Friday, June 30, 2017

Experiencing Forgiveness

Today I had the opportunity to experience the role of the prodigal son in a multidimensional way.

Remember how I said I traded my old job for my new one, only to be working three times more hours, plus nights and weekends?

I'm short on TIME.

Some people are short on money.

I'm always short on Time.

I don't know how it happened? I had a late start. Anthony dragged his feet. He does this on his weekends away, because he likes to stretch out the time he has with me.

We had a little drama. It turns out our rabbit has a 'friend'--a wild rat that was coming to share the atrium with her. They were laying in the cage side by side.  We would look out there, and the rat would climb to the top and just watch us. We learned this while we were on vacation. Anthony was horrified. When he saw it alive, he thought it was cute. Well, almost.

It was dead outside from the traps. I had put the bunny inside and the plan worked. I had to make sure it was dead and take it to the garbage.

We had a little MORE drama. Anthony had diarrhea and was on the toilet for thirty minutes.

You just can't DO anything more when that happens. My surgeon texted me, 'I'm almost here!' and I was like, 'OMG I haven't even left the house!'

I was so agitated and upset, not in an angry way, but in an 'I'm gonna get it this time!' way. My boss always confronts me on it. I'm hardly ever this late, but I was.

On the way to work, I saw signs from spirit. There was an orange smiley face painted on the back of a large work truck, tiny, about the size of a license plate, and I smiled.

I also saw a golden dragon on the side of another truck, Cambria--was the company.

I knew I was being protected.

Even the slow people in front of me. I sensed the end of the month had the speed traps in their spots, and the drivers KNEW. I was right. Someone was getting a ticket in the speed trap. I watched for the double speed trap--fortunately it wasn't there.

I got a call from a nurse in pre-op who was worried about me. 

I told her I was near tears, I don't know how this happened, Anthony had the diarrhea...

She told me they weren't chomping at the bit yet, to take a deep breath, drive safely, and how long would it be? Realistically?

I said twenty minutes...but my boss is so--MEAN!...and I thanked her for her kindness to me.


I felt it.

I was on the receiving end of the same kind of mercy shown to the prodigal son--only for me--it was for my being short on time.


It made everything better, everything, all the way around.

And now I 'get it'.

I heard that when my boss asked about me, the Egyptian--who used to steal cases but actually gave me one two nights ago because he said, 'you hardly ever work'--asked my boss, 'is SHE okay???' implying for my safety, not my lateness, to be the concern.

He's starting to open up his heart!  And it shows!

My surgeon is cool.

She's always late too.

She's a gorgeous blonde who has three sons. Her husband is an eye doctor.

I made her a bracelet once. She asked, 'is it for anger management? I could sure use it.'  It was rose quartz with red coral and clear crystal beads.   It was, I guess, actually, although I hadn't thought of it that way. That was two years ago.

Today she let me in on a secret.

It's her mantra.

When she wakes up in the morning, she KNOWS she is going to make somebody mad by the end of her day.  She's not going to escape it. It will be a kid, or a boss, or a coworker, or her some way, she's going to fall short, and someone is going to talk to her about it.

And it's true.

With three sons, no school, and her nanny out with appendicitis surgery (which my friend didn't do--she went to the wrong hospital where my friend doesn't work and was too sick to transfer)--she is totally trying to get by with all the soccer practices and work and running the house!

She understands she is spread too thin, that's she has to juggle, and dropping the ball every now and then is part of her life and she accepts it.

MY boss has even talked to her too!, she confided. She doesn't take it to heart like I always do...because to's just another in her quota of people getting mad.

That's cool, isn't it?

Anthony was horrified this morning.

We both know he was why I lost my last job.

They wanted me AT the BEDSIDE in pre-op holding at six-thirty a.m.

I wanted to take him to preschool myself. I didn't want a nanny to raise him. My work told me to get a nanny.

He told me today HE didn't want a nanny either.

We made the best of it.  All these years, with breakfast nearly every day, has been the only structure in his childhood he's ever had with me in our home!

I told him if I lost this job, I would be okay, I don't know where I would get the money but I would work a lot harder on my Doctors With Reiki.

He apologized again and again.

I could SEE how my lateness impacted so many people--patients and surgeons--and I truly felt sorry about it.

I also could see his heart, and I made sure to smile at him as he went to the summer daycare.

You know how sometimes there are those horrible accidents where people were running late and just missed it?

There was a plane crash on the freeway where I drive to and from work.

It was an hour after I would have been there, but it was too close! The energies in the area were for a crash of some kind.

Because I was late I had taken an alternate route.

I thanked Anthony for saving my life.

I thanked Creator too. And Ross. <3

Jared chose his son.

They aren't staying in the condo this weekend because of his breakup--it's too hard on Anthony.  (he got his own bed, and will keep his own bed, he says ...but the girlfriend didn't talk to him, and just stayed in her room. He was puzzled why she would act that way. He said her dog knows them and is friendly, but now it's the ex's job to take care of the dog, not theirs.)

His dad took him to San Diego for the weekend.

They are going to have fun.

Anthony confided that while the ex was in the picture, nothing they did was really 'fun'. They did things and he enjoyed them, but it wasn't 'fun'-- relaxed and carefree.

Jared broke my heart into a million pieces when I was pregnant with his son.

His ex thought she was above me--it couldn't happen to her--but it did. I have compassion for her, as now she sees we have a lot in common.

Now it's Jared's turn for the heartbreak.

Fortunately he has a son who loves him no matter what.

Those two souls were my Nannu Filippo (Anthony) and his father, Benedetto (Jared) their last incarnation. And they had a VERY hard time of it.

I believe this weekend is the first time they are truly patching things up from their old unfinished business.

It's a beautiful thing.

I use this photo on purpose.

It represents a paradigm shift.

Those of you who read this are on the train with me.

Many are going to be left behind--perhaps not on a different planet or dimension--but left behind in their Spiritual Awareness and Consciousness.

They are going to struggle.

Some of you are going to be teachers for them, I feel it. You are here for them and have done your 'inner work'.

But they are going to notice the gap and want to fill it, just like this woman here wants to be on that train and can't get on.

I am starting to notice that people are nicer and in general are more willing to help me out than they were even six weeks ago--at work. 

