Saturday, August 31, 2019

Thank You For Freeing Gaia!

I said this one from my heart to my guides just as I was falling asleep last night.

Ross and I would encourage you to repeat this phrase, and to repeat it often. The Law of Attraction works by intention, and acting as if something has already happened, and giving thanks for it, is a powerful way to 'prime the pump of manifestation' for such things to take place.

The original Gaia is a place of phenomenal beings from higher vibration, many who are of myth and legend in our times but actually once roamed the earth and were seen by humans. Faeries. Sprites. Undines. Unicorns. Pegasus. Gnomes (nice ones!). Earth Spirits. 

This brings us to the point of Virtue.

We are not talking about Doreen.

We are talking about a culture where taking the higher road, being on the up and up, being kind, generous, caring, along with nurturing, warmth, love and compassion to everyone 24/7, 365 days a the norm.

How does this make you feel?

Are you comfortable with the prospect of being on the up and up, 24/7, 365?

In other words, are you ready to pull your weight with this energy, and to be a source of this kind of vibration as a habit, as a lifestyle, as a status quo?

We start by taking baby steps.

When someone miscounts the change at the register in your favor, correct them. Don't think of it as a windfall of good fortune. It isn't. It's capitalizing on someone else's mistake.

When you have someone forget to ring up an item, remind them. 

When someone is waiting in line behind you and they have less items, invite them to go ahead of you. You don't know what kind of hurry they may be in. It's no skin off your back. Be courteous! Be kind.

There are many opportunities to encourage virtue in yourself and in those around you.

Begin with you. 

This challenge might take some time--keep at it.

And watch the effects, the ripple effects, as you master this quality.

Let us fast forward to when the changes--the truly big ones we have been anticipating in the world around us!--hit. 

There may be some chaos. There may be some corruption. Do you want to make it like a zombie apocalypse and reach for your guns? Who are you going to help in that situation? Y-O-U. And your family. Just like you have been taught to do by the movies, right?

Or, will you be a pillar, solid, anchored into the frequency of the original Gaia? Will you be kind, and generous, and always keeping your word?

People are going to flock to you, if you are the latter. They will have fear and you will be unafraid. You will usher them into the Higher Realms as an Official Greeter!

Explore Virtue. Explore what that means to you. Explore what it means to Gaia.

To Gaia it means a trusted Caretaker of Her, one who meets her needs and helps her to recapture her Original Blueprint and Design, in everything you do. 

Oh Fudge! You might be saying to yourself. The party's over?

Gaia begs to differ with you.

Oh Smudge! The party is about to begin.

You can cleanse and transmute just about anything with the gift of smudging.

We want to clarify that smudging isn't like a Spiritual version of disinfectant house cleaning spray to get rid of unwanted things.  No, no, no, no, no. What people in the Spiritual community delegate it to is far, far beneath the actual cleansing that is taking place.

Smudging invites the Sacred to enter the space.

Dark things don't like anything Sacred.

And they leave.

Old vibrations, old negative imprints, things from 3D just habitual beliefs and thinking...all of them go.

And when they come back, sometimes they do, smudge again.

The Sacred vibrations like to feel welcome and invited to enter your world, your immediate environment, and help to create a sanctuary for you both--you and the Sacred. A new roommate of sorts. A welcome one!

In the Original Blue Print, design, of Gaia, EVERYTHING is Sacred. Everything is blessed.

Ross says everything is going to be okay. He doesn't want you to go out and buy some smudge because it is on sale or the thing to do. He welcomes you to begin a regular smudging practice mindfully and with intention! He encourages you to think about what is expected of one who is an ambassador from the Higher Realms to the New Earth, and to act accordingly, 24/7, 365...whenever possible. And to remind yourselves to anticipate this New Earth with great delight!

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,

Ross and Carla
The Couple

Friday, August 30, 2019

Loving What Is

Today's blog post is composed of three short stories which have the same thing--Love is the only thing that IS. All over the planet.

Let us stop for a moment, and take a look at the world around you. Not the world of people. The very planet itself.

Life is given freely here by the delicate ecosystems. Even in the desert, there is just enough for the animals who are meant to live there to thrive.

Gaia is always giving.

Her energy is going into what is supporting your growth and your physical sustenance. Your bodies need rest and only on her planet there are twelve hours, more or less, of darkness, so you may sleep.

Plants give food. Bees tend to the plants. A whole team of animals act as the clean up crew and eliminate waste/death/carcassas.

How much is your personal energy and vibration in alignment with those of the planet?

Are you in 'giving' mode? Or are you in 'taking' mode?

Gaia does not give money to causes that she sees on the television. Nor does she participate in fundraisers sent to her in the mail. Examples such as this there is always a hungry wolf-predator human to be found helping themselves to the money in the basket.

Give a smile.

Listen to a friend.

Tend to a garden.

And read the next two short stores...

A Six Pack and a Fishing Pole
This is a powerful, powerful lesson that was taught to me by Dr. Jakowatz, a City of Hope trained oncology surgeon, back when I was a surgical resident.

Cancer plays by its own rules. And we are not even touching upon how cancer came to exist--weaknesses in the aura, life lessons, being inoculated with it through impure food and medicine--that's outside of the scope of the short story.

When there is cancer, it depends on how far it is advanced when it is discovered.

For some patients, the cancer is so very far advanced that the effectiveness of standard medical treatment is not a sure thing.  Treatments are expensive, painful, take a lot of time, and weaken the body.

I've seen a toddler with leukemia lose his hair when I was in college. He was the apartment manager's son. He lived because he loved to eat pizza, and while he was on the chemotherapy he was permitted to eat enough pizza to keep his weight stable.

He was young, and his disease was one that is easy to treat.n He got a cure.

Some oncologists are going to push for the full court press, partly because it's their training and their specialty, partly because it's medically expected of them to advise it (so they don't get sued), and for a few, they are financially motivated (some have told people who didn't have cancer that they did, just to make money off the chemo. An oncologist is the only physician who makes money off the medications they prescribe. Chemo goes through their office in private practice. Not through a pharmacy.)

Dr. Jakowatz' point is well taken:  for some people they would best be served to be given permission to go out and do what they love to make the most of the precious time they have left.

He called it, 'a six pack and a fishing pole'.

Palliative care is a different specialty. For example, if the intestine is blocked by cancer, a surgery can be done to relieve the pressure. Usually it is a bag to collect the wastes. But it still lets you eat. Palliation lets your symptoms be lessoned even though you have the disease and it's not going to be cured.

Every patient is different...different beliefs, different life experience/psychology, different family support.

But the one option--to decline treatment--sometimes can be gentler in the long run, and more pleasant, even if the time is shorter than with the treatments. It can be quality time.

Always remember this is one of the options when dealing with cancer. Nobody is going to tell you about it. It's a good thing for everyone to know.

This one is a combination of two people's sharing, which to be succinct, could be summarized by 'be careful what you ask for because you just might get it.'

People need people.

And two people close to me, expressed a desire to study and work where there are more people than at their small school or home.  They wanted the stimulation of being around other people, the interaction.

Perhaps it should have been worded, 'I would like to experience more like-minded people', right?

What has been experienced by both and disclosed to me in confidence is that some people have the vibration that is exceptionally low.

