Saturday, March 25, 2023



Early this morning, I awoke with a clearer understanding of my life lessons, and how everything pieced together. The theme is overcoming a belief in 'lack'.

My father was raised in extreme poverty. His father held three jobs at the same time to support the family. One job was gluing the shoe upper to the sole of the shoe for Thom McAnn. It was 'piecework'. The bosses could come in at any time and say that instead of ten pairs of shoes for a dollar, it was now fourteen pairs of shoes for a dollar.  Dad's parents hid money in the mattress and didn't tell the kids. Their first priority was definitely NOT the children. It was their retirement. My dad had to buy all his own clothes since he was ten. He had a paper route. And my grandparents put one of my aunts into a convent because they couldn't afford another mouth to feed--it was temporary but was for years, not months. 

The family lived in the projects in the Roxbury part of Boston. It was one of the most dangerous areas and still is to this day. My father's bike got stolen, he got beat up another time, it was not a pretty thing. Later they moved out to California. He got beat up here too, for his 'hoity toity' 'rich' Boston accent. He said 'ahnt' instead of 'ant' to say the word 'aunt'.  Things like that,

My parents were horrible at managing money. Mom was always falling victim to 'get rich quick' schemes. She was a gambler at heart. 

How did I get over that belief that money is something impossible, unfathomable, unable to acquire?

Through the men in my life!

Boyfriend in high school was a doctor's son. Money was never an issue. They weren't 'rich'--but his father had retired from the military, and continued to work as a physician. There were two incomes. I learned from my mom, who was friends with his mom, that they also took out a lot of loans and debt. With six kids, and all the cars and college tuition...that makes sense. 

Husband number one, his family had not one but three houses! All from saving and economizing in the home, because the dad had one good job, that was it. Sure enough, with our joint account, the money from our incomes just kept growing and growing. Tens of thousands of dollars in a few short years! We didn't skimp as much as his parents, but we were careful with the money. It's a shame my wanting a house and a future got in the way of our relationship, and further, how his parents told him to 'put his foot down' with me.  We might still have been together...

But husband number two? He taught me that there's some things in life that just are, are we need to adjust to them. If you go to a nice mall, in our area, you better dress well because people treat you better at the stores. Computers aren't just a 'fad', it's a new thing, you are worth it, you need one. And a cell phone too. Unfortunately, he had money issues. Lots of debt he hid from me. I made him do the credit card debt consolidation thing. Once it was almost paid off, he started spending like crazy again. Fancy fishing trips in Florida. Eight hundred dollar eyeglasses frames he drove to La Jolla to buy. It was time to go. My lessons had been learned. 

Another thing that was 'lack' in my life, was love.  When my baby sister was born, when I was four and a half, my world ended. Yes, around that time was the terrible attack on me, that was sexual, by neighbor boys. It's all mixed up. But gone were the times I was rocked in my mother's arms, listening to her heartbeat. My mom let my little sister push me out of her lap, and didn't scold her or give me any of the closeness I craved. I learned to be closer--and less emotional/tearful--by spending time with my dad and uncle. But once I hit puberty, that too changed, and the closeness became more distant. 

I've looked for love with all of my husbands, boyfriends, all to no avail.

This makes sense because we need to love ourselves and convince ourselves we are lovable!

Fortunately, Anthony's father taught me that pregnancy doesn't mean someone loves you. Painful, sad, but true. And being able to give unconditional love to the child was very healing for me. 

It's funny because with diabetes you are 'starving in a sea of sugar'. People would ask me, you know people like at Cobra conferences, how was I able to manifest so well? (nice car...)I studied hard and worked my ass off, that's how! But at the same time, my 'lack' had gone from money, to love, and I hyperfocused on the lack. 

Manifesting resources happens when you shift your focus to the need for your soul goal. For example, working with books and crystals--if it was going to help my soul move forward, I didn't worry about the price. I needed it to grow. And somehow, the Universe helped me find the resources.  When I needed a vacation, the pieces would fall into place. It's hard to explain. Some people want 'money' to have 'freedom' to do x and y and z. When you ignore the 'money' and go straight to the x, and y and z to get you to point AB so you can grow and do whatever, your trust in the Universe helps a lot. You must don't get held back.

Same is true for Love.

I remember I used to be so sad doing OB anesthesia. I wanted a kid. I didn't even have a partner. But one day I shared the joy of new parents who were very kind and nice. A month later, after softening my heart and enjoying their happiness without thinking of myself, I was in a relationship and pregnant too!

Everything is Love!

So here I am hyperfocused on the lack--which isn't real, just like lack of money/resources to create isn't real--and essentially 'starving in a sea of sugar'. 