I'm starting to SEE how we are made to help everyone, it's out true nature.

A scrub tech was sharing how he lived in Black Hills North Dakota. A friend who was from here set him straight, as he was another California transplant, and told him what to do.  He said, 'wave to everyone, smile and say hello. People are friendly here. And you never know who is going to be needed to help you when you car is stuck in the snow.'

You see?

Here's another thing--the YouTube community is really got good stuff on it.  I'll just put links here for you to click:

  • Limo drivers at Bohemian Grove speak:
  • Shelly Duvall on Dr. Phil--pay close attention to the 0.45 second mark and what she reveals about shapeshifting:  There is no way she is crazy. She's telling the truth.'s a real 'nugget' because it's on an entertainment channel. NOT a 'truther' one. It's a real find!
  • This frankly, is a masterpiece of Truth:

Okay...I'm going to enjoy a little reading on my own now. I wanted to write this for you. I'm going to read a little more of my book about the history of Alaska.

Don't worry too much about the three videos.

I had the dream dragon wins.

The snake had to retreat. ALL of them will. The people who are helping us find our freedom as souls know EXACTLY what to do so they can't hurt us any more.

It is our hope you enjoy your seats in the first class cabin on the train...

Aloha and Mahalos,

Ross and Carla
The Reiki Doc Twins


I just had the strangest dream.  I was with Anthony. There was some change, it's hard to explain it.  Before the change, in my current role, I had been given a budget to buy myself jewelry, and I had bought a gold chain with a small sapphire on it. The chain was an S-link, a serpentine chain.

I was supposed to give it to the next person, who was the wife of a colleague of mine who is Egyptian and his birthday is July 4.  She was in the same organization.

But I couldn't part with my necklace! It was a part of me. I decided to buy a substitute instead.

I went downstairs to a vintage store and looked at their jewelry. It wasn't right.

I went upstairs to a different place that had a mix of old and new.

I couldn't decide what to get.

The owner went into the back, turned off the lights, and gave me a staff to hold. It was black and like a scythe shape at the top, but covered in felt.

I knew it was magical but there wasn't anything special about it.

Then he gave me pendants to feel in the dark to find the right one.

THAT was easy to select!  There was a stone of londonite, a single round bead, in a setting, but it looked more like Howlite with the white and little grey stripes.  That was the one. And I got a chain.

He had the lights on for the chain. He also said that the staff had 'come alive' while I was holding it, and did I know?

I think I did.

It wasn't scary or dark in the dream, as far as negativity and low vibration go.

Next thing I knew I was in a bus or limo. I was on the left side and looking out the window at the street.

There had been a dragon type of creature who spoke and had sent us to the jewelry store.

A snake was attacking it.

It really was no match. Even though the snake was a rattler that was like a timber kind (dark diamond design on the back) and chasing the dragon/lunging at it so I could see the full size of the snake (big as a cantaloupe in circumference, and twenty feet long stretching all the way across the street)...I commented to the driver--'take a look at THAT!'...somehow the dragon was never frightened and always seemed to know what to do. Sure it bared its fangs/teeth and did defensive and fighting posture and movements. But it was way bigger than the snake, and golden in color, and once the battle was decided the snake retreated and the street was clear.

I went to sleep last night asking for the answer to a concern that weighed heavy on my heart.

It was about ants and grasshoppers.

I am an ant.

When I was a child, my parents played for me the story of the grasshopper and the ant. The grasshopper would sing, 'oh the world owes me a living! da da da da da da da da da, oh, the world owes me a living...'

He was all happy and made fun of ant who worked all day and all night.

Then winter came.

Grasshopper wasn't singing any more.

He was starving.

He ended up going to ant's cozy warm home, and begging for food. 

I decided long ago, to always be an ant.

My parent's money problems further encouraged me in this determination. We had serious money problems growing up. I never knew for sure if we would eat or what we would eat at the end of the month. At the beginning mom and dad were all happy, and fed us steak and acted like life was good. But by the end? They had to decide which bills to pay, which to skip, and did the balance transfers on the credit cards to get by. They sweated it out, and were very angry and mopey and wished for a million dollars to take away all of their problems. Dad always lamented about how poor they were growing up. He had to buy his own clothes since age ten, with a newspaper route or shining shoes. They lived in Roxbury, near Boston, Massachusetts in the 'projects'. Apparently grandmother and grandfather on dad's side were stuffing money into a mattress for their retirement and not sharing it with the talked about this wrong he suffered as much as grandmother talked about being put into an orphanage as a kid.

On a very deep level, I knew mom and dad weren't right in their views about money.

By contrast, my mother's parent's had been just as poor, with my grandfather making even less money than dad--a teacher--and grandfather a construction worker--yet their house was warm, clean, and always had good food on the table. They didn't have fancy anything. They never went on vacation. They didn't care about 'the Joneses' and keeping up.  They SAVED. 

They were in the same situation, and were ants, not grasshoppers like my parents. 

So...what's with this FUTURA thing, that's been going around the Lightworker websites/lore for years? With all this money from St. Germain, which will solve everyone's problems?!

Sound's like mom and dad's greatest dream come true.

Mom and dad? I'm skeptical.

Mom and dad made a lot of bad choices in their investments when it came to money.

Mom was always trying to 'get rich quick'.

Dad was jealous of his sisters and brother-in-laws who were doing better financially than him. He would always compare himself.

I don't think those personality traits are going to go away with a little money.

Look at MC Hammer and his millions. Where did it go? Up his nose? To 'women of ill repute?'



Something in me deep deep down simply doesn't like it.

This brings me to my least favorite parable Jesus ever taught:  The Lesson of the Prodigal Son.

I used to boil with rage as that story was told at mass.

How can that son be such a total loser, and the father welcomes him back?! How can the father ignore the first born's good deeds and helpfulness and obedience he has done his whole life?

What kind of father is that?!


Not the 'Godfather' but 'Our Father In Heaven'.

Look at the parable of the workers in the field. Everyone got a full day's pay. Even the one who came to work for only two hours instead of eight.

That's the same kind of craziness as the father of the prodigal son!


Simply put, working hard to take care of yourself is a lie.

I fell for it.

I worked hard, put off partying and dating, and paid my way through medical school.

I did it so I could always eat.

My 'reward' is a higher income than I had when I was an engineer/scientist.

