Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Another Day

It's that time of day, time to settle in, it's cozy and warm. It's very dark outside. 

The day is done. 

I've had a lot of days off lately, come to think of it. I am 'not on the schedule'. Yes, that's right, available full time for a part time job.

And I'm happy.

I LIKE having the freedom to do what I need to do. For example, today I went to the eye doctor. I had an appointment on the fourteenth, I made it six months before, and I asked for a 'short day' at work, 'low on the list' so I could make my three o'clock appointment.

Well, I was three floors below the doctor's office, but couldn't leave because I was recovering patients in PACU. 

So today was just as good. I love my eye doctor. His wife is a general surgeon. She works in his office, she rents some space. And she's my friend. I asked to work with her tomorrow, and I got what I asked for from my boss who made the assignment.

My eyes are okay. 

I have the world's worst insurance--Obamacare--and I pay seven hundred a month. My eye medicine that's new isn't covered. I had to use a special card the office gave out to drop the price on my five MILLILITERS of eye medicine. I could have used the card and gone to different pharmacies across town for half the price (Thirty five instead of seventy) but why ruin my day at pharmacies for my first bottle? If I want more I can always find a better deal, right?

At the eye doctor they used a special scan to measure my eyes. Last time I had it, insurance denied it as 'experimental'. So I paid full price, five hundred dollars for a five minute scan, and it didn't go to my deductible. They didn't cover the doctor visit either. It took six months for the next visit for them to accept the coding my doctor said. 

It's messed up.

I try not to let it get to me.

I only share this because I want you to know I put my pants on one leg at a time, same as you. There's no 'fancy schmantzy' here on my end when it comes to day to day things. 

I'm so glad the one pharmacy tech there still knows me from before. So much rigamarole! Friends help you work around it, you know?

Are you familiar with this stone?

It's Moldavite.

It's not from Earth.  It fell from the sky onto the Moldau plain long time ago.

It's actually the remnants of Pleiades B, a star system/planet that was overtaken by the Dark Ones a long time ago. The people on our team thought they had everything under control and underestimated the Dark One's agenda. They didn't 'get it' until it was 'too late'.

It's a high power stone.

There's another one called Libyan Desert Glass.

The story on the street is that it too is a meteorite, that fell so hard and so fiery it melted the sand on impact.

That's what the gem people tell you, the Crystal people I know when I go to their shop.

It might not be true.

There's another way to make this kind of melted sand gemstone.

It is possible that some of it is from atomic bombs that existed in prehistoric times, before history was ever recorded.

People here noticed at test sites a similar gemstone--dates show the Libyan Glass is old, very old, and predates our Manhattan project.

I've been working on a top secret project to heal this.

It is complete now, that's how I can share.

I have been seeing hawks lately. Lots of them. I saw eight yesterday, either in the air or on top of street lights over the freeway.

This morning I saw three, flying in circles, overhead. The shape of the wings and tail is unmistakable.

I was driving to my doctors appointment.

Next I knew Great Spirit was present. I've only seen Great Spirit perhaps two or three times. This is rare for me.

He had me place a Hawk feather into the project to expedite it.

I did.

He looked me in the eye, with no judgement, and asked me simply, 'what did you learn?'

I saw all of the nuclear tests and bombs and war with atomic energy flash across the earth with my mind's eye.

I felt it.

I felt all of it, in my body.

I blurted out, 'It was HORRIBLE! With all that loss of life, of plants and creatures...I never want to see any of it again. Ever!'

Calmly, he told me that by the end of the day the project would be complete, and Earth would be healed from it, once and for all, everywhere in time.

Then I smiled, and said, 'Thank you for being great, Great Spirit! Thank you for being Great.'

I am so grateful for the constant presence of the Divine in Great Spirit's being here for us as we do our Earth Walk.

He smiled softly, never showing his teeth. He hadn't heard anything like it before, and since it was from the heart--crude and simple as it was--he enjoyed it.

Then he went away.

With my friend Nancy, whose brother just died, after years of drinking and doing drugs, I had a chance to think about the situation from a spiritual perspective.

First of all, there isn't anywhere in the universe where a soul can experience addiction. These are advanced soul lessons, and each of us experiences it in one lifetime or another.

Second, in being incarnate, every day our choices are basically, one way or another, digging our graves.

For Nancy's brother, it was his choices to chew tobacco, drink, and do drugs that led to an early grave.

I know for the saints, who do rare things kind of in the opposite direction of Nancy's brother, their bodies don't decompose.

Then there is everything in between. The smoking. The sugar. The lack of exercise. The overdoing it in the sports department (see how Ali got Parkinson's, or others get sports injuries and arthritis?).