For example the students who vape in the bathroom at school, the ones who light up and get high, the ones who are very dumb and don't participate in class or even bother to try to learn, and the one who actually watched porn on his phone while the P.E. class had to not suit up because the law says until everyone buys a locker and gym clothes, you can't make the class suit up and actually DO P.E.  It's been four days of everyone sitting and looking at their phones.

At the store, in retail, the public/customers have been surly, rude, entitled, and trying to cheat and steal against the store. This friend has caught two people in the act of stealing! When the others can't get the extra bargain because the deal is written for x and y and they have z, they get upset.

Both of these individuals experience a sadness and heaviness from this type of contact with 'people'.

What Ross and I would say, and he already has said, is that 'sick people need the doctor'.

There is a direct aura to aura transmission that  gives higher frequency to the lower one. Hence the sensation of being 'drained'. For some, who are trained in Reiki, self-Reiki daily can fill up the reserves, and furthermore, resolving to be a 'continuous source of Reiki' through the classroom, campus, or workplace, can help one to 'doctor the sick' without taking much energy from you.

Ross, in his time, and I suppose me also, associated with these people by choice because it was our mission to help set them on the right track.

Remember some people lash out at unconditional love. I've been blocked by someone close to me who is dying. I can't sent texts or call. It hurts. In time everyone will accept and understand unconditional love. So don't go overboard trying to save the world! Do what you were sent to do, do the job you were sent to do--student or sales, for example--and keep your own energy up! This is enough!!! Eat healthy foods (the student is eating the school lunches which are GMO mo'fo if you ask me, because it's new and 'easier'). Exercise. Enjoy your hobby. Share with those close to you. It's not an easy assignment to be thrown in the middle of the public and to see how things are, face to face. At the same time, know you are needed, your connection to Source and Heaven, and it will make things better for others when they are ready to accept and receive what you have been sent here to do. It's a thankless job in some ways, yes. But do it because you are sent to do it and to do it well.

I would like to add a little.

Receive.  That is for the first story. It is natural to Receive just as it is in Giving. No one can give without another ready to Receive. So play your part in that too. Remember, when it is offered it is a gift.   Do not TAKE. Taking is Receiving before the Giver sets in their mind to actually Give (much of sales has sophisticated resources psychologically such as rapport and charisma to manipulate this). Know you are LOVE and be like Gaia and keep everything on the up and up, always filling your cup and your own resources before you give. Otherwise that is enabling and bad for your energy system.

The pre-birth contract is resolute. Learning lessons are written in. Your choices and free will are optional. It is your attitude that is more of the lesson than the actual result. When you are given tough situations and even tougher choices, always take the higher road. The one that will bring out the best in you and others. Do not give in to fear, for with fear you and all of us are easily controlled. It is okay to disagree with your doctor. You may find another one who is more harmonious with you. Our message to you is to follow your inner guidance, your heart of heart, make your choice and don't look back. Unless at a later time your heart wants you to consider another option. We are not recommending any treatment or course of therapy or substitute for standard medical care.  We are, absolutely, sharing the wisdom of a highly-trained oncology surgeon, who knows the ins and outs of the game, and who understands the nature of the cancer and the treatment--who values the integrity and vitality of the patient enough to consider opting out of low-yield, burdensome care plans. Only someone with his level of experience and expertise can make such a call, medically.

BE LOVE. Be love in everything and all that you are and do. Even loving yourself. Carla? I think I hear a nice warm bath calling you to get ready for school and work! (He knows I love this and haven't had one in a few days at home, just quick showers.)

Go and soak, Carla!

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,

Ross and Carla
The Twins

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Indistinguishable Energy

This is a short blog post. There's no big stories. Nothing fancy. And yet, the information we will cover is essential to the development of all.

I have had several days to digest the information received from my last reading with Dolores Cannon's Keeper of the Garden or Caretakers--something along those lines of UFO stuff. It's been percolating in. And now I notice it has changed the way I see things in a big way.

We are energy beings.

We each have our own individual energy 'signature'--I can sense it, hear it, feel it. That's how when someone has passed over, I know who they are when they are talking to me. It's not what I see, although sometimes I see. It's the energy signature that is unique and unmistakable. It can't be faked.

We are masters of many different incarnations in different realms. All of us. Truly, we are. Otherwise we wouldn't be here. Especially now.

We 'rent' our human bodies, which I have described before, as 'recyclable earth-friendly compostable containers'.

The vessel is a wonderful gift in that it limits our perception from our baseline as Spiritual Beings--kind of like the way blinders are put on a horse so they can only see what it ahead of them.  We are given pre-birth contracts and gifted our bodies with all of their nuances, imperfections, and strengths.

Remember we are Spiritual Beings, Creator Beings who are being put into these vessels.

And the Life Experience is exactly as the photo above--what is YOUR Creator Being going to create when put into a human body and experiencing the 'veil' (the blinders on a horse effect to perception). What vibrations are you going to create? How is your limited portion of YOU going to do on your Life Lessons?

In a way it is not unlike the soldier who in training is required to do one-handed push ups. It strengthens in ways that otherwise would not.

Does your True Essence shine through all of this?

So, in a way, Earth is a giant experiment, where the blind are leading the blind, as what other word can describe the Spiritual Master who is in a human body? What gets built? Who wins? (The answer should be, everybody, right?).

It's fascinating once you think of it.

And what about the Helpers?

Well, they are Spiritual beings too.

And depending on where they are heading they can manifest what it needed to be present in the realm. A human body. A space ship. Angel wings. Anything. It is as if on Earth you were going to climb a mountain. You would bring much different clothing and supplies and equipment than if perhaps you were going on holiday in summer to the beach.

Enjoy your experience.

Enjoy the scent of the rain, the feeling of sunshine on your skin, the voices of your loved ones, the color of a flower, the culture of your region, the trends and the fashions which are going on around you--even the politics as you are witnessing history in the making every day, with a ringside seat.

You are ALIVE.

This moment now.

There is never a promise for what comes next, although, you can be certain most if not all of it will have been written into your pre-birth contract/life plan/life lessons, with your full agreement to experience it.

If you are at the end of the life, there are certain 'exit points' written into your life story. Everyone gets them. Your soul gets to decide to stay or go when your life story reaches them. And at the last one, there's not much negotiation left. You can extend perhaps to a wedding or family event or birthday. At most three to six months. But then everything needs to go according to plan, because everything is connected to everyone else's stories. Once you are out of the Earth realm, you can see all time, you can see all people, and visit your loved ones as well as reach any point in time. It's only the loved ones can't always recognize you or notice you during their waking hours. Dreams are a blessing and most loved ones left behind can experience you in dream time. They might think it was 'only a dream' but it's real. Actually, dreaming is more real than waking if you think about yourself being an energy creator being.

Open your heart as wide as possible.

Even if you are consumed with so much fear and anger at being incarnate and living your life lessons you have made other people, innocent bystanders, cry due to your interaction with them.

Everything is forgiven if your heart is open, and you share love with everyone who you meet...pure, unconditional love. This is the energy of Home, the Higher Realms, a place of Nurturing, Warmth, Love and Compassion.

