Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Backlash Lite

We are living in a time of 'soft disclosure'.

Yesterday I wrote about the reactions people would likely have to 'my ice cream being taken away'.

I have some excellent examples. I will also share with you a sad commentary on a blind friend's treatment by an Uber driver who rejected her and her service dog.

Sometimes we see 'the world' according to the 'news'.

Today, it's our own 'news'--first hand information.

And I'd like to share my own 'news', which although short, is deeply impactful on my entire being.

What happened?

I had a normal interaction with my HS and I didn't hate her.

Yes, that's right.

It was shortly after a reading I had. Apparently I am 'opening' and the 'kundalini' is starting to flow, and I'm reaching a vibration of being more in alignment with my HS. This is normal and part of the Ascension process.

I heard her voice, and she asked, 'It was bad, wasn't it?'--referring to the whole experience of being incarnate at this time. (My prayers lately have been for joy--not personal joy--but SOCIETAL joy because there is a dark pall of low vibration which has been all over Gaia and her people for a long time.) In this one voice, unlike other times, she demonstrated caring, compassion, and not wanting any response from me.

I said, from my soul, on impulse, 'yes, it was, it was worse than you ever imagined!'

Then my old self kicked in, and I implored Her not to hurt me. Some part of me resents the lessons. And at the same time, I understood She is just at strict a teacher to my soul here--as I am to my students. I won't let anyone slide through a I realize I ALSO 'get that from Her'.

I'm not agitated over this interaction either. So it was a really HUGE first step.

This one is a year old satirical response by ZDogg MD to anti-vaxxers.

Please note how he is heavily invested into the system, citing his credentials--which ARE lofty! it's true he has excellent training, --and using humor to make his point.

Does he know anything about Those Who Do Not Have Our Best Interest At Heart? Has he studied them? Has he ready anything by Kerth Barker to understand there are think tanks of brilliant people on 'the other team' who dream up of things like Agenda Twenty-One?

Would he admit there is a possibility that 'other things not disclosed' may be included in the vaccines?

Of that the pharmaceutical industry and Those Who Do Not Have Our Best Interest At Heart would play the entire medical community as a fool, and not flinch?

He's in a bubble of security. And he defends it. He is a good doctor. He is a good father. He plays medicine by the book. He is working from within the system--like I am--to help create Medicine 2.0 as he calls it. Something better than the system we have in place now.

On the one hand, I am working to bring 'healing to the healers' so that medicine encompasses both the soul and the body in the healer-patient/client roles. Across all healing modalities. With the heart and the mind working together as a team for greater healing.

And I will note one huge oversight in his parody. All of the alternative medicine and holistic physicians who are been suddenly killed. The body count is really going UP. And if you combine that with 'follow the money'--no the pediatricians aren't getting rich, the pharmaceutical companies are.

The other oversight is Patrick Kennedy. And his body of work. That's a second one.

As you watch this video, it may be painful to you. And the challenge I present is, 'can you love Z Dogg MD, just as he is, just with his level of awareness on this issue, even though clearly the issue upsets him enough to make this video?'  If anti-vaxxers weren't making headway, he wouldn't have felt threatened enough/amused enough/whatever to have made this video. It is a good indicator for the progress of the anti-vaccine movement that he would make this film at all. (And Rosemary, the RN in charge of hospital infection control, commented how compliance with the mandatory flu shot this year is lower than ever. As time came to pass, we have learned it's only ten percent effective. And  everyone at the hospital who works there had the flu anyway. The are coming to work sick.)

It is very important to be able to LOVE all!

You cannot win an argument with someone who has a set belief system.

Everyone, however, responds to Love. Loving acceptance of the person completely as they are, unconditionally.

Okay, now, you are ready for your test!

Are you ready for extra credit?