My hours I work have tripled, and I have interrupted sleep for this 'reward'.

Society teaches us to make the ants hate the we all are 'everything is AWESOME' like in the Lego movie...hoards of happy 'worker ants'!

Where is the lie?

Those who have the one percent of the population who control most of the wealth on the world are NEVER IN A MILLION YEARS going to let go of that wealth and share it with the rest.

Instead, they set up the ants (people who work hard to support themselves and make lots of sacrifices like not playing in the summer like grasshoppers) as 'proxy' for THEM--Those Who Do Not Have Our Best Interest At Heart--so all the grasshoppers will HATE them and demand the ANTS to 'pay their fair share'.

Meanwhile the people who control everything laugh and watch the show, remaining invisible to the grasshoppers and ants...

THAT is the LIE.

We are in an Illusion.

Nothing exists except love.

We are nothing more than souls--pure Consciousness--driving around little bodies.

Why get worked up about ants and grasshoppers and the hidden one percent?

As souls we don't eat food.

Sure it's miserable when our bodies are cold and hungry.

It's really hard when you go to the store and can't buy what you want or need. It hurts--in so many ways. I've seen my parents suffer the agony of poverty. Even now mom hates Christmas. She wishes she could buy us more.

My parents signed up for the Money Lesson in their Life Script. 


What about me?

I signed up for the 'Lack of Romantic Love' one. And also 'Lack of Children'.

I used to be dying a thousand deaths int he labor and delivery room as an anesthesiologist ...couples in love having babies!

But I got over it.

With one gentle nudge from my heart, I realized MY sorrow doesn't keep me from sharing in the parent's joy as it really IS a miracle! Who am I to dampen it? Who am I to judge why THEY had the baby and I did not?

It was embarrassing like crazy to see myself for how I had acted all those years.  It wasn't going to bring me a kid all my internal tantrums. It just made me miserable when I didn't have to be, that's all.

Then at a conference in Oahu, as I woke up one morning in my hotel on Diamond Head (The W), Blessed Mother came to me with some guy I never knew, who asked me if I wanted to have a baby?

I said, 'if it's God's will, and for the highest good, yes.'

They clarified and asked me if I wanted it?

I started bawling and shared humbly it was the deepest wish of my heart.

Two weeks later, I had throat surgery for my snoring--and had to lie in bed for a week.

Something happened. I had twice lost 'something' as 'funny periods' before, the sore breasts and late period. But this time, the sore breasts and fullness never went away.  By the time I realized I WAS pregnant, the boyfriend went away. But I called him to let him know, he had a right to know. We tried for four months, and it didn't work. But he's been a good father, and I hope I've been a good mother, at least a more stable one than mine were when they were young and had me.

 I passed my lesson.

That's how I got the kid.

I opened my heart and saw the situation as Creator Sees It. 

I've been grateful and teaching others and growing spiritually ever since.

Creator LOVES you.

Whether or not you pass your lessons.

Not everyone who comes to Earth is going to get an A.

Creator LOVES you because you had the audacity and the balls to incarnate on Earth--whether as a student, a teacher, a teacher's aide--to learn more about yourself and become a better ball of light/orb/soul that does whatever you do 'out there' when you are not here being incarnate.

Creator LOVES my parents--in their youth and in their old age--even though their lessons were REALLY hard on them. My mom STILL believes money = love = success = power = the be all end all---on some level, and now she makes a point of paying us back when we help her's like, in her bones this belief and she won't shake it. But she's really a lot nicer person and more grounded and made HUGE advances in her lessons over time.

Creatore LOVES me--who listens to Spirit and works really hard in everything I do--from picking up my first pencil to getting ready for call today--fourth call, I have no idea how late I'm going to work, but at least it's not overnight---and is gently guiding me in setting boundaries, and making plans and dreams when I'm honestly to tired to even daydream at times. Always gently coaxing...

Creator LOVES 'the Snorlax'--my friend's husband's cousin who in her forties came to live with them (he felt sorry for her as she threatened suicide)--who created hell on earth for the family with her romances and her taking and never giving and would hide in her room all day so much that the kids nicknamed her the 'Snorlax'--This woman is not doing well on her Lessons--and although the family sent her home to New Jersey because they couldn't take it any more--Creator is STILL with her, as well as her teams of angels, gently encouraging her to wake up, wake up, wake up...

Creator LOVES 'the cousins kid'---my friend's cousin's kid who came to California at nineteen to 'help with the children in exchange for a place to stay while she was starting a career in the movie industry and could get on her feet'.  This kid never once helped with the children. Instead she would give lists to the husband of items she wanted to eat from Trader Joe's.  She never once helped to clean up around the house. She would spend the night in Los Angeles and nobody would know where she was. She brought her friends around the house. Once she got a job she started spending money like crazy on fashion and never once made an attempt to find her own place.  The child had juvenile arthritis, and the mother abandoned her at two--so the FATHER had to work with her to rehab her and succeeded enough she could play on college sports--but he never expected anything from her, he babied her.  The family had to ask the girl to move out, and she was totally bawling because nobody ever taught her to help out around the house, she didn't know...BUT lost and alone as she is, and totally adrift in her 'lessons', Creator is STILL with her, as well as her teams of angels, always coaxing her to 'wake up and smell the coffee' long as she is incarnate...and to finish what she set out to do when she was born find her Purpose and do it with all her might.


If people get it will they be happy to have something that is affordable?

Will they go out and spend it all on fashion without a second thought?

I don't know.

On Earth we follow the energy balance.  Each pulls their weight. No one takes from another.

That is because in Spirit, there is energy balance. Each pulls their weight. No one takes from another.

In our afterlife we are held accountable for all we do. We would never take advantage of others!

Is the FUTURA about ants and grasshoppers?

Or is it about the one percent who really screwed everyone over?

I think it's about the one percent and making it right.

Even if it IS 'made right', it doesn't matter.

Everything is Illusion, including the chairs upon which we sit, me as I type, you as you read.

Whether we are hungry and homeless or clothed and fed, everything is Illusion.

Does everyone need to ace their Lessons?

Creator would like it and be overwhelmed with joy if everyone got an A.

Creator is  a good parent.

Creator loves the C students just as much as the A.