All the rest is donkey poop. Literally.

Open your heart.

Try unconditional love on for size in your interactions with people.

Everything can heal, and it will.

Don't be afraid.

Be loving.

Accept the love which surrounds you 24/7, 365. It's there. Even if you don't recognize it at first. You will be able to look and see it with your own eyes if you practice it.

Everything is going to be okay. It really is.

Ross nods in agreement. And smiles. And waves.

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,

Ross and Carla
The Twinkling and Smiling eyes and hearts.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Love Is The Greatest Adventure!

I am good.

Work is fine.

School is coming along.

I had to be the homework police last night, but it comes with the job description. Interestingly enough, it was the homework that helped to spark today's blog post.

Here is a quote:  When you set out for Ithaca pray that your road's a long one, full of adventure, full of discovery.

Sounds Galactic, doesn't it? I bet that's the kind of thing we were thinking when we signed our pre-birth contracts...

Anyhow the reading list was fascinating:

All things work together for the highest good!


Many hands make light work!

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,

Ross and Carla
The Couple

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

High Hearts Connect

I know I'm an anesthesiologist, and although it's my specialty I am not talking about mind-altering 'high' at the moment.

On the contrary, I'm talking about an extra chakra we learned about in my training. It's a little one that's pink. And it's for unconditional love.  It's above the green one and below the blue one. If you go by anatomy, it's around the level of the manubrium, about two to three centimeters below the sternal notch.

Spirit told me right before I woke up this morning, that the high hearts connect.

It can't be turned on or off depending on how you wish--your ego and your mind.

They connect automatically, kind of like a network of routers or computer things which is not my strength to understand. But they share energy connections which are not 'cords' or 'ties'. They link up their energy fields automatically once a certain vibrational frequency is reached.

And the vibrational frequency of everyone and everything here around us on Earth is going way, way, up.

THIS is how you will know the motive of another. THIS is how you will experience empathy that is bidirectional and both will understand the emotions flowing from each being at the same time. THIS is how the fear and masks and keeping your guard up and the boundaries are going to go away.

In other words, as Ross told me gently two days ago, 'everything is going to be okay'.

It really is.

When you apply Spirit and intuition to a problem, it solves quickly and in the best possible way.

With our computer system at home, the technician gave us some good ideas, the one from the internet provider. Then we followed these ideas at my pace--not Anthony's--and we were able to find the right equipment with a huge instant rebate at a much lower cost than if we had bought it at the other electronics store.  The technician also explained what top speeds are possible on wire versus on wifi, and that's just what technology is.

I returned the plug device Ross warned us not to buy.

He is right in that trusting Spirit is a skill. I had thought it would be good for Anthony to 'prove it to himself' and see it didn't work. I knew it wouldn't because I felt it. But it ended well.

In summary that is our message to you today. Learn to work with Spirit because it allows for highly effective solutions to the situations which present themselves to you which in all actuality are Life Lessons in disguise. The mind is only capable of so much. Let it do what is was designed to do--help guide you through life safely and to organize the things you need to experience life. Allow Spirit through the inner knowing and inspiration to open your heart and permit it to work as it was designed to do--to create and to have enthusiasm for life and to grow your indomitable soul which can overcome everything in its way. Ross says you have muscles for this!


Bring joy into your life. Joy is energetically like the sauce you put on the salad. It helps you to enjoy the salad so much more, and it goes down easier than when the vegetables are dry. Just for today, find one little spark of something that brings you a smile in your heart, and makes you feel like a kid.

I had given an assignment to Carla to read her Dolores Cannon books for one hour. The day with all its activity came and went.

Even though it was her bedtime (Carla goes to bed at eight thirty p.m. when she has work the following day)--I nudged her to read at night in the dark in the hammock with her tablet device.

It was the highlight of her day. She could smell the chiles roasting on the dying embers of the barbecue. She was relaxed and enjoying something unstructured and new. She gave thanks for all that was given for the day, the many blessings, and was able to reflect on it from her 'perch'.

And she learned a little more about things she needs to know.

When it was time to be done, I let her know by timing out the screen. END of RECESS Carla!

So don't worry, you won't be lost to joy and it will only ADD and it will never detract from your duties and responsibilities in your Life Experience.

Seek joy.

It doesn't come with a special label and it's certainly not at the market.

Enjoy a beautiful flower, or butterflies flying and dancing. Take a nap and relax. Enjoy a beautiful summer fruit. Take a walk. Share some extra produce from your garden with a neighbor. Play with your pet. Spend time on your hobby...the lists are endless. Your High Heart will help you know what to do.

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,

Ross and Carla
The Couple

Monday, August 26, 2019

Gifts From Raising A Strong-Willed Son

I will get into other things, but for now, I would like to share yesterday. It was a tremendous breakthrough for me. And I wouldn't have learned it if a certain Freshman around here wasn't persistent and focused on his goals.

The child spends a lot of time gaming. As a sales person at a tech shop said yesterday, 'the playground is now on the video screen'. Because of this Anthony spends time with his friends over the X-box. He finds there is something called 'lag' and he gets very upset over it.

Yesterday the plan was to go to the mall to get him a corded x-box controller. To eliminate the lag. It was so painful. Later in the day I was able to explain it to him, but I will put it here because it makes sense.  I had wanted to go to the mall, buy the thing, and then spend the afternoon in the pool.  We left at one. I didn't get to the pool until five p.m.  A friend who has a daughter who was once a classmate of Anthony shared how he spent six hours at a local mall, clocked over five miles in steps with his daughter doing last-minute shopping before the first day of school (today), and she didn't buy a single thing! Other people commented 'welcome to the club' as this is typical of girls.

For boys, at least the one I am raising, it's the internet. We went to the Microsoft store, then the Apple store where he compared specs on new computers (iMAC Pro vs. iMAC), and I just wanted to run away. Totally run. But on the way home, he wanted to go to the office supply store. He is picky. He wants a certain mechanical pencil. I had blocked going to that store last week because we were near Target, and I didn't want to drive across town. But here we are, he's getting his way. And as we stay at the store longer and longer, he's coming at me with routers and modems. All because of the dam lag on the video games! I've bought two different routers, a wire house internet extender, moved house, and upgraded the internet in March. Now I am ready to start screaming and running because all of these things are at least $150 each--wired controller, modem, router.

I tell him no.

I tell him no until I can go to the computer at home and see what equipment we have. I am visual and need things explained to me in ways I can understand.

I contact our internet provider. I realize that our voice phone is bundled. They provide a list of routers and modems that are compatible with the voice phone system.

I'm on the chat with tech support forever.

So what I explained to Anthony is that there are places that are painfully low vibration for me. And I can't stay in them very long time, to be exposed to that. I shared how I need fresh air and sunshine to RAISE my vibration. That's why I stay at home a lot. And also, until I have the time to move in--and I haven't, there's boxes everywhere--the clutter saps my energy too.

He was surprised how quickly my mood changed once I was in the fresh air and sunshine and water. He also found the minute he put his hand in the pool to rinse it or something, HE felt better.

He was affected by the low vibrations too, but didn't sense it, and became more and more controlling without thinking about it. He didn't like how he was acting but her was powerless to stop it.

