A physician who is intuitive and a Reiki Master/Teacher discusses healing from 'the front lines' of the mind-body connection in the hospital setting.
Sunday, March 3, 2013
Ears + Heart = Healing * Support
This was my growing up. The only person I confided my troubles, was the dog. He never minded my tears. I don't know how I would have gotten by without him.
Reiki is an important healing modality. I have trained in it and encouraged others in its use.
I have an example from my own situation of Healing through Listening with the Heart to share right now.
As you may know, our family has had a rough year. At one point in time, we had a grandmother in the Palm Desert in hospice/alzheimer's facility, then she got moved closer to home and the physical and financial abuse she had experienced through another family member (not any of us), put to a halt. Therefore in December/Early January we had mom in one hospital in L.A., a niece in Loma Linda, and nana in Orange County. My sister who is a homemaker is the mother of my niece, and she has been vital towards the care of all three who were sick.
Last night she sent me a 'Hail Mary Pass Reiki Request'. I dropped everything and sent it. Huge problem in the throat chakra. I know she has had thyroid issues in the past, and encouraged her to 'get it checked'.
Today she had a 'Hail Mary Pass Emotional Warning Limit Reached' text. The words were not important, but the significance if it was. I dropped everything and called.
I was the older sister. I was the Reiki Master (I have taught her). I was the 'similarly spent and confused at healthcare organization madness' peer. She copes by 'tend and befriend'. I knew her stress had been off the charts for months. She commented on how the twists and turns of fate in our family made us 'sound like a TV movie' and I wholeheartedly agreed.
So I listened with my heart. For almost two hours, which, as you know for me, is a big chunk of my free time.
I gave it willingly. The kids were like, 'Mom! What are you DOING???' and I said, more or less, 'Shut up I am talking with your Aunt because she needs me right now. I will get to you later!'.
That is Reiki. It is the art of being in the right place, at the right time, with the right word, the right look, and the belief to share that 'things are going to get better'.
It is so important. And you don't have to be trained in anything to connect your heart to your ears and listen. In itself it is one of the most powerful healing tools of all...
Reiki Doc