I don't think there's much you can choose to escape it! Everyone dies, right?  The only thing you choose is how 'fit as a fiddle' you are going to be along the way. And some people overdo it--so rigid and controlling.

Only the middle way is at least 'balanced' right?

Funny how I realized this only after my youth and early career are behind me...

I chose this picture because the life experience is like a dream, and we are 'rowing our own boat' so to speak, and we are surrounded by beautiful butterflies who just might represent a little 'more' than butterflies...

We make our best guess as we go find our approach to life.

Through Divine Mercy and Grace, we can change our habits/attitudes up until the very last second before we leave the body...we always have this opportunity to start over, to begin anew.

Nancy's brother gave me a message today, to give to her. I asked her if she wanted it, she said yes.

I didn't tell her Ross was standing next to him over her other shoulder while we were talking! LOL. Only her brother, smiling away, toes three feet off the ground, safe in the realm of Spirit, having successfully made it to The Other Side.

Her brother said to tell her, today, showing his thumb and finger as to indicate a 'little bit'--that he was in distress 'for just one second' and then it was over.

He's so happy where he is now! It was totally worth it.

That was his message to his sister, who was grieving because he died alone in her hospital. When she asks questions to find out if he suffered, the care teams are defensive, as if she is going to sue because she is both the nurse and his power of attorney. She just wants to know.

Apparently he took the nicotine patch because 'dip' (chewing tobacco) isn't allowed in hospitals.  He is used to falling asleep with some in his mouth--his girlfriend said. So when he died, he had somehow before been able to get up out of his ICU bed and take a little 'chew' as was his custom even though it was against the rules.

It made Nancy laugh to think that's how he went--it's so 'him' to go like that.

She thinks of how the person who intubated him, the ER doc, was looking in the mouth and saw the 'dip' and was like, scratching his head wondering what on earth it was?! It gives her comfort and makes her laugh....with love for her brother being true to his nature to the end....which was too soon.

Exciting things are around the corner.

I feel it.

Ross came up with a brilliant idea with the bracelets. I'd like to share it with you.

We were at a loss to come up with only four recipients after hearing all the heartfelt NEED from these souls who made comments...

We ordered extra beads.

The materials and postage really add up. (All in all it is about thirty dollars a bracelet when it's said and done.)

So we invited our community to help make it possible for everyone who comments to get a bracelet.

Here's Ross' genius: every donor gets to pick who is going to receive a bracelet out of all those who commented...the person they think needs one the most...and then we also will give the donor one for themselves to say thank you for their generosity.

It's such a beautiful idea it makes me cry...when I think of all the happiness and joy this is going to generate for our readers.

Ross is such a blessing to us!


Times are changing.  (he clears his throat--ed)

Carla was at work today, only as a patient and not working.

She spoke with her friend the lady who is a general surgeon. They exchanged confidences about her old group she used to work for. Carla spoke up, and said it for the first time, that she thought he was affiliated with SRA and that his wife was bloodline. Her friend didn't understand it, but her soul, on a deep level did.

And her friend said, that it used to frustrate her how patients would be ready to go home but for 'business reasons' they were pressured to keep the patients longer so the hospital would 'get more money'...She was expected to do ten lap bands a day. They would open a room while she was closing the port incision and overlapping her cases just enough so she could go back and forth from room to room to work. She said how she wanted to spend time with her patients, and to do this type of room hopping she would need to see three patients all at once in pre-op to get all the paperwork done. 

One of the things she expressed frustration with was the complete lack of guilt/sadness on the part of her former boss--either when there was a bad outcome ('the patient took a risk') or a business deal where she was tricked ('you should have figured it out and been looking out for yourself'). 

It fits a pattern.

THIS is the part that our general society is going to be 'educated' on (or 'schooled' I think, is the local vernacular?)--how A plus B equals SRA. 

Look at the difference between Matt Lauer and Harvey Weinstein. Matt is a lot 'less expected' isn't it when you compare the two? But the crimes are the same. The basic crimes against humanity. 

They are war criminals.

The punishment is not up to us, not up to me, it is for these individuals and their councils. 

A plus B equals the horrors of SRA.

We are going to raise the consciousness of everyone, a little at a this technique.

(taps his teeth--ed) Do you recall our mentioning to you about the scandals that would come up, one after another, row after row just like shark's teeth?

(he rubs his hands--ed)  Things are going to get good!

Enjoy the view--you are at ringside, front row, the best in the house seats if you are reading this! (he smiles--ed)

On with the show!

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,

Ross and Carla
The Reiki Doc Couple