And sometimes Creator loves the D student who works twice as hard as the A student just to raise their grade to a C--loves them MORE.

Creator ISN'T like us.

Creator wasn't socialized by the one percent.

Creator has never been told lies and been at the mercy of psychopaths like the ninety-nine percent of us here who have been incarnate have!

Creator is taking out the psychopaths.

The snakes.

Creator knows what to do, and is doing it.

However it comes down, I don't know.

I will do my best to love the C students and the D students just as must as the A students, no matter how their mistakes impact my life and take away the harmony and peace.

FUTURA isn't the answer.

MANY Lightworkers look to it as the be all, end all reward for their 'hard work'.

I look beyond it.

I look towards the Heaven Dollars--in which I have always worked my hardest to earn.

Yesterday I spent twenty minutes with a patient who was ready to kill himself over his 'prognosis'--diabetes, hypertension, dialysis, amputation. Yes it wasn't going to get better, diseases get worse over time. And yet, BAD can take on whole new dimensions this patient haven't even imagined. This Bad was Bad as it ever has been for him. So I was encouraging and listened with my heart and gave hope. Fortunately the nephrologist came in, and I could go.

That's how you earn Heaven Dollars. By doing your Purpose. And THOSE you can take with you after you die. As well as your report card. <3

I learned a lot about myself, and about the lies that have been told to me by the one percent--with the parables of the grasshopper and the ant, with the prodigal son, with the orchard/farmer who paid everyone the same story...and the context of FUTURA (nesara where everyone gets lots of money for free).

clap! clap! (that was Ross--it's seven a.m. and time for me to get ready for our day)

Aloha and Mahalos,

Ross and Carla
The Reiki Doc Couple


Thursday, June 29, 2017

News From The Front Lines

Life endures!

Work abuse continues...I did eat a sandwich for lunch, and a quesadilla for dinner, which is an improvement. But the jockeying for 'the best cases' is so bad the nurses notice, and one high up suggested I proposed a CRNA-only model with anesthesia supervising, and ME as the contract holder.

I know in my heart, this isn't the right HOURS for me. I love the people. And the patients too. But somehow I feel like the lack of sleep, the lack of knowing when I am coming out of the hospital, and the rest is psychologically damaging to me.

I had a patient who needed an arterial line. I just couldn't get it to thread. I had had pulsatile flow. The surgeon was in a hurry. And then when I tried for the second i.v. line, that too, was unable to thread.  I had blood all over my jacket and pants, and had to change before my next case. During the bustle, I said, 'there are times at work where my soul just cries for my mother!'.

My colleagues said, 'you are a GOOD anesthesiologist! We understand!' but I still said 'some days my soul cries for mom and now is one of them.'

It's too much.

It's way too much.

And MANY anesthesiologists and physicians are leaving the ranks!

At a sister hospital the OB service is desperate to find people to cover the shifts.  Nobody wants to be up all night working for nothing, or at least, next to nothing. Remember, each case you do, you are open to the risk of being sued, having your license taken away, and increased cost to your malpractice insurance..risk never goes away to the provider...ever.

My hospital effective July 1 will not accept CalOptima (except through Monarch, another insurance).

I also got a 'dear doctor' letter--to me as a provider--that effective August 1, my hospital won't take anthem-blue cross. I should find other hospitals for my patients who have that insurance.

I have that insurance! I'm self-insured! (it's a silver pathway obamacare)

Fortunately this time I didn't panic. I know the local Catholic hospital system doesn't take it. Now my work hospital won't. Perhaps the university hospital I used to go to will? They double charge for everything though--facility fee plus doctor fee, even for an office visit that's routine...

I won't panic.

There's plenty going on with the awakening that I think in a short time (till 2018, or possibly sooner, it 'feels') won't be much of an issue.

At work I feel camaraderie between souls. Patients and providers. Colleagues. People are sharing more, they are helping MORE (except the lone greedy ones)...I can't put my finger on it but something has changed for the better.

This isn't an accident.

There are filters across the globe -- energy ones--to achieve the separation and awakening needed to compensate for the inertia of the sleeping masses.

The one thing more wicked than the place I went to they day before yesterday has been addressed by souls who outrank me and Ross.  It's the entire organization of religion, where many dark things have been hidden. It's being cleaned out. (rumors have it the church of Baal/Satan is directly beneath and below St. Peter's and the Vatican in Rome. If you've studied Those Who Do Not Have Our Best Interest At Heart, you will understand the implication of this cleansing.) Now many religious items/images are emitting the diamond flame energy to cleanse and soothe and heal those who turn to them for strength.

As an aside, Anthony's father did an amazing thing for his son. He broke up with his girlfriend. She went behind his back on this school in Vegas, and even signed a lease without his knowing it. He can't go to the house until her stuff is out by Wednesday...

I was talking with my mom last night to share. She had been praying all day for Anthony because he needs his dad, and her wish came true. (It also did for me to leave the hospital by nine pm instead of eleven pm).

She shared how the adopted son across the street, his wife who divorced him left the messiest mess. It's taking him and his mom truck loads to clean it out. Wet clothes filled with mold, totally filthy. She apparently had remarried already and he didn't know. But she had taken out credit cards in his name, maxed them out, and stuck him with the debt while they were still married! He has fifty thousand dollars in debt, and he 'doesn't make much' according to my mom. This is ruining his life, and essentially making him a slave to the credit card companies.

People like her are going to be sent straight to Pan.

Many of those who just don't get it, and aren't ready for Heaven on Earth her on Gaia, are being escorted out. Their souls might have a walk in or a hologram for the rest of us, but the 'spark' that does such harm is moving on. It's just not compatible and they have to go. They have overstayed their welcome.

The needs of the whole outweigh the educational needs of the few; superimpose this in the 'whole' with the planet, and her delicate ecosystems.  Pan is another dimension/planet/reality for people to seamlessly 'switch' to more 3D but it can't be hijacked like this one was by Those Who Do Not Have Our Best Interest At Heart.

One last thing--vortexes and ley lines--they are moving around. There's a new grid. Don't get too 'into' them. Here's a conversation I read about that made me think to remind you:

JP: Vortex like the energy vortex or the water kind? We went to a few vortexes in Sedona off Schnebley Hill Road so you have to check them out when you come out in the Fall.