I've been learning. SO much! About attachment styles. About partnership. About boundaries. About self-love. Even about sexuality. Ross has been helping me get from our partnership in life/incarnate (tantra type specialist) to a beta kitten (my immediate past life) to my vague sense of things being wrong/disconnect in my marriages and relationships, to believing I am normal and healthy again. The attack when I was four probably had a lot to do with it too, feeling like something was wrong with me, something was broken.  Yesterday, in meditation, I called all my pieces and expertise from all of my incarnations to return to me again. 

This is the opposite of 'fake it till you make it'.

Faking it means you suspend the belief something is wrong with you, you act otherwise, and then you convince yourself that you are okay.

This is the exercise Ross and I would like to share with you--you take whatever piece you feel is 'missing' from your life experience, and you call back everything that ever had to do with that piece--into your soul/being/energy/consciousness. There is no way anything can be broken at that point. Then you get to wake up to a new you, one at the starting line that is fair and even with everyone else on the planet. You skip the 'catch up growth' and desperation for needing to 'fix' something. And you have alertness and ability to take whatever the day gives.

Ross and I have had heart to hearts lately during my recovery from surgery. A lot of my lack in resources and being lovable has to do with our trauma I endured back then. From his lack of protecting me with his Divine Masculine, and his going on his life journey which was...more for others than for his family. 

Like pieces of a puzzle, my life in this incarnation, has given me all the medicine I needed to heal my soul on many levels, going back to the deepest wounds, which were from way back when, struggling to survive and to protect our family with Ross gone from us forever in the physical. 

It's amazing and incredible how everything works! And it does work! 

I worry/am concerned because this is something that makes total sense in the realm of spirit. Somehow it seems somewhat lacking when I transcribe it into words. So, I ask you this favor, please, when you attempt the lesson Ross and I are sharing, please, please, contact him to make sure you do it correctly. Really work in aligning yourself with your life purpose/goals/lessons and ask Ross and your guides to really show you how to connect the dots. Just in case I accidentally get you astray. My lesson is different from yours. All lessons are personalized. So ask and seek your lesson decryption--deciphering--increased understanding and clarity--for YOU.

with all our love!

Aloha and mahalos,



Ross and Carla

The Couple who are very much in love from times past all the way up to times Present, in this eternal moment of Now.

Saturday, March 18, 2023



Last night I made a tiny adjustment in perception. Ross told me to write about it. Since it's something from the realm of Spirit, on that side it totally makes sense and is clear. Writing about it in the physical might not be as clear as I'd like. I'll do my best.

The energies are set up right now for healing and manifestation.  There's some parts of me that are really always in a lot of pain. I just bury them. It's always under the surface. I was doing dishes, listening to a YouTube on NDE's, and when Jesus told the person 'tell others that death isn't real' I started bawling just as fresh as if it was now when those losses hit. 

Unhappiness in relationship has been pretty much a standard lesson for me, in this life, in past lives, in many many past lives.

A big part of healing for me has been to accept what is.

Over time I've learned that there's Good Reason for the unhappiness in this life. Early life experiences, attachment style, and wanting to heal so bad through connection that I sort of became not as strongly connected to myself. 

I've learned too that emotions aren't my strong point. When I look at someone's face who is talking to me, eye contact isn't easy. And no information or data whatsoever comes through my reading their expression. I would just guess. I couldn't tell if a smile was genuine or not. Annoyance I couldn't see. At the same time, my mother had a hair-trigger temper. I would do anything to keep from setting her off. So I got to be vitally empathic to read her signals/body language. 

I remember when I was married to my college sweetheart, and he became abusive, I would read the signals and energy on him when his frustration was building up. Instead of hiding like my mother, I would pick a fight on my terms and my time because I knew that energy was going to blow anyway from him. I might as well control it. 

So with the healing, and healing, and HEALING, especially during these recent quiet times where I can't even walk properly and the house is getting behind in the chores...Ross encouraged me to manifest by imagining the end result, really feeling it, and divine thanks for it, just as if it had happened. To imagine being held in loving arms, by someone kind, who really 'gets' me, and allows my nervous system, which has been through so much in all the lifetimes, to blossom in its Divine Feminine and rest...

I'm understanding the energies, doing the work, living the lessons, and coping as best as I can.

Well, last night, in my own bed for the first time in over a week (it's upstairs, not so great when there's been knee surgery)...I understood.

Ross said, 'it's just as important to notice and celebrate the small victories and accomplishments as it is meeting that end goal/destination/manifestation. '


It's the old 'enjoy the journey' thing again, isn't it?

Well, really, no.

Not at all.

Because this time, there is Direction. You know where you are heading. Love. At least for me.

And there's lots of kinds of love in our path. Amazing love, perhaps not romantic, but incredible people with incredible hearts who are present in your life and support you. 

When you understand Love is Everywhere and Everything, and you accept and allow your past to become the past and not a Curse (as it was for me), then you can explore your future by feeling the feelings you will have at the direction you want to go.  Just not to the point where you are missing out on the blessings. Right now there's a hummingbird out the window. A close friend in the UK recommended comfrey to me (the bone-knitter!)--and I got some yesterday (@sokugarden on Instagram, email and tell Courtney Carla sent you). That type of synergy in the Universe lets me know I'm loved.

