getting my life back.  It sounds so simple, I know, but everything has to begin someplace, right?  I know last year getting the new carpet was an incredible 'boost' to our quality of life. So has been 'tackling the nightmare'--in the closet, in the living room, in the kitchen...

Today I hired a company to come in, and remove all the old caulk and replace it with new caulk in the house. They also clean floor tiles. Ours in the bath and kitchen are 'unsealed'--they trap dirt. I've scrubbed and scrubbed on my hands and knees, but I couldn't get out the black in the light-colored tiles.  It needed a professional.

About five years ago, I attempted to re-caulk myself, with a do-it-yourself project.

What I lacked was the special tool, a diamond-tipped triangular tool that looks like a paint can opener or a screwdriver. I also lacked the ability to make it neat.  My new caulk got all black like the old one.  I'd had to look at it ever since.

So today is a GOOD DAY.

Ross asked me tonight over dinner, how my day was? He had told me if I cleared a place for him at the table, he would join me and Anthony. Anthony was at his dads.

I said it was a weird day in a good way, for I did different things than I usually do. I didn't get through my 'to do' list, although I accomplished some important tasks. I had finished two bracelet ordered. i packaged them nice, including typewritten letters, and went to the post office. I also intercepted a package which had been returned from Brooklyn (I had made it signature confirmation, and somehow they didn't understand it was waiting at the post office--the little orange slip must have gotten lost). I bought a new envelope, put the old one inside, and sent the healing bracelets back to a third address in Brooklyn. The first package had gotten lost. The second returned. All to separate addresses. This is to a mother who is grieving the loss of a nephew. God is persistent! She wanted a sign from Creator, and this is like, the longest transit any project has ever had!

I asked Ross how his day was. He said it was good. I asked him what it was I saw him doing from a distance, and he said it was just drills/exercises. I ate a salad, he just sat and watched. It was nice to talk at the end of a long day.  I had moved all kinds of things everywhere. I like the empty look and the echo in the kitchen and dining room. I don't want to put all that other stuff back. It's filling up the living room now.

Energetically, it's like the ice is melting in a river, and the water is starting to flow. I'm most sensitive to the energy, and I'm grateful. There had been things that had not been moved for a long time, and because of the project, I had to move them.

Ross wants me to share our story from today.

After the post office, I needed to go to the bank. Long story. There was one near the post office, and another branch closer to my house. Ross wanted me to go there.

I almost turned to take a short cut to the other branch, but I honored Ross, and followed his request.

On the way, I saw several long, thin, flat dark clouds just above the horizon. I asked Ross what they were?

He clarified--clouds, or what?

I asked, how do I know if they are scout ships? They should be tiny. These are not. What ARE they?

He understood, and he said they were the equivalent of our 'cruisers' in the Navy. Mid range, able to explore the territory, able to support a lot of people on it.

Then I asked him the question. He is STILL blushing/smiling even now over it, and I asked it hours ago.

'Ross? Do you have military capability on those ships?'

It got him flustered. He said 'no' but his body language said otherwise. Galactics can't really 'lie' because they aren't used to it. I had known that they could strike down nuclear missiles, to keep us safe, for a long time. It was authorized by Creator of All That Is.

In an instant, I understood that their military weapons are so superior to ours they make ours look like tinker toys...just in the same way their surveillance is second to none.

In that same instant, I realized that Those Who Do Not Have Our Best Interest At Heart would LOVE to engage them in military conflict, to justify the horrible lie seen in movies everywhere about 'aliens wanting to eat our brains and take over earth'.

I understood.

Oh! How I wish you could have heard Ross sputter and stammer and look totally surprised by my unexpected question when it happened!

It was fun. I asked and he says it's okay for me to share it. Loose lips sink ships but as he says, 'this one has been on the water for a long time now and it's going to take a whole lot more than THAT to sink it!'.

I have random articles to share, none of them about SRA, thankfully, for those who are sensitive to this subject. I collect mail things that might be of interest, and now we are going to go through the pile.

  • Tim Braun has a book out. It's called Life and Death--A Medium's Messages to Help You Overcome Grief and Find Closure. It's available at He's actually looking for a new office now. I guess he outgrew the old one. (If you click the tab, Messages From My Patients, above by the header, you get my e-book for free, with similar theme)
  • has a newsletter from Thaddeus. He brings up an excellent point. The winter vegetables can wait to be picked. From one week to the next, they stay fresh in 'earth's pantry' in the field. Leeks are like that. His point is that leeks are never going to put up a bunch of flowers and go to seed on him, not like the produce from summer. He says a tomato is the king of this. When a tomato is ripe, you have to drop everything and go out in the fields and pick it.  (with his harvesting team). The window of opportunity is at most three or four days. He calls it the season of the leek and the season of the tomato in the year.  I laughed. Between the two of us, Ross is DEFINITELY a leek, and I am undeniably a tomato! And our birthdays coincide with this too!
  • Cool! For diabetics, UCSD has created a special smart phone case that monitors one drop of blood and automatically tracks it in an app. 
  • biodegradable, sustainable flip flop shoes made from algae oil. Surfboards are made of this now too!
  • Special one day event by ARE (Cayce Organization) speaker Peter Woodbury, MSW--Soul Lessons, Soul Patterns, Awakening to Past Lives, Lives Between Lives and Future Lives. Saturday March 3, 2018, Sand Diego California. or call 800-333-4499. It's $79 for members, $99 for non members, $20 extra at the door if you don't book early. There's some financial aid scholarships available too. Sounds like fun!
  • Here is a one-page only (sorry!) of an article that's really well written on Distractions in the O.R. It has data from studies. I guess only members of the American Society of Anesthesiologists can read it by logging in.
  • Disposable airway management devices are now popular. They unilaterally swapped out all our old fashioned reusable ones at my work without asking any of us. I wish they were made from biodegradable, sustainable algae oil! Here's a cost-benefit analysis:–Benefit-Analysis/46572  It appears it's better to save money on manpower/lawsuit risks than to reduce, reuse, recycle. I've learned there's a little flashlight you can make, so I keep my clean handles. There's batteries that fit the garage door opener in them. And of course, there's always 'art'...I'm saving some for creations...
  • A hospital in the area has Massage and Skin therapy, as well as clinical Aromatherapy for Postpartum Depression. I think that's kind of neat.

Ross wants me to share the movie I'm going to watch. I have a late start tomorrow.

Our date night starts now <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

Thanks Ross! You know how to treat your lady right. 

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,

Ross and Carla
The Couple