Trip advisor said the vortex here is not the nice kind. See below...

...<<the vortex thought to be near Hawai'i is not the positive kind similar to Sedona. It's the yang or "vile" vortex type, of which their are 10, Devil's Sea off Japan, Bermuda Triangle, Easter Island, and others, places where planes and boats disappear.
The Hawai'i vortex is in the ocean, a perhaps mythical location called Hamakulia, of high volcanic energy, SE of Hawai'i.>>

MA: Yes Sedona has a lot of them which we explored but would love to get more info from u on Sedona spot's...while there up in Princeville is one.

I don't know how I got that line on there to the left, sorry.

It's time to go to work again. 

It always is.

I'm soooo sleepy too.

Coffee it is.

And hugs to you from Ross and me.

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,

Ross and Carla
The Reiki Doc Couple

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Cleaning Up

Yesterday I had the day off. 

I took Anthony 'somewhere'.

Amazing energy work took place.

First I'd like to share this Gaia Portal.

It tracks my 'work' completely.

(the people at Gaia Portal don't know me personally, there is NO connection outside of Spirit--absolutely none.)

New installations and their functions:

  1. Direct link, one-way, from this place to Mount Shasta, energetically. This brings Agarthan energy up to the surface in a second location besides Shasta.
  2. Special blessing from Kamehameha himself to all who visit the place where they serve the pineapple whip and see the show.
  3. A floral, lace, multidimensional network which gently removes all attachments from the guests with the help of the Guides of Compassionate Healing and Divine Father himself. (this is significant as it is taking some of the energy burden safely OFF Divine Mother incarnate in her mission).  Divine Father calls this 'a scrubber'. It was active effective 1344 on 6.27.2017.
  4. A certain attraction will help people to 'shit or get off the pot' if they are people who 'have trouble making commitments'. This includes gambling habits and cheating on partners in relationship. (those who aren't able to heal/willing will be designated to go to Pan, the 'kinder gentler 3D experience).
  5. Another one will open up the third eye and spark interest in the unseen in all the guests who go on the ride.
  6. This last ride addresses those who have 'a little problem with following the rules'--the Galactic ones of Heaven--and furthermore, attaches a 'homing pigeon' to each soul to help it find its way Home to the higher realms. (some who won't heal are also going to go to Pan).
  7. The last was a disruption of the 'pyrotechnics ritual'--I stood in direct line with the 'contraption' and 'interrupted' it, metaphysically. I waited. Eventually, due to safety/winds, it was cancelled. Only a 'light show' was done. I've never seen so many people not paying attention, and leaving! I cleared the land itself in one gesture, actually kneeling down/crouching down to touch the earth/pavement--in a ten second pulse of energy that went from Ross and his teams, down through me who just made the requested connection physical contact...

You know yesterday was my twenty-fifth anniversary of getting messages from Blessed Mother? That's when I started getting written messages from her. (I started talking to/hearing her in March of that same year).

If it looks like a duck, then...

All-seeing eye hidden

Classic pose, almost as classic as the 'okay sign' for Those Who Do Not Have Our Best Interest At Heart

Star two points up

Carefully placed over burning meat to appease Baal (etc., the 'many named God of Those Who Do Not Have Our Best Interest At Heart).  This by definition is a 'holocaust'. Furthermore, the 'attention'--all the eyes that innocently see it every day, INCREASES the 'power' of 'the offering'.  This is no accident. There are many more 'hidden symbols' if you know what you are seeing when you look at them. These are just three examples.

I think the new Gaia Portal makes the discovery of these 'hidden things' and the 'new installations' to address them and disrupt them all the more fascinating and welcome!

We are now addressing the masses who AREN'T 'fit to be merged' but are 'asleep' deeply, and have a great deal of 'spiritual inertia' which is 'holding back the group'.

We don't have to wait for the last one to awaken. Only a tipping point.

Divine Father said we are in an energy now where no matter how hard they try, the Dark Ones' magic will not work. They can try and try, but everything they do is only going to get more ridiculous and more 'messed up'. 

The working apparatus at the 'kingdom' where the attention and support of the innocent, unknowing masses had once been harnessed for 'hidden agendas' is now cleared, and working to the opposite team--the victorious--to accelerate the awakening of the masses.

It is working by extension to all similar 'places' on earth, too, and there are a handful of them...we all know where they are. 

I was told this upon awakening this morning.

I was also told I would have 'much joy' and 'much happiness' today.

Ross smiles and waves.

He was extra romantic and close, and delivered to us a fabulous and much-needed fun day for our family.

He gives a smile and a thumbs up.

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,

Ross and Carla
The Twins

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Looking Past The Veil

I've been working with Ross to re-write my life to something more 'doable'...without the long crazy hours, without the commute, without the politics...

He told me to think of what I CAN do, what I enjoy...not what I can't do.

So the whole drive home--it was late, I had been stuck by my boss into the one hour free watching the patient in the recovery room--I was thinking how I like to wake up after a good night's rest...etc, etc.

My drive home wasn't to home. It was to my  babysitter's house. Her husband picked Anthony up from school. She's in the valley at her mom's house getting it ready for sale. It turned out her husband just had been alone too long, and needed to talk. He's an amazing man. I started it because I didn't understand what he did for his work. It's actually fascinating. Something to do with electronics and airplanes and the FAA.  He's had a serious eye injury, and suffers from double vision. Both eyes see, but in one the image is distorted.

He had been so kind, and taken Anthony to El Pollo Loco for dinner.

I didn't have dinner.

But I knew sometimes God works 'in mysterious ways', and I know for sure Ross helped him. He and my friend were not in a good place. The eye problem was really getting him down. He enjoys sports like motorcycles that are fast and dirt bike riding. He just had to stop his favorite things to do. Depression set in. It was really hard on the couple. He kept threatening suicide  and crying for days. This went on for a year...and I knew it wasn't sustainable and begged Ross to intervene...Ross never answered me on this...ever...but I knew he heard.

One day in the fall, our friend's boyfriend had a heart attack at work. He had pain, he sweated all over, and then he felt super cold. Where he works there are eight buildings, and he knew the ambulance drivers always get lost. He would have died had he called 911.