Here's a friend of mine who cites the 'party line' to a post that said 'this years flu shot makes you less able to fight the flu next year' in a video by a physician:

Until the speaker cites the scientific articles she refers to, then her words are meaningless. Furthermore I think it’s irresponsible for physicians to encourage people to not get vaccinated unless they can back up their claims with literature. The literature below finds that there is a reduced risk of encephalitis with influenza vaccination. As we age, our ability to fight infections wanes. All the more reason to get vaccinated so that you can better fight an infection should it be contracted or re-emerge (e.g. herpes zoster).


Can you LOVE an ANGRY doctor?

It's a tough one, isn't it?

I really do 'get it' from my HS, don't I?


Here is one about injustice.  My friend Carrie has retinitis pigmentosa. She was my neighbor growing up. We had to learn how to guide Carrie, especially at curbs. She would hold your elbow and walk with you. She's super sweet, super nice, and a mom.

Here is what just happened to her in the rain:

I am so pissed that I could just spit!!! 
Having ignorant comments made, inappropriately personal questions asked, and incorrect assumptions made all because I am blind is something that is nearly a daily occurrence but something that a person with a disability just learns to live with and let pass. 
It crosses a line though when my seeing eye dog and I are denied access that is legally protected by the Americans with Disabilities Act.
You wouldn’t think that this crap still happens, but it unfortunately does, and right when you least expect it.
Short version of the story…
I was waiting in front of the Coronado hospital today for an Uber to pick me up. 
Yup, you guessed it, I had an uber driver refuse to pick me up because of Sully. 
I had requested my Uber and when I saw that “Paul” and his red car were arriving I gave Paul a call to let him know that I was blind and was traveling with my seeing eye dog. I asked Paul if he could please say something when he arrived so that I would know which car he was in. No need getting into some other poor unsuspecting persons car instead of my Uber. 
Well, Paul began muttering incoherently and began to get loud and angry, all the while saying something that was unintelligible for the most part. From what I could understand he was clearly upset about the dog and kept saying, “you are blind”? I calmly said, “yes I am, please just say hello when you arrive so I know which car you are in”. He then hung up on me, and magickly his name and information vanished from my Uber app. Yes, he cancelled, or something, and just as quickly as his name vanished I was given another driver. I was stunned beyond words, and that in itself is huge, I don’t get stunned easily! The man standing in front of the hospital with me looked over at me and asked if I was OK. I must have looked pretty perplexed, or most likely really pissed!
My next Uber driver was extraordinarily apologetic and took good care of me, but 10 hours later I am still fuming. The most telling thing though is that when I went to the help section of the Uber app to complain, at the bottom of the section where you pick a topic for what your problem is, there is a button to click on that actually says, “I want to report a service animal issue”.
Ya think?????
If you have to have a button for customers to select that is only for service animal problems then perhaps you have an issue???
What the hell??? Yes, I do have a service animal issue and it is the fact that your F___ing driver is so ignorant that he doesn’t know that he must comply with the ADA or get the hell out of the business of driving for Uber!!!
My life is already hard enough, spoiler alert, being blind is a complete pain in the ass! Yes Sully is cute, but I would actually prefer to get into my own fricking car any dam time I want and take myself wherever I want without asking for a ride from someone or having to get an Uber!
I wrote a factual but pointed complaint to Uber just a few minutes ago, I’ll be very interested to see if or how they respond.

In my opinion, Carrie has 'eyes that see'. She shows us the Truth about the two Uber drivers.

Here are my questions to you:

  1. What is the teaching lesson for Carrie?
  2. What is the teaching lesson for the first Uber driver?
  3. What is the teaching lesson for the second Uber driver?
  4. What is the teaching lesson for the Uber organization?
  5. Are you okay with the concept that all of this happened the way it was supposed to, for the highest good, just as it did? Even though both Carrie and the first Uber driver got upset? (this is raising the consciousness of all who hear of the story, even us here...)
  6. What role does ego play in this for each of the people and the organization? For example, Carrie's ego protects her enough to know that it's not okay to be treated like this. It raises the question of injustice to us all through her words.  Can you see Ego can be a two-edged sword? It all depends on the situation, doesn't it?
  7. Can you LOVE unconditionally, Carrie? Sully her dog? The first Uber driver? And the second one? Can you admit they are brothers and sisters to us, and equal to us, even if some are a little 'less awake'? All are loved by Creator, just the same. Even though some are hurtful and rude, which is sad, and certainly Creator doesn't like the rudeness any more than we do. But LOVE is the only solution here, for everything. It really is.

