Saturday, March 22, 2014

Our Truce

Dear Papa? (this is what I call Father-God)

I thank you for finding me yesterday in Spirit, and for the beautiful box of crystal with my favorite raspberry chocolates inside. Thank you for eating one to keep me company, and for letting me have a second one and saying it would not make me fat.

You've never come to see me before like this. Usually I come to You. It makes me feel loved that you would make the effort to reach out to me like you did.

I want to talk to You about Your last three Heavenletters--just a little feedback to help you know how to connect to us better...okay?

  1. two days ago ( Thank you Papa for showing us HOW to end suffering!!! It is my dearest wish and my dream come true to hear You speak these words to us right now! Big hugs all around for this happy message! (I look Him gently in the eye, looking up to him and making contact) Because you have never experienced pain, or Time, let me share something with you...when something hurts it takes some time for us to recover from the shock and the disorientation that the trauma creates in our experience. We have to go from stunned to some reaction (anger, tears) to realizing that reaction isn't working or making us feel better. I have cried many tears only to realize they accomplish nothing, and my horrible Life Situation isn't any better and nothing magic was going to make that bad part go away. I surrendered and asked for guidance from Above. It was slow, and I barely noticed it while it was happening, but I got better and it worked. Much as we would like to, no one is going to fall, skin their knee, feel the pain, look at the dirt and blood, and say, 'Wow! I just had a BLESSING!' Most would just cry out for help from their parents. And it would not be easy for most to get right back up on that bike again until they were good and ready. As long as we are honest about how the whole things works, Father-God, You on Your end and us down here on ours...then we can be on the same page and work together as One. I am all for seeing things through Your eyes, Papa. It's just we have so much clouding our vision here that we want you to know we are 'getting there' and doing the best we possibly can given the circumstances.
  2. yesterday (   Well. Um? Well. It's all very scientific, and very rational, Papa. And very practical too. But sometimes when you speak of love, I just don't feel it. On Earth, there is always a 'feeling' that accompanies a thought, and we receive both. Maybe it's just the veil doing its thing, Papa. Let's take that thing down, shall we? Letting go of the past is the BEST THING I ever did. I can appreciate my mother, get rid of guilty obligations to others, and fully concentrate on the NOW. Thanks so much for making this important point for all of us to see.
  3. today  ( --you have a point here. With me and Ross, it took a superhuman amount of effort for me (I own it) to get over our past. Last night, in meditation and healing with another who we were helping to cross to the Light, Ross was very quiet. When I got back to him, he was sitting on the ground, with his face in his knees and his arms around his leg, in fetal position, crying and sobbing. Papa? If I had never done what you asked, and let go of the past, and healed on my own, poor Ross would have never had the chance to heal from our emotional wounds himself. In my comments of gratitude to the dear soul who was about to Transition to her new celestial life, thanking her for the 'gentle goodbye' I wished with all my heart I had those thousands of years ago...and how much it helped me to be able to love my man again with my whole heart...apparently Ross had overheard. He never thought twice about what tremendous stress he put my heart through with his demise--and he looked up at me as I comforted him, and asked for my forgiveness. I forgave him instantly Father-God. So I agree about three things you mention in this post--Live In The Moment, Don't Look Back, and Look For The Blessings--as well as the part about the power of monitor our random thoughts. You come across as more loving this time, but there is one part you might want to use as a growing point: it's no one's fault because they are doing the best they can. It almost sounds a little 'guilty' and I want you to be extremely careful when you are talking to us 'down here' because already we are a little intimidated by 'You Up There' because of the vibrational differences. Thank you Father-God for the tremendous changes in your tone and message over the last three days. I KNEW this is the You that always exists, and I am happy for the rest of the world to appreciate you and know you like I do--with your Best Foot Forward, energetically, in the most appealing and helpful way to us.

Anyhow, Father-God, today is another day. It is very beautiful out. I wish there was more sun, you know how I enjoy summer! Alas, it is Spring and it is one of those few 'cooler' days we have out here in California. I ask you to bless my day, and to be close and guiding me the whole time.

I'd like to see my mother today. I really love her, And she really loves me, even though she compares me to just about everyone else and makes me feel a little icky about this. I know it's her way. I will be the bigger person. But if she lets loose with one of her comments that really hurts? Like she always has? I'm going to stay in the moment NOW, count the BLESSINGS, purge the FEAR out of my mind, and just in case anything hurts, come running back to you.

Here's one of my new favorite songs, too.  I want to share it. Half the fun is being able to share things we like with each other down here on Earth. I hope one day You might share something You enjoy with us too.

Ten Feet Tall by AfroJack

Aloha and Mahalos,

Reiki Doc