He grabbed his keys, he hopped in his car, and he drove to the hospital. When there was a red light, he looked both ways and ran it, one after the next. The hospital was nearby. He actually parked the car! He knew it would be towed if he didn't. He walked into the ER and said, 'I think I am having a heart attack'.

They took him right in. Their hospital was full in the cath lab. They put him in the ambulance to the next nearest hospital. There he coded. He was down for ten minutes.

The doctors weren't sure if there was neurological damage. Most people don't come back after being down that long.

He did.

It bothered him how people were watching him to see if he had neurological deficits. He knew he was okay. But their concern scared HIM.

Now he calls himself the 2.0 upgrade version. And he is. He's kinder. He proposed. They married.

I'm his wife's closest and longest friend, he said. And it's true. I shared how she has been wonderful with Anthony, how even at times she would choose Anthony's side over her own son's, and how I'm grateful.

He smiled and confessed, 'yes, she's really good with kids'.

She is.

That's not the first time Ross has helped.  This one, I asked him to 'DO SOMETHING' and it worked out beautifully in only ways Ross can help.

The first time was when we met in the pool, my friend and her son--who is five years older than Anthony--and me and Anthony.  We were neighbors. And I had this feeling in my heart, 'I'd love for her to watch Anthony' because she's so nice and we really became friends.

A few months later, she was offered a position in Texas as her company was moving. Either that or quit one year before retirement (actually she was laid off). Immediately I offered to help in exchange for babysitting. I always felt an angel helped me with that.  I'm sure it was Ross...

This part isn't so easy to write.

It's that higher-dimensional, place without words thing I am translating to words.

When I left for Hawaii, I had a realization of a room, much like this, where I was sitting. Divine Father was there. I was there. And there was a soul there--I don't know who.

The soul stood before us.

It was quiet. Not somber. But serious more than anything I've ever 'sensed' and there was no joking around.

It was fascinating.

The soul was shown a life review.

And they couldn't face me.

They couldn't look me in the eye.

They were being held accountable for how they treated the resources on Gaia.

Apparently every one of us is sent to be Her caretaker.

Every soul who is on the way out--completed their assignment and lessons here on Gaia--has to decide for themselves how well they completed their project. Did they achieve what they were sent here to do? Were they distracted?

These souls EXPECT to see Creator. They KNOW they will be evaluated as a good person. In a way they have prepared for this their whole lives.

Every single one of them is totally and completely blindsided to meet me.

It's the little things that add up, that count. The recycling. The helping the hungry animals. The not going through remodels and new cars and the rest to 'keep up with the latest'. The being humble and taking what you need, not more (think like the First Nations with their subsistence living).  The being conscious and mindful in every daily activity of living--so as not to impose as a guest in someone else's home--Nature--and living in Harmony as best as one can with All There Is alive on the planet, not just the humans.

I wish I knew where Ross and Divine Mother are. I didn't see them in the room.

But I do know that many who choose to merge after their Life Review do so because of the horrible abominations they have done and it is too painful for them to be discovered. Their secret atrocities were okay as long as they were secret. The easy way out is not to heal, to just 'go'...

Incarnate Archangel Michael sent me this link recently:

It's close to my visions.

The intense emotions, were similar.

The concept that souls are energy balls--basically, orbs--makes sense too.

I ran this one by Divine Mother Incarnate. She says some of it is true, perhaps some it with a grain of salt.

It deeply resonated with me, I'm grateful for it.

And if Higher Selves talk like this to the hypnosis people--QHHT--perhaps this information from sessions should be made available to more people.

It really helped me.

On to a different subject!

I am torn in my career options/choices because it keeps coming back to me that I'm in the right place at the right time during my day.

This reminds me of the 'those who were sent to sacrifice themselves' in the article in the last section. In all three cases I was present to support and assist the persons involved.

Case 1:  Lady Surgeon. She is very perceptive. She is struggling and healing after a split from her group four years ago. She came out of fellowship with a guarantee salary. She has excellent credentials and skills and training. But the abuse! You really couldn't make it on your own, because the patients come to me for my name.  Then there was the stealing--there is no money in the checking account, so you aren't going to get paid--that went on for months and months. She had over seven hundred thousand dollars she brought to the group in her services given to the patients--and saw only a tiny fraction of it. The partners took their salaries first, then the office payroll and expenses, and then what was left they gave to her and the other 'new guy'.  She struggles to 'get' how to run a business on her own. She says, 'I never learned how to do it'--and that's right. Medical school has a glaring paucity of instruction on how to run a successful practice. Even hiring personnel is difficult. She had trouble with one worker. She calls the process of being a boss, 'babysitting adults'...for example, she had to tell her employee not to call the others in the front office 'bitches'. She says, 'it's things they should have learned at home a long time to be professional.'  She takes call for free. Sometimes if she gets a sick patient she's up for days, and has to delay her office and scheduled patients. At other hospitals in the area, you aren't expected to take call. But at ours, you have to to be on staff. She doesn't want to give of her free time to take call, to lose money, and to be exposed to risk of being sued. She's spoken to the high ranking administrators of the hospital how it's not fair how the schedule is made--she was put on four days in a row for a long weekend--that was too much! She has a point and I'm sure what once worked in the past isn't going to work for the incoming new doctors who value personal time.

Case 2:  Wife of Surgeon. This one had an emergency. I stayed late. I was told the daughter 'will ask questions'. That was an understatement. The daughter refused to take the mom home until SHE thought her mom was ready.  It needed delicate management, which the nursing staff and I did well. The daughter essentially STOLE thirty minutes from my life by refusing to go when medical experts said it was time to go. Anxiety, neurosis, and fear have absolutely NO PLACE in the higher realms!  So I worked--being in the 'right place at the right time'--sending unconditional love, neutralizing the fear, and being the 'bigger person'...being very sad I had no spend not just sixty minutes for free for the routine post-op which went very well, but for the extra thirty because the family demanded it. Life isn't what you get, it's what you NEGOTIATE.  I wish my negotiating skills were a little better when it comes to situations like this.

