A physician who is intuitive and a Reiki Master/Teacher discusses healing from 'the front lines' of the mind-body connection in the hospital setting.
Wednesday, November 5, 2014
Gaia News Brief 6.11.2014
My First Case
Ross guided me to focus on my surgeon. I gave thanks for her. We trained together, many years back. I knew her when she got married and had children. She has health concerns. She used to be extremely negative...one of the hardest ones to know.
He wanted me to send her Love Vibration and heal her. He would take care of my patient.
So I did Reiki on the surgeon while managing the 3D anesthetic...and my heart filled with compassion for this woman. I know her story, which I won't share, but what I will is that the Divine Healing Codes that came through today, most of them, were for her.
Bait and Switch in Pre-Op Holding
The energy of this patient that got switched to my line up was terribly low. I was frightened by the couple, to be honest. Fortunately, as things turned out, I 'switched back' to my original lineup.
This person was too thin, and had a well-healed teach scar.
He'd almost died from sepsis, and lost digit tips.
My 'healer' mode activated. My heart filled with compassion. I asked him, gently, 'Did you almost die?'
He laughed and said, 'yes, six weeks in ICU'.
I smiled my biggest smile and asked, 'What are you going to do with all these BONUS years now?'
He mumbled something.
'You are going to INSPIRE lots of people, I am sure!' I said, and I saw his face brighten, and his dignity come back.
I love taking care of those who have been sick, very sick....it's so rewarding to my heart to know that I have the skills to be there for them.
Oh! D.O. D. O.
I chatted with a colleague in the hall about Osteopathic Medicine Link from the DO association
It's FASCINATING. There is way more science 'than chiropractic' he said. And learning not only how to do manipulations, but how to use them to diagnose and treat illness is really an art.
I was so happy to learn about the holistic nature, the use of minimal medical and invasive options, and just the basics from him.
(I am an M.D., a doctor of Allopathic medicine)
A Close Call
I was looking for a video that has since been pulled. It shows how a percentage of the population, at a certain level of Consciousness, believes 'the government is protecting them' and for example,' The news is legit'...
At that same moment, my boy got quiet. A short time later he said, 'Mom I have a message for you from Ross!'
He had typed it and showed it to me, with excitement.
The first line read, 'Humans do not deserve Life, only the gods do...' and more. I was like, 'Uh Oh~' It didn't sound like Ross.
When I learned the music came at the beginning of 'Love Me Harder' by A.G., I thought, 'not good'.
I asked him, 'How did your heart feel when you got this message? Was it the same energy signature as Ross before?'
It wasn't.
Ross wanted him in the tub, with salt in it, and to think about what happened?
Ross asked him what he does to grow in spirit?
Ross asked, 'Aren't you a Reiki Master? Did you want it?'
He did.
Ross explained how the dark forces are desperate to try anything at this point. And Discernment is always a good skill to have.
He also explained that our boy is becoming a man, and just like a man protects the family and goes with the baseball bat to check out the house when something goes 'bump!' in the night...in Spirit we need to be strong and very well connected. It is protective, and also makes us good resources for those newly awakened.
Last night we both had nightmares and barely slept.
We were under attack. Together Ross and we healed it. The energy cleared at once. I also gave the Christ Consciousness and Archangel Metatron Attunemt-Clearing--keys with our son's permission.
He's asleep and peaceful now.
Ross wanted this lesson to show you, in a gentle way, how 'it works' with being telepathic...and sometimes a 'jam' goes up on our signal...it is of concern but not grave, and with a healthy aura, is rare.
Carla is even sleepier tonight. I will write you tomorrow. I love you.
Aloha and Mahalos,
Ross and Carla