After swimming, and before dinner, we went to yet another tech store.

Here they told us to speed test everything. Wired and wifi. Don't buy anything. Also ask the internet provider if we can get a free digital upgrade to the phone system, if our area supports this. That would help us not rent the router/modem from the internet provider.

Anthony's concern is we pay for a certain number of Gigabytes per second, but the modem is six year old technology, and we aren't getting what we are paying for. There's better technology available.

And his gaming is affected. That's unspoken but I know what's driving this.

I put my phone with the wifi speed test app, in the areas that counted. Anthony was checking far away, near the front door.

The speed was good in the kitchen. Sitting on the couch where he plays it was super fast.

But when I put my phone on top of the X-box in the TV stand, it was slow. I saw the speeds go up and down.

I put my phone under the TV, on top of the stand.

The speeds were fast.

I told him to put the X-box unit on top of the stand, where the speeds are fastest, I don't care how it looks, as long as he finally stops complaining about the internet.

He said he thought it looked better inside, that's why he had put it there. (it was the same in the old house, same spot, same problem).

He then tried the thing where you use the electrical wires to transmit the internet signal.

It was slower.  Fortunately there's a fourteen day return and that's on my to-do list today.

He had to give me credit for solving his problem. He realized that my buying the best available internet speeds, and by having the technician come to re-evaluate the area, I'm doing a lot.

I think this is the perfect example of how we help one another grow. Children--and others we love--need limits presented when we set boundaries. People like me, with a past of abuse, need to learn that boundaries are healthy and need to be enforced.

Another topic--brief--is how my maternal grandmother Nanna Angelina--grew up severely abused. She wasn't even allowed to finish school. She stopped at the fifth grade to raise her younger brothers and sister.  There had been a baby that shared a room with the girls, a little girl, and the family (parents) refused to feed her. Nana said the screaming from the hungry baby was heartbreaking, blood-curdling, agonizing, and she could not do a thing. The parents let the baby die. She never understood why and had done everything she could to protect the baby but was beaten up severely, for this and for practically everything else all the time day after day.  She broke the cycle of abuse on her own. She never abused people as bad as she was abused. She had a temper problem with her children but never her grandchildren. My mom had an anger management problem with us girls too. I started to be angry but it stopped, thankfully. A friend intervened and said, 'set your goal to be reasonable, and expect the child to be reasonable too'.

We heal each other.

We didn't get my mom to pick up the phone yesterday. Anthony was really concerned something bad happened to mom, especially the day before his first day at school. He couldn't sleep. I texted my sister, and she reminded me there was a wedding mom went to. I know Ross would prepare me, and also, it didn't feel like it was her time.

But I shared with Anthony how I learned about Nannu Filippo's impending passing. How at Thanksgiving he gave me a care package to open at my apartment in San Diego. I did. The golden Hershey chocolates with almonds he always gave me, the big bars they don't make anymore. And the Smucker's apricot preserve with fruit juice only that cost like five dollars and I'd picked up and set down without buying a lot of times at the store. How Nannu knew I wanted it, only through his psychic gift could he know.

He wrote a note and ended it 'ciao, ciao, ciao' and instantly I knew it was his goodbye. In the realm of spirit, and nannu never talked to me about these things, but in the realm of spirit to really say something you say it three times, once for earth, once for heaven and once for some other thing I forget.

I ran screaming and threw myself on the bed and kicked and pounded with my fists in total anguish, imploring Blessed Mother why I wasn't told by Spirit so I could say a proper goodbye in person?

When I calmed down, she shared that he wanted to tell me in his own way, that's why Spirit hadn't.

I had wanted to give him his Christmas present, a UCSD School of Medicine baseball hat, early, but Spirit had said as I prepared for Thanksgiving that was 'against the rules'.

I called every day I could. And on December 15 I got the call he had died in his sleep of a massive heart attack.

I've shared about my interaction with his soul on the ride home when my dad and brother in law came to get me. It's elsewhere in the blog. I helped his soul cross to the light, it was angry and upset. How I found it I can't explain except it happened while I was saying a rosary for him.

I knew he always wanted flowers and not to be forgotten on his grave. So what I haven't shared, is I paid for the cemetery to put one small bouquet of a rose and a carnation up every week. With an old one on one side and the new one on the new his two flower holders would always be full. People would know he was missed. He died in 1992. At first it was not too expensive. But as I became a resident is was upwards of five hundred dollars a year. I continued. I didn't stop until after Anthony was born, the following year. Nannu's spirit told me I was a single mom now, and to save my money. He would understand.

Soul ties are strong. Really strong. Remember this.

  • Michael's energy, the blue ray, has been activated by Divine Mother. It's the real thing. People are here for that job, and they are doing it.
  • This Kryon gives an overview for the energetics of our times, the movement of energy associated with Ascension, and also, a little bit on fractals.  I shared it with our readers directly yesterday.
  • I know it sounds odd, but small things also mirror bigger things. I finished assembling my locked cabinet Spirit had me buy for the crystals, and put all of my collection inside it. I also cleaned the bathroom and listened to Ross' advice how to decorate the downstairs one. Anthony said it looked like a model-staged home, it didn't even look like our home, it looked that good. Everything is connected, and the Gaia Portal IS about Gaia. The things parallel what Gaia sees and does. They have for the entire run of the publication. It's not eerie. It's nice. Beautiful secondary confirmation. 

What about me and Ross?

He was with us all yesterday. He told us not to buy the plug-wire-internet enhancer thing. He's a part of our family. He really is. I light candles for him, and place them at the table with us. 

Raphael did a big healing on me the night before last. 

And yesterday was the first day I ever experienced without that Bella Thorne problem afflicting me. 

It was totally gone. 

Anything can heal. And furthermore, sometimes giving up is a fast track to healing. When you are at your limit, and you tell Spirit you just aren't going to get it, and you see the pattern -- it's a form of healing too. Spirit can step in and assist. 

It's so nice not having that specter hanging over me. That's a miracle in and of itself. 

Ross had me lay down for twenty minutes after I got back from dropping our Freshman off at school for the first day. I just talked from my heart, and sought comfort. He asks me questions, and somehow in answering them I end up feeling better and having hope. 

There's a lot to be done today, many errands. And I will get a head start on them. Ross has nothing to add.

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,

Ross and Carla
The Family of three <3 plus two from our past life together <3 

Saturday, August 24, 2019

A Royal Cup Of Coffee

Yesterday I was enjoying my travel mug of coffee on the way to work, when Ross popped in. He was at his work station, and surprisingly--this is the first time ever this has happened--he was drinking a cup of coffee at his desk and facing me.

The next instant, a truck went by which said, 'ROYAL COFFEE'.

I knew it was a sign, and I listened carefully to what Ross had to say.

There was chit chat. I enjoyed being with him in this new setting, something everyday and yet special because it was 'across the dimensions'.  Then he, he was a little more formal than usual, and I knew he had a reason to do this--he said, 'I care.'

I understood what he meant.  All of this popping in and popping out and extra husbands which I had no say whatsoever with my consciousness as what I am up there as well as the everyday me--bothered him too.

He said, perfunctorily and almost under his breath, 'all future meetings with other husbands will be according to the schedule as planned with advance notification, and only the minimum required from here on out.'