My knee is getting sore now sitting in this brace. But what I think Ross is getting at, that we need to acknowledge and love ourselves along the journey. I can do dishes now! I can walk without crutches as long as my brace is on tight! I can even cook simple dishes, for example, yesterday's St. Patricks Day slow cooker meal! This year I've gotten to know my half-brother I didn't know I had, mom's estate has finally closed so I can move on, and I have the job of my dreams! 

It's easy to let the annoying 'lack' of 'what you want/dream' fill your soul. 

How much better it is, to imagine the 'lack' filled--as one day it ultimately will be! And to take off the 'eyeglasses' that make you 'unfocus' on the here and now, and appreciate all you've been through, how you keep going and keep learning. It's important.

And for my friend Courtney, she's amazing. I got not only handmade, homemade comfrey balm with bees wax in it, but Cannabis balm, calendula balm, lip balm, lip scrub, a gorgeous soap! On Instagram you will be impressed with her work. You really will. My non-CBD balms were twenty dollars for a small tin, and the CBD was twenty-five. The rest she gave free just because she's so kind! 

As I recover, I try to take each day as it comes. I'm so grateful it could be fixed. So grateful. It's not easy, and it's not fun. But it does shake up the routine, and help me grow closer to Creator and my journey. And to Ross too.

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,



Ross and Carla

The Couple

Wednesday, March 15, 2023



It's been a while since I wrote. Last month I had a knee injury that was severe. I couldn't walk. I had to take a Pilates bar to drag myself to the car. I went to the emergency room, and I said I'd fall if I tried to walk. They came with a wheelchair, a nurse parked my car, and I left with a knee immobilizer and crutches.

It's been repaired. Now I have six more weeks of a brace, even while sleeping. I can't go upstairs. I have crutches. 

My life has gone to an absolute standstill.

I'm thankful for the time off from work so I could get it repaired.

Is it painful?

Yes. But I don't like to complain.

For the first time in my life, I'm not sure exactly what my lesson is. I can't make the connections. I accept and allow. I pray. I meditate. I also sleep a lot, even while doing other activities like reading or watching TV.

I have no motivation.

I've kept an eye to the 2030 agenda, and how everything seems to be marching right on schedule. In my area, not one but two shopping centers are being bulldozed under to make room for more high density housing. Stores, like cash, are being made to be obsolete. The lax laws here in California that let thieves just plunder what they like without repercussions  is traumatic enough. Anything of value is locked up in the stores, it looks like a war zone. You have to watch for your purse and wallet in the store. Pickpockets. Stores don't want to do business and close. But online shopping has its risks too, of identity theft and porch pirates...

Elon Musk said a tweet the other day that filled me with dread:  'these are the good old days'

He knows.

I remember when I first saw the Han Solo movie, I knew that was a premonition of what is in store for us. Orphans. Slaves. Ugly, dark environment of cruelty. 

Yet, I spend a lot of time watching NDE videos. I know too the tighter the 'squeeze'--electricity and gas and fuel are so expensive, as also is food...the more people will wake up and turn to their Creator for help!

This is all a game or story. Nobody gets out alive.

I spend a lot of time asking Ross why I am here? And what am I supposed to witness in my lifetime? 

How can I prepare?

I've tried gardening. It's not easy. Plants need fertilizer too.

I can cook but I need supplies.

For money? I don't know. Gold can be stolen. Crypto is cryptic lol. And currencies are, well, losing value. I realize prayer is a lot more important than preparation, but both are essential. Without God's blessings we are toast. 

In the meantime, I do my best to live in today and not worry excessively. There's joy to be had, connections to be made to uplift others, and way more good going on in the world. Things in general are out of my control. But that's okay. The NDE's are probably the best source of Truth next to the big holy book.

Do your best. And angels can do no better.

Yesterday my goal for the day was to change into clean pajamas all by myself. I did it. It wasn't easy. 

Today Ross said, 'write' so I write.

Try not to be too hard on yourself. Know everything is going according to plan. If God can send manna from heaven you will be taken care of--keep your connection to Creator strong as you can. 

If you are being given a 'time out'--like I am currently--rest and strengthen and heal. The only way out is through. 


Carla and I have been doing a lot of talking. About things that pertain to us.

All the while, Carla is striving for healing. 

She doesn't know that the instant she arrives in Heaven, everything IS suddenly healed!

It helps her to pass the time, and perhaps, by her Healing she wants to save time later for things she enjoys.

Do your best and angels can do no better.

Do not be harsh on yourself.

Let the past go.


Draw up the courage to dream your most fantastic dreams and miracles! No one is stopping you.

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos



Ross and Carla

The two elite