Case 3:  Disneyland and Anthony. Anthony looked SAD. Deeply sad. I had only a small bite of yogurt, and I had to put my needs aside and check out my son. The roller skating had gone well, someone had taught him, and he didn't get hurt. He looked dead inside. Like the typical teenager, he didn't get his feelings out when I offered support. He paused a  long time. It was drama. And then, 'someone insinuated he is a stalker' on their group chat. It was Isaac, the one who shared a room with us, the one who had once made him want to end it all and I had to take him to therapy. And a therapy where 'he never really told the counselor how he feels because he didn't trust her'...I could see her working a difference, and I met with her too, and he DID make progress. But Anthony is one who keeps things IN. So I told him, this is a rough patch. I had a rough patch to go through after my training and to pass my boards. I knew it was rough, it would take a lot of studying and time. And when I asked my friends if I could join their study group, they said, 'NO!'.  'Four is enough, go find someone else!'. I was devastated. I decided I would study with Niels Jensen, the best, the one who had the blue and the red books to help you pass your boards. I bought everything. I attended the conferences. And I WORKED really hard. At the boards, guess who sat next to me? The one who said no. And she didn't pass. I did.   So I explained to Anthony how adolescence is a rough patch, one that gets MUCH better once you've graduated--and somehow together we will find our way through. But keeping things in isn't helping.  (a colleague had offered me a day off, so I used the pendulum, and I took it. Anthony wants to go to Disney today, I'm still not sure if we will go. He's asleep. There's traffic. And he has basketball practice tonight. Anthony doesn't do well in the heat, and it's going to be a scorcher at the park today.)

I'm going to add an aside to Case 3:  Friends episodes on Netflix. Anthony can't get enough of them. It basically ruined our vacation. His sunburn, and his addiction to this show. I watched enough to agree with him, it's cute. But now?  As I was waking up I realized the theme fits the Disney model--Phoebe's mom is dead. Rachel's is mean/picky/selfish. Her dad isn't much better. Monica's mom is really passive aggressive with her. Chandler's parent's divorced. Joey's dad is fooling around on his mom, and she's okay with it.   I think the format is FRIENDS = SOMETHING SUPERIOR TO FAMILY in the programming.  Family is selected by you before you are born--it's important. Yes, some people pick families with huge opportunities for 'lessons'--souls have their reasons. But family is important to the soul, for it to heal. Back to the show--however--there are also lots of predictive programmings thrown in there. Phoebe is the New Ager who is always made to look stupid. In the last one, she somehow gets a mink coat, and likes it, although she's a vegetarian and animal rights activist. Yes, it's entertainment. But also, it has HUGE outreach, not just live but in syndicate...and influences many without their realizing it, including my son. Shows like this give him the expectation to be popular. Once at the trampoline park, he had been watching lots of Zach and Cody, and thought since it was spring break he would make friends. He ditched me. He acted like he didn't know me. And he never made a single friend! This makes sense because people go to places like this WITH their friends! It's not a place to form friendships. He apologized to me in the car, and yes, I told him this is unacceptable to ignore me, especially when I pay!  In the future anything like this will be grounds for immediate discipline!


(he clears his throat--ed)

It has been a while since you heard from me.

From where I am things are busy, there are lots of preparations to attend, but I am well.

Carla always worries about my well-being, and just in case some of you were wondering why I had 'gone off the deep end'--all is well. I am always okay. I am in excellent health, get enough rest, get enough meditation (which is more important than food to you on earth), and I am in good spirits. I am highly content.

Now about you. (taps the blog post--ed)

I don't want you to worry about your 'Life Review with Gaia'...if you are on this page with us it is a Big Plus!

I DO want you to know there is something like it for everyone, and to prepare. This advance notice is blessing enough. And it doesn't matter how you treated Carla who is incarnate. It's the Earth. That's the only part that is evaluated and judged by you and you alone. The rest, 'how you played along with others'? That's the other room where there is Divine Mother and me.  I am the one who takes you to that room first, most of you who cross over. Angels may guide you up but it is always I who escorts you to that room.  Then after that you are walked over to Divine Father and Carla.

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,

Ross and Carla
The Reiki Doc Couple/Twins

Monday, June 26, 2017

Is It Like To Win At Chess?

Last night as I was falling asleep, I was talking to Ross. I asked him what the deal is? Why am I here? What is the energy that created me?

I knew on the one hand, my memories of Home--the room where the seraphim are--and also, getting into the machine to create twin souls from just me, and being delighted with Ross who was created at that time.

But I show before him, like baseball cards, all of the beings I've incarnated as, spread out on the table.

I referenced this article and asked  him, directly, 'is this--all the characters--like-- all to win a game of chess?'

Ross chuckled, and softened, and took me in his arms. I could tell the love and affection was real, that he in no way ever thought it could be interpreted like this, but once I asked he could totally see my point.

I sensed he wanted me to write this.

Then in my mind's eye, Ashtar was there. He kissed me hello, and also there was a long metal thing for me to swallow. When I had been in Alaska, Divine Father had given me a key to swallow (my soul--that's how important things go 'in'--things I don't understand but they do.) Ashtar was very smooth about it, acted like nothing happened. This was smaller than the key but several inches long.

Then Ashtar led me down a long hall. He was going to explain something.

I don't remember anything else.

Yesterday some of the best things I saw on the internet were photos on Instagram by astrooaxaca of dandelions. They said, 'sacred geometry' but there was so much energy coming off them.

I got news yesterday that Jared's girlfriend just got accepted to an accelerated bachelor of science nursing program in Las Vegas. It starts in October.  Their house is up for sale because Jared and his brother co-own it and the brother wants to move to Seattle.  

We had dinner with Jared's parents last night. They moved to Arizona for their retirement. We haven't seen them since March. Frankly, Anthony is resentful. They have come to visit twice since then, but to babysit his Uncle's dogs and never once asked about him. They made him miss a basketball game because they took the family out to dinner. Father's day came and he didn't even want to call his grandfather. He didn't want to give a card. And he didn't want to mention it yesterday.

Things are moving around.

I am asking Spirit for guidance on 'what next'? It looks like I am to teach, starting with the nurses first, and I will be doing a great deal of writing of the learning materials in my spare time this summer.

To be honest, I'm not sure what to do with my life.

The hours and working conditions for anesthesia are brutal.

The cost of living is going up. It's also getting super traffic-y and crowded here in Southern California.

I need more energy from my home/geography and I sense things are 'moving around' and at some point things will become more clear.  That's what Ross says. He says I won't 'get it' all at once, but I will end up where I need to be.