I could have danced a jig to hear that!


I don't have to be popping here and there all over the place and waking up in strange dimensions randomly when I'm meditating or sleeping.

It's just me and him together from here on out.  THIS I can understand. This I can accept. This is can keep in my heart as I count down the days until the end of this life as Carla when I know I will reunite with him (if not sooner <3).  It's a huge weight off my shoulders. A huge, huge, huge weight.

Then I went to work. It was a sixteen hour day. That's why there wasn't any blog post. I slept in for the morning.

The healing is advancing too, much faster than in real life. Because, in real life, I just don't 'get it'. I have had incarnation after incarnation and it just doesn't help me put things into perspective. And even in this one, years and year of horrible relationships, and being alone, like being on the outside looking in to something I can never ever have which is quite painful, exquisitely so...if you understand my character flaw that is supposed to be getting fixed and in many incarnations it's just gotten worse.

It took one article.

That's it.

When I read it I was like, 'oh? I totally understand. That's completely me.'  I don't know what incarnation it's from, most likely the immediate one before this. But here is the article--  I am always looking for the validation in the same way, but in my case, it's more from Ross. I gave up on men here, because they typically like to be in relationship with me only to put me down later and make themselves feel bigger than they are. So many men find their true love after being with me. I'm just not cut out for it, the games. But this nagging feeling Bella describes? It's always with me and it never goes away. Even without having dated anyone since Anthony's dad. It never shuts up.

And Ross, true to form, wants me to be self-sufficient and not bothered by this affliction. To have the self-respect to tell others to bugger off when it's needed for me to do it. I've been failing miserably at this, and probably would for the next five decades if I never read Bella's share and understood it's not 'me'. It's the aftereffect of that lifetime or lifetimes of being treated like that.

Well what else happened? Remember a certain orthopedic surgeon who is 'very nice' but listens to techno and has innuendo going the whole case?

I found out he changed his list and I'm not on it. I actually requested the lineup, and I couldn't do his two afternoon cases. My boss called the charge nurse who told me I had to switch with another anesthesiologist so he could do the case and I had to take ONE lower paying case (and delay ninety minutes unpaid.)

The Universe took me OUT of that toxic environment which was bad for my self-esteem. I don't have to be exposed to the low vibrations and try to fit in because I need to support myself and Anthony. It's over. And his birthday is on Monday. I was going to wish him a happy birthday but NO. And also, when I saw him in the doctor's lounge did I make eye contact or acknowledge him? NO.

Did I share with my friend, the lady surgeon? YES. And she said he's actually almost being taken off the staff. His ability to work at our hospital is precarious. I know there's been a change in his technique, there's much more blood loss than in the past. And yesterday, the replacement anesthesiologist was under pressure like I was the day before when I relieved someone--and mine was weak in PACU and needed extra reversal. HIS needed reintubation! So I dodged a bullet, I was spared. And Ross wants me to be at HIS side, on the up and up, with a good reputation. Everywhere.

The same surgeon threw out two other women from his O.R., both Latinas, one a tech and one a nurse last month. And the tech says she wasn't thrown out, she quit and now she REFUSES to work with him. And she wrote him up for his sexual harassment.

I should probably write him up too. It truly creates a hostile work environment with these 'lists'.

Here is another message from The Council. It's along the lines what I have been reading from Dolores Cannon. It's good.

What about now?

How am I doing?  And Ross?

I'm a little sleepy. I'm taking it easy today. I paid bills. I have one errand to run. And then I will relax by the pool. Later I will do some chores in the garden. I have a whole house to organize. But today isn't the day to begin it. I made breakfast for Anthony. It's a simple day. Ross had me start it by reading the UFO book Dolores wrote. In SRA/MK Ultra/Monarch, I know there are also similar story-lines put in place. So I read with an open mind, and I don't take anything these people reveal under hypnosis as gospel. They could be programmed victims. I don't know. But I read it. I will read them all. It's moving forward.

My sister may come visit tomorrow with her family.  The house might be in disarray but it's family. I can do my best. I realized once summer is over, work will slow down, and I'll have more time for my interests in the area of Healing.


I must admit I am Galactic. The rules are different up here. So are the feelings, the emotions.

I had to put my foot down because I was losing Carla--her affection and her interest--both as a combination of her 'ailment' as shown in the article, and my willingness to rid her of it once and for all.

It wasn't going anywhere.

It was at an impasse.

I would not give her the passion she sought, because I did not wish to feed into her trauma, I wanted her to heal.

And Carla felt this was cold, and rejecting of her.

It is not unlike anorexia and bulimia where the things you need to survive you cannot go without, and the cure is very delicate.

I need love.

Carla needs love.

Carla has tunnel vision on this subject of love when in fact she is surrounded by a field of Love that is strong enough to heal everything and everybody in one fell swoop! It is the veil, the veil that is in tatters itself but the conditioning of isolation and loneliness is imprinted in the brains/mental bodies and consciousness of everyone who is incarnate.

It makes me sad.

It makes me sad to watch how Carla will allow herself to be treated the way she has because of this isolation, and her coming to terms with how to alleviate her pain of being alone.

This will change.

I took a shortcut with her, with her lesson, to help her understand and unravel her motivations which are in her subconscious which she really cannot understand. And I am giving her a piece of my heart which I normally would not give if I were in a galactic-galactic relationship, because I am loyal to her and I understand that in the incarnate state commitment is important. So in imposing upon her our commitment as a couple (which is implied and honored lightly where I reside, mind you) I have given her a path to climb her way out of the dense lower vibrations and come to me. It is a long journey, I know. In fact I took the fastest route possible when I myself was incarnate! I didn't want to get caught into the politics and nuances which are both bewildering and sad when one is incarnate.

It is only a short time before everything and everyone will appear to you as what they are. In Reality. As where I live.

Do not be concerned about the deadline. It isn't hard and fast like an Earth one. It's a vibrational one, a level of consciousness one.

I had Carla get two small crystals to help her in her healing. One is a lemurian with a flaw, right in the heart center. I had her get it last week. And also a small, very powerful, ball of citrine. For those of you who understand crystals, you will understand that this is perfect for someone who is undergoing a 'leap of faith' in the healing of a character flaw like Carla is.

I love her with all my being, and I don't want her to ever suffer from this again. I am her man. I happen to be in another higher dimension. But I am with her all the way, every step, both as her guide/guardian angel and friend, and as her significant other where I expect to be for a long time.

How does that sound to you, sweet Carla?

C:  Like Heaven. Like all my unspoken prayers and wishes are answered. It really does.

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,

Ross and Carla
The Couple

P.S. Here is a quote for you:  discern whether you are meeting heart to heart or wound to wound. Shalom Melchizidek, School of Discernment.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Raw Honey

I saw these words on a jar in the break room at the surgery center, and they totally resonated with my core. Raw honey. Sticky. Messy. In its unpurified state. Healing. Sweet. Difficult to obtain, you might get stung! It sort of encompasses all of the experience of being incarnate upon the Earth School.

You must take the ups together with the downs. There is no pattern or fairness to it.