This last one, I'm not sure how it will show up--I took it from Facebook. I like how it has flow. I thought of cutting and pasting it. I want you to see and feel the 'vibes' of the people and their words and photo with their responses.

The whole point, is that 5D ability of telepathy, and being able to look 'through' the veil between here and the Other Side, frightens some people. Just as it did in old times. You can see with your own eyes, the 'ice cream' of some is 'Bible flavor'. And others, they 'see' and 'accept' 5D reality. Then there is everything in between. Some humor. Some blaming (deleted comments).

I want you to observe this interaction as if you were safe in a space ship and solidly in 5D. Because you ARE in this vibration! Much more so than these brothers and sisters who are equal to us, only a little more 'invested' in this 'mind-F*@K' world of duality.

Have fun!

P.S. Aloha and Mahalos,
Ross and Carla  (I didn't want it to be in the blue section)

Chi Adams Ancestors are not gods, they are family..under close research you will find that there are many Gods, which one are you serving...the kingdom of God lives in you, so each human is His own God...Enough Said???

Sophia L. Mitchell Thank yooouuu!
Alaera Golding Exactly what I was aiming to say!
Naomi Leilani Corpion Shank One thing I hate is being preached at by someone. My beliefs are my own, and they are just as valid as yours. I pray to my gods, my guides, and my ancestors every night. My ancestors are not my deities, they are my ancestors. I honor and respect them.
Top Comments is selected, so some replies may have been filtered out.
Jasmine Herrick People like this honestly think others *care* what their god says. Like kindergarteners who can’t think of any retort besides, “I’m gonna tell my mom!”
Dawn Marie Campbell So, going to church and worshipping, praying, giving money etc is the same thing.... you are in front of an altar, and the so called preacher is above you acting add if he is a God. So what is the difference.... frankly, I would rather pray to an alter in my home than a fake alter in a fake religious dwelling!!!
Tyler Vickers Mommy hii you’re so smart!! lol
Laetitia Visagie Who is God ? Is it God, Allah, Buddha, Zoroaster, Brahma, Vishnu ? Every religion consider their's as the real/right religion. As the human race has become more sofisticated, so has God. What will God look like in 200 years from now ?
Lynda Thomas He looks like many faces but not a single face. Brighter then a thousand suns.
Lynda Thomas Every cell in your body comes from one of your ancesters. Think about it. Since blacks have been on this earth over 4.5 million years thats a lot of genetic material. Every trait, every single hair on your head, you inherited from a ancestor. Whats wrong with thanking my ancestors for my hair, my nails and my brains? Whats wrong with thanking them for my brain cells too? After all WE ARE the ONLY GODS THAT HAVE EVER WALKED THIS EARTH. NONE CAME BEFORE US!
Chionesu Hati-nofre Akhunsu we where doing that before "god"came  hahaha
Nkuli Tata Moime The churches they go to have alters. These people need rituals and not prayers. "If the God you pray does not look like you, you will never know peace". ASE
Sephiwe Xhuwe Daniel The Jesus you are praying to is an ancestor aswell,,,,its sad that some brain washed african is trying to tell us to deny our own and follow the unknown,, so what? if anyone wants build a house and worship a tree or grass so be it ,,so if i build a house to serve my ancestors why is it your problem,, its none of your business on how I want to honor and respect my ancestors. Pleeeeeeeease be quiet.
Maria Evans My family members post about talking to living loved ones now because there will come a time when they will no longer be alive to talk to. I always reply letting them know that Spirit Is Eternal and that I talk with the Ancestors all the time. Then they always post a Christian meme as if it’s a clove if garlic.