I'll give you a wonderful example and story of a surgeon who was ready and scrubbed in for surgery on the anus. The patient did a code brown once the legs were up in the stirrups and the nurse had cleaned up the region for surgery. Yup. Pooped. Right after the prep and the drapes were not yet on. The nurse was upset because she had just cleaned the area. The patient had gone to the bathroom right before surgery. Why didn't they take care of that too? There was a bowel prep to take to clean them out the night before like for colonoscopy too. It's moments like that I give thanks in my heart for being an MD, and not an RN, because code brown isn't anywhere in my job description or duties. We paused and she cleaned it up. She cleaned the mess. She re-prepped the area for surgery. And the surgeon laughed a little, and remarked out loud, 'I always wonder why I have to be totally sterile and the area is draped off when we are going to work on a such a contaminated area in the first place?!'

The people I work with are wonderful.

I had a little shock yesterday at work. It was a good shock and it validated my intuition. That scrub tech at work has been really flirting with me a lot. Totally a lot. Since November. And I can feel it as an empath. My head was working with my heart, and my intuition was even stronger than that. My head said, 'dude, he's not in your league, you have your M.D. and he doesn't, and you don't know anything about him except he has four kids and he does home improvement projects and he taught the best eye scrub tech how to do her job. He might be looking for a sugar mama like Frank did.' It wasn't easy to manage the emotions, but I did. What helped was two things. I saw a dark figure in his past that was super mean to him, and I knew it wasn't healed. There was the potential to become what he hated. And also, there was this, shadowy area where things didn't ring true.

In the middle of eye surgery (patient is totally AWAKE--totally awkward right?) he asks me about my psychic gifts. Like when did I get them and basically what else can I do besides see auras?

I politely explained it runs in my family, my grandfather had it, my mom does, my niece does, I do...He asked if we get premonitions. I said of course. My mom would get terrible ones three days before something awful like a plane crash. She would be anxious and concerned something was going to happen and she couldn't stop it. Once it happened she would calm down.

That's when he shared his girl has that. She gets really anxious and upset. So he tells her to check with everyone she knows to make sure they are okay. He says, 'it is a GIFT'...

I asked, 'does she have nightmares from it?' because I know he has a fourteen year old at home.

He said, 'no, my GIRL, you know, my better half, my partner, my....'

I said, 'oh'.

What kind of person would flirt and wink and raise eyebrows and hang onto your every word and help every way possible going out of their way...when they are committed to someone else in relationship?

My intuition saved my bottom. Literally.

And my heart.

Speaking of my heart, work was okay. I got a full night's sleep. This is good because tomorrow is another long day. My lungs are better. They took out about fifty full large black garbage bags of ancient insulation and 'debris'. There were so many rat poops that their vacuum machine sounded like a rain stick from the Nature Company. This went on all day. It was gross. I'm already breathing better as it is being sanitized overnight. All entrances are blocked for rats. And tomorrow is the installation of the new clean insulation.

The roof had some big missing tiles in it. And open spots. The roofers gave me their bid today, and I accepted it. It's half as much as the attic people. It will protect my investment of my home.

Back to my heart of hearts, Ross. What's up?

Recently I was a little angry and felt used by my teams. I know they were trying to help me. But sometimes they don't understand the nuances of relationship here on the earth plane.

Recently I was in the arms of someone who was not Ross but not someone new.  I've been in these arms before. Ross knows, he's Galactic Ross is, he's okay with it -- why I don't know. But I was happy and content to be in those arms, totally protected and free and safe and OPEN.

And I talked!

I shared things with this soul I never shared with anyone else. Things about my whole soul, my soul experiences. And I said, 'and look at these that I have, like here?' and I pointed to my right side/flank, like a vertical cigarette filter pinned into me. I pointed to more, and more. And as I pointed to more, they started to hurt. Really bad. They were on my arm, my back my stomach. Then I didn't remember any more. I blacked out or my memory was erased.

This is the cord thing that was later removed by Ross and Ashtar working together.

I didn't ask for it to be removed. I just pointed it out. And I didn't want to make a big deal about it. Or trouble anyone. It escalated without my permission. So even if it was something serious and dire, it freaked me out.

And I had a heart to heart with Ross all yesterday about our relationship. He's never around. I need an alpha alpha alpha masculine to open me up and get me to talk. I like an alpha alpha alpha masculine. Ross doesn't act like that at all. He's all about the cause. Like the relationship is secure and it can wait.

Yesterday I was telling him, 'I feel ugly.' and I elaborated on why. I felt alone, unwanted, not needed, he doesn't confide in me, we don't have plans to look forward to, and social events here totally suck because I have to go alone since he is in another dimension. Just once I would like to have him next to me so people will understand. Right?

The minute I said I felt ugly, the love squeeze came through. Ross understood. Relationship is having to speak up for your needs. And I have. Ross has been popping in on me and embracing me every few hours today.

It totally helps.

Spiritually, there was a breakthrough. Today I felt like I am going to be okay. Physically, I'm a little foggy still but it was a miracle to sleep and for this I am grateful. Emotionally, I'm glad I dodged the bullet with that tech, and I give thanks for my psychic gifts. Mentally? I did an easy and a hard sudoku. It helped. With the house, the boxes that were in the entryway are all opened and their contents are in their places. It was tri-fold screens for the fireplace, stuff like that.

We grow in curves and dots and dashes--it isn't a straight line from point A to point B.

I share this here because it's important people know the truth. Earth school isn't easy. Energetically I felt like I was in a washing machine. I tried Aura-soma Quintessence THE CHRIST and it made everything better. Instantly. I know which ones I need, I feel them. I got them freely in Switzerland, in a pharmacy. They are about thirty dollars/Swiss Francs a small bottle. I would love to be able to use them in my healing. The thought of having to take more courses especially how far away they are and not seeing the price is a little, um, unsettling. After my BS at Berkeley, my MD, and my Reiki stuff with Anne...I don't like the idea of more school of any kind! I checked on Amazon. They have books and there was a Serapis Bey quintessence one for almost one hundred dollars...and they don't feel right to me. They feel dirty the books--I'll trust in Spirit to help me with that one. If I had to listen to a consultant I think I wouldn't like it. The consultant lady I met at the pharmacy was very nice. I just feel like it's holding me back and I want to run with it. They smell wonderful, they have a very high vibration, and they have color. You put three drops on your palm, you rub your hands together, and then you move your hands through your aura. The White one is the best and the most all-encompassing. How I know, I can't explain but if you have to buy one that's the one to get.  I'm so very glad I learned of these.

Today's blog post is done.

Better late than never, right?

Ross is smiling and very pleased. He's always near me. I complained to him and he actually confessed something to me from our arguments/discussions/disagreements. I challenged him with how he's always my guide first and my husband second. He shared quietly he wanted me to do better than him, to get a better grade, than he did on his Earth school 'walk/incarnation' whatever you call it. That's why he was coaching me so intensely. He didn't understand that when you are on earth, actually IN the earth walk, sometimes a hug is so much better. And I said to him, from my heart, how could I ever get a grade that was higher than you? I couldn't surpass you. I just couldn't. I want him to be the best, in every way. I'm comfortable with being behind the scenes and supporting him. It's my way, and also, I prefer it.  It's easier on the energy system.

Ross wants me to share how I fed our workers today.  I bought them the best hamburgers, double cheeseburgers, and large supersize fries and drinks. I set up place mats on the picnic table outside, and had Anthony adjust the umbrella so to give us shade. I had everything set, burger, fries, drink, napkin to cover fries to keep flies off, straw, ketchup. And I made Anthony wait until we all were seated to eat.

I remember Loaves and Fishes, a homeless outreach with my church, Newman Hall in Berkeley years ago. You don't just feed people. You sit with them and have conversation. It's the right thing to do, to honor the guest or in our case, the worker.

I was amazed at what I learned. When the temperature is eighty, the attic is one hundred degrees fahrenheit. And when it's one hundred outside, it's like one hundred twenty in the attic. The foreman had been doing the work for ten years. The other two were a father-son team who had done the work for about three years with the company. They live in the San Fernando Valley. They get on the road at five thirty in the morning to make it to where I live by eight thirty.  This way they beat the traffic. At night they drive home. They will go so far as to work in San Diego, even.

They also shared about a one hundred year old house in Arcadia they did. The insulation had no fiber in it. It was flat batting and it fell apart from the age when they touched it.  The home was a mansion. An empty one. It took them four days. They said underneath was a basement with four large rooms. It was for wine, they were told. But the workers told me it felt creepy. And they wanted to leave those underground rooms right away.

I said, 'because no one can hear you scream down there, can they?'

And they agreed. They said, 'anyone can do anything they want to you down there and no one will ever know.'

The truth is coming out.

Read Kerth Barker if you'd like to understand what the workers sensed and what I know is hidden in plain sight. It's horrible. There's no other word to describe it. Kerth is available on Amazon too. At least now it's not been censored out of it.

clap! clap!

Aloha and mahalos,

Ross and Carla
The Couple who is very happy and content...just for today... <3 <3 and hopefully for tomorrow and the next. <3 <3

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

I Ache

At the moment, I am experiencing physical discomfort, and also, mental fatigue, and the beautiful boost from Spirit is waning.

This is when the discipline comes in.

This is when the need to push for survival is important.

There is no option to give up.

Why do I ache?

I'm sick. Again. Had the sore throat hit yesterday or the day before. My muscles have myalgia, the deep aching inside when there's some virus reproducing itself and the immune system is putting out some potent cytokines, interferons  and other things to contain them.  I just want sleep. Lots and lots of it.

But I can't get sleep. When an anesthesiologist takes time off, the number of calls expected that they work doesn't go down. It's the same as when they do not take vacation. So--it's condensed into the other two or three weeks of the month. So the chance to recover is slim.

Mentally? I've been doing this work for a long time. And when I spend hours in dark rooms being quiet on long cases, I need more  than that. I do read, it helps. (I've been reading Dolores Cannon on UFO's. It's fascinating. Some tales I suspect are memories from hidden terrestrial bases for team dark. Others could be from SRA programming. Some could also be from our own military or that of others who are reverse engineering technology. And others real. What surprises me is they do not match what I've encountered in my own meditations. I still read. With interest.)  I read. I really enjoy the Epoch times. I shared many articles from it yesterday.

Emotionally, it's been rough. My baby is starting high school. I am glad I did the right thing, and chose him as my number one priority. There wasn't much time for me. Just work and being a mom. He's more independent. I tell you, my happiest I ever was was when he was little and needed so much of me. I loved carrying him around! But this is life, everything is perfectly balanced, and good things always become of life changes. Even if they don't seem like changes.

My friend Khiem is having major health issues. I won't discuss much, but I wish I could talk more with him than I do. It's hard when friends need you, and there's very little time. He also doesn't like having people see him sick. So we text. It helps me to cope with his prognosis.

Spiritually it's like I hit a wall. And that's okay.

All of this is okay.

This isn't Paradise.

It's the place where we roll up our sleeves, and do the work. When the work gets to be so much we are faced with our limits, then the discipline kicks in. And when you don't know where to begin, you drop back into your first stance, Love and Gratitude.

Then you assess.

You assess clearly and without emotion.

There are some superbugs out there, and I work in a hospital where there are lots of them. I know of a bariatric surgeon, young, who caught mono from his family. He got clostridium difficile colitis, and almost died. He told me his labs from the ER when he stopped by before work, and I was shocked and exclaimed, 'with that and you DROVE YOURSELF to WORK?! OMG?'  He's really sick.  Others I know have caught that same one.

I have chronic sinus problems, and they go to my lungs. There's a huge lymph node beneath the carina that needed 'clinical correlation' in 2012. It's still there. They also see a pattern in the chest x-ray for sarcoid. I know my lungs aren't good. And I know my heart beats funny every now and then. My thyroid is huge. I need to take care of me. I haven't been to the dentist in two years, I've been working so hard.

But first comes the house. Tomorrow the attic experts are coming to sanitize and block off the area and put in new insulation. It's not cheap. But one by one I'm going through the systems in the new house. Electrical. Plumbing. Air conditioning. All that's left is the roof after this, and on Monday they did an inspection I'm waiting for the report.

I am in a state of overwhelm for the house. There's so much disorganization from the move. It has me down. And Anthony, bless him, has zero initiative. He is glad to help, but for every little thing, I must ask, and when I'm like this asking feels like work.

For the Spiritual?  I trust. I pray. And I know when Spirit is quiet it's a lesson. I hope to do my best and to pass.  I know when a huge Spiritual upgrade is coming, I get all kinds of symptoms--in the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. It's like making room.  I know Spirit isn't stupid. I know Spirit has a plan that I agreed to long before my birth. It's only a matter of carrying it out.

I also ask for help.

Yesterday when I was talking to Ross on the drive home, I told him I had no clue what to make for dinner? Would he help me plan the menu?

He said to make the lamb kebabs and rice. And to come up with 'some salad'.

It worked.

I pick my tomatoes, it helps. I have two trays full. I'm a little sad some rat is helping itself to the tomatoes. I see the evidence and also how it carries the big ones down by the fence. But what can you do? There's lot of rats in Southern California. LOTS.

The last thing that helps?  Counting down the time until call is over. It really works. I learned this in residency as a surgeon. 'They can only hurt me for x more hours'. It's true. Tomorrow I have off. Saturday I have off.

Remember just like moving, Ascending is hard work. You have your life to carry along to support yourself and your family. There's no clear direction from your teams, most of it is in your unconscious/subconscious. So your heart is going to tell you what to do. Your intuition. Your soul. The physical body is going to have it' challenges along the way. In fact it's an earth-friendly recyclable vessel, right?  Think good thoughts. Aim for the stars so if you fall a little short you will reach perhaps the moon instead. Be your own best friend and companion, always. Do what you have to do to get by. Seek like-minded souls. And know you are loved.

Ross wants me to share something that is highly personal, and even though I share everything, I haven't shared this.

It's my soul.

It talks sometimes without me.

It's done it twice.

The first time I was thumbing through my Divine Peace Healing training manual, looking at the symbols and studying. A voice came spontaneously through me and my vocal cords. It said, in an almost childlike voice,!!!  I had the sense of someone being rescued who didn't want to obligate people, who wanted to participate in their own rescue by doing Divine Peace Healing every day.