Sandye Cottman There's nothing wrong with drawing upon the knowledge and wisdom born of the past to direct your steps toward the future. We can all learn from, and be guided by, our ancestors' life experiences as well as their strength and endurance. And our descendants will draw upon our spirits in the same way.
Albert Dell You have a lot to learn, not always what you are taught is the truth, especially when you take to European christian indoctrination or other religious teachings, there is a path of knowledge which will lead you to the truth, where only you can find. Keep searching
Missie Young What a fool. So he doesn't have a grave for his family members before him that he goes to visit and speak with even though they have passed?? Because its the same thing. Remembering people from our own personal history is way more important than remembering school taught history.
Amy Hilliard If I can speak to the living, why not my ancestors? They listen, watch an there's no shame in that. Some of my toughest times I had an it helped just knowing my ancestors are listening, saved my life.
Kunle Olusayo Fayola No thoughts really, this person is from a different spiritual/religious teaching. For me I will always honour my Ancestors this is the African way!
Andrew Biram I tell em u set up an altar an I will set one up whichever God responds with fire is the True God .... like Elijah did
Nils Schroeder Since she is regurgitating the christian faith that was historically forced upon her for centuries of slavery makes me unable to take her serious.
Maria Evans All I can say is, Spirit Is Eternal.
Mpho Porcupine Noko My ancestors are the intermediary to the most high.
Chasiti Miller Really??? Some do not know that they are slaves, so it is impossible to free them.
Hildegarde Du Plessis I'm sure the very same person quoting the Bible like that prays for riches from the money-god....enough said
Silvy Velz Everyone with their own. If what you believe make you a better person, better human go for it. People in church tent to forget that according with their beliefs, 1. The shouldn't be judging anyone, 2. Their God will ask for their goods and bad and be judged for their sins, not everyone else. That without mentioning that must of them never had study theology and the root of their beliefs, how, when & why the Bible it was written. The council of Constantine or Nicea. How the books of the Bible were chosen & why others were rejected. They celebrate Christmas and most doesn't know everything about it, it's pagan. I've and I'll stick with my ancestors & guides, honor them. If I'm wrong well, I'll be judged by my sins, not your and vice versa, so don't worry about me. I respect your beliefs, respect mine.
Joyce Conner I am My Ancestors
Betty Nkwe She's christian its not surprising that African spirituality scares her.
Darryl Dewer Dr Sebi cured Aids...The fuck has Jesus done??
Ouma Nkhwashu I pray to both God and the ancestors because it's what I believe in, I won't try to impose my belief in unto others, Faith , Faith, please keep your opinion to oneself , DON'T Judge.
Reggie Clemons They obviously are still in spiritual bondage
Michael Hughes Lol, they were trolling back in 2014 to..😉
Monica Grandy Thats what church does to you
Sophia L. Mitchell Who is the 'Lord' though??? I've never met him/her. That aint my god. I am my ancestors!!!
Nkuli Tata Moime Churches they go to have alters. They need rituals and not prayers. ASE
Kenneth Davis So, in other words, they have a problem with it.
Avril Evans Having a connection to the ancestors, be it by an alter or not , is good and right and necessary. We are not making God's of the ancestors
Jorna Rood Go and pray to your white Jesus then
Kei-Ki Keekz Well , it’s different if a person believes the black man / Woman is God 🤷🏿‍♀️
Charlotte Gladney This is when I fell in love at first sight with Bruce Willis👄💖👄💖👄
Sol Tehuti To each there own.
Ganre Owe thou shall have no other god. says which lord ?
Felicia Cole Ancestors are not gods and we know this. How confused are they.
Danielle Hamer
Mo Groves Poo lil tink tink 😂
Shabrina Bailey This irritates my soul
Prakash Lhege Gurung Thou god is so mean.. Hehehee
Kimberly Busby Ummm....stick it!
Kanoa A Johnson Brain washed.......