It's my soul.

My soul is a little bigger than I am.  I call myself 'the mystery shopper' to be here incarnate as I am, but Carla is the 'mystery shopper' who is on earth experiencing it all through my eyes.

My soul spoke once again at a train station. The urge to communicate Love and Gratitude was that strong. It took me a while to remember what happened with my soul ten years ago, the last time it spoke.

My soul and my being is in the best of hands.  I won't worry.

And my physical body? I'll stick with the discipline, do my best, and seek rest and medical attention as soon as possible. I also look forward to when my lungs will be perfectly some future time.

Ross says I've written enough.

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,

Ross and Carla
The pickles  (Carla's nickname from her grandfather is pickle head, and our YouTube channel is 77picklehead. xoxoxoxo)

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Says Who?

Mankind is at a critical juncture. 

The most recent Gaia Portal points to this. They always make crystal clear sense to me--I feel it in my core, and often times I have a sense for when they are about to come out.

Pretenses have exposed and released. (there is an energetic connection, external ideas/concepts were initially there, they have settled off and now only the pure energy between the two ends of this connection exist in both 3D and 5D. It just is what it is and nothing more can be added to it.)

Hangers are hung. (everything is set and organized for what is to come. In 3D and in 5D.)

Ferrous motivators are released. (Iron shackles, things which are holding humans back, and also, perhaps, the iron which is in heme. Adrenochrome. This information is out to the masses*.)

Energetic impulses are felt and accepted. (people who are in various assignments are actually doing them.)

Followers of the Hue-man path expand. (for example, someone I know is waking up. A very important someone at work. And is doing work, spiritual work, just starting up. )

The cryptic nature of the Gaia Portal energetically allows for a 'need to know' level of galactic security which is hidden in plain sight. It is much like the Bible in that Spirit will open to you what you need to understand, even though the words are the same and the print is the same for everyone. 

It's special.

Yesterday I couldn't write. 

I'm sorry.

It's wasn't a compensatory day off or anything on purpose.

It was a long day. The minute I got home my niece and nephew were with Anthony at a local taco stand. We like Mexican food very much here in California. I had eaten my leftovers at work while waiting and waiting for a case that was not to be. (my psychic nature tells me what is to come, but of course nurses don't understand it, they want to be SURE there is coverage, so I have to wait until permitted to go home.)...

They wanted me to pay. 

Anthony wants me to pay.

So I drove there just in time to pay. 

Money is tight for everyone. In our family people look to me to pay. And I do. It just is. And to be honest, twenty four dollars was cheap for their driving all the way to pick Anthony up, to take him to a movie (he paid) and for all the advice on surviving high school they gave him.  I was happy to see them vibrant and free. Both have had major health issues for several years. Now they are in stride. 

Family is family. Earth family. Star family. Whatever you can do to keep your connections strong, do it. 

It's priceless.

A certain snake-named influencer in the Spiritual community put out an update yesterday.

I read it with interest. Sometimes, when things seem to be very smooth and telling me what I take in really easily, I stop myself and ask, 'Says who?'

How would it be known that Epp-steen would have a look-alike exchanged for him, and then have the real him sacrificed?

I'm sorry, it just doesn't ring true with what I've studied and learned from Kerth.

Either the dude was the head of a branch, and they wanted to do the official ceremony to transfer the entity making him go into another member of the sect  (the head is removed at the last breath and it's breath goes into the next in line to lead, in ritual. I know, it's disturbing.)

Or they let him live.

I've seen photos of David Bowie, and interview even, of someone that looked just like him and sounded just like him, only with a different name after his death. Many deaths are faked. Why I don't really know. There are some who say River Phoenix is Mark Dice. Even the mole is the same.

What we are dealing with is a religious/antireligious? organization which is militarized, and many children are not raised by their actual biological parents in the sect. They are above the law. They are masters of Illusion. They don't follow any rules.

For example, one doc who is in 'the club' promised his workers for years that the reason that he wasn't paying them that month was that he was just going to give them the practice when he retired. 

Yeah, right.

That dude isn't going to give anything away for free. There has to be a buyout. And there's infighting right now. 

It is what it is.

But when you see things that are just all nicely wrapped up, easy to understand and say, 'oh, okay?'--STOP.

Think for yourself.

Ask yourself, Says Who?

Really inspect it and match it against what you know about life, and Spirit, and then decide.

The second layer of test is to detect and compare levels of nurturing, warmth, love and compassion in it. Is this high vibration energy present? Can you feel it in your heart? Or is it in your mind? You'll feel energy warm in your chest if it's present.

And I will let you know in all three times I've had physical presence with the snake-dude, there was not one speck of the above. Just fear, and a need to sell things to make money. The charm could be turned on and off, the warmth.

Angels don't ever turn it off. Not for one second. Most advanced souls here I 've met, the same thing.

This morning, my assignment was to read the very last chapter of the Bible. It was Revelation 22. I read the Living Bible, it's a translation from around when I was fourteen.  I found it! Yes!

Take a look. 

Let it soak in.

Compare it to what you know and are seeing around you.

THIS is what is exciting about living in these times. You are actually witnessing it from the inside of the events...

Ask yourself, Says Who?

Reflect on it.

For me, it was the tree of life part.

This thing.

I looked everywhere on my photo service. It's not there. I had to take this one from google images.

Why isn't it in my photo service?

Truth be told, some Spiritual tools are neutral in and of themselves. It's how they are used.

How I've seen this one used, raises concern.

The ability to create what you wants isn't exactly of the vibe of nurturing, warmth, love and compassion. It can be, in an advanced spiritual setting. Especially if what you want is something good for someone else! And for the Highest Good!  But to wear a little red string bracelet? I  don't think that's it.

When I am taking in information, I am constantly testing it. My heart center. My mind. My scholarship (worldly and spiritual education across lifetimes).

Does it ring true?  Does it ring true for me in my mind and my heart? It this going to help me help others down the road if I understand it?

Be careful who you follow, and how blindly you are following them.

Ross reminded me of an episode of the Office Anthony just watched. The guy drove the car into a lake because he was following his GPS on his car. Thanks honey, that's a good example!

Ross says, 'don't drive into the lake, even if it tells you!'  He brushes off his hands. End of story.

Also, end of blog post.

Time to get ready for work.

clap! clap!

Aloha and mahalos,

Ross and Carla
The Couple

*  =  (words from a meme)  you see a rack of test tubes that are filled at the phlebotomist. Underneath it, are these words, by shinichiizumii

Please help.

Someone close to me may be connected to the disappearance and murder of countless children; most of them refugees or otherwise disadvantaged - all untraceable. All forgettable. And now, all dead.

He told me about a drug called adrenochrome that could produce a high beyond any other. And unlike those other drugs, there are no ill effects. Quite the contrary; there are substantial benefits from consuming it:  greater health, increased vivacity, and a host of other, smaller effects. Combine those with an intense sense of euphoria and you have a substantial demand.

The issue is this:  it is a derivative of the chemicals produced by the human body when it is under intense, immeasurable fear.

My former friend, who confessed his involvement during a fleeting crisis of conscience, insisted this was true and cited a number of dubious looking studied and fake news sites. But then there were the photos.