It's weird to think of 'slowing down' and 'retirement' because I had kind of thought I would feel like I did when I was forty forever.

I take it with a grain of salt when I superimpose the whole Ross thing, the Ascension thing...

If you're ever interested, I have a trail of my own things I watch on my YouTube--I'm 77picklehead. There's one file called 'Truthseeking'. But if you want just a good source, lately I've been impressed with this channel.  I think they are the best. I've also noticed how the Black Child has had completely stopped producing things. It used to be pretty reasonable...

Anyhow, those are my thoughts.

Ross gives a smile and a wave. He's been quiet with me too lately. I've asked him are you busy? What's up?

Either way, in general I sense we are reaching closer and closer, hurtling closer, to the eventual conclusion of the whole Ascension 'thing'...

Aloha and Mahalos,

Ross and Carla
The Reiki Doc Twins

Saturday, June 24, 2017

The Arc of Silence

This morning, Ross woke me up to the title of this blog post. Divine Mother incarnate had further clarified with me the last ten percent of what there is to know.

Here it is in her own words:

The Oneness of all, it is that all the souls carry a part of the same consciousness, maybe a bit mixed, a part of this and a part of that and in this all is unique but all from the same stuff, the same love that is Creator. The ocean is one ocean and one mass of water and each drop of ocean water is unique but a part of the same ocean.

This might explain why some people really believe they are Divine Mother or Divine Father or this archangel or that archangel as in all truth, the origin of all is the same energy.

Some are more unique as the Archangels and Angels who exist in all eternity and from one cycle to the next and so on like Michael who is several cycles 'old'. And then the Prime souls who divide into these huge numbers of normal souls that through their growth and evolution reconnect one after another until the original Prime Soul is formed again that then one day merges back with me and when the last of these souls has merged with me a cycle is finished and the next will begin.

All of you are a part of me, unique in itself as soul and incarnation but in essence you are all a part of the same essence, the same energy.

I explain it always as one soup of energy all over that is and in some places this soul soup gets a bit thicker as energy is connecting in a more special way and forming like an energy ball and this energy ball is a soul, it is still a part of the soup but individualized as it took a piece of this soup in this place and a piece of the soup in that place but still a part of the same soup.

Because all is still in the same soup/ocean the connection can't be lost, the Oneness is still intact.

You ARE Gaia Sophia but the same time also Carla, maybe your soul or HS has sponsored some of her energy to other souls to help reach a higher energy and vibe on Earth as there might also be some memory and experiences accompanying this process so that that certain soul really believes it is 'this' soul that has sponsored this energy to it. (I was told by AA Michael's second incarnation some of my energy was in Diana, Princess of Wales--ed). But you as Carla and Gaia Sophia you are the same soul and your memories and experiences/lesson learned will stay, hopefully only the positive memories.

The energy that is sponsored to other souls for a better result of this Ascension process should afterwards go back to the original soul.

Maybe for you it might be like it will be for me, living my life as Goldenstar simultaneously to my life as EnnKa at SaLuSa's side;

EnnKa and Goldenstar are One but in two bodies living and independent life but knowing they are One.

Raphael and SaLuSa are One but two independent beings.

I don't think duplication is possible as truly everyone is unique and even the first incarnation while being one has their own life; it is a kind of dichotomy, they are one but despite this they are unique, not a copy but each one with memories and experiences and a life of their own, being still One soul.

Silverstar and my HS say I described it right...

I have some troubles too in some things and don't understand yet all but I think I am near in most of it.

I saw Kamehameha smiling at Anthony and me while I was on the shuttle bus to the rental car place at the airport. He is very tall, and I know him well. Our souls go back together. I was his favorite daughter from his favorite wife, I believe Queen Kahu'umanu.

Last time we were here, in November (around Hawaiian New Year)--I took Anthony to a place that is special for those who love Kamehameha, and he gave his blessing to the boy. He will always watch over him.

This time, I didn't know the surprises planned.

We have a very special room, a suite, right on the beach, for much less than the going rate. I couldn't imagine a nicer suite in the entire hotel...

And I've been working...

This land here is Kalahuipua'a...old stomping grounds for Kamehameha and the ali'i. The name means 'pig gathering place'. There is a fish out a little deep from here. It has shape of pig. It has snout like pig. And when you catch it, and haul it onshore, it grunts like pig.  There are lots of them here, the only place on the island. That's how it got the name, this land.

It was sold in 1936 to Francis Hyde I'i Brown, a descendant of Papa I'i, a general in Kamehameha's army. He bought it from John Palmer Parker of Parker Ranch.

It has many fish ponds and petroglyphs here (more than anywhere in Polynesia). It was a place to relax and enjoy ho'okopia (hospitality).  But if you were not ali'i, you could be invited for the day, but you wouldn't spend the night, back in the old times.

There are five mountains visible from here--Mauna Kea, Mauna Loa, Hualalaii, Kohala, and across the waters, Haleakala on Maui.

In 1972 this property was sold and renamed Mauna Lani (as Pig Place isn't very good for real estate, right?).

It was the Rockefellers who built up this place in the 1970's!!!

We are near the Heiau, Pu'ohokola (spelling, sorry). This was where the final unification of the Islands took place. There was a human chain for forty miles to bring the rocks to the heiau to build it. There is rumor many deaths happened and the bodies were buried into the temple. Kamehameha's cousin, who was ruler of Maui, was invited there. He knew he would be sacrificed, but to save honor, and to honor prophecy of Kamehameha, he willingly came to his death.

The Mauna Lani hotel is in many ways with its distinctive architecture reminiscent to me of a heiau...and the feelings and energies with is are a heiau. Down below the structure is where I feel it.

In 2012, I helped set many souls free who were trapped in both heiau areas. I helped them cross to the light.

On this trip, I discovered that Kamehameha had been aware of something the 'builders' (yes, they were here, unfortunately) wanted to 'harness' of the energy of the region. 

He booby trapped it.

He booby trapped their plans--the 'builders' will plan things over many generations--so what the Rockefellers (who are linked to Agenda 21, NWO, and more--ed) were trying to do, had been booby-trapped generations before Kamehameha.

On the canoe ride we learned of early Hawaii on the Big Island. Kamehameha was born in Hawi, on the tip of the island nearest to Maui. The island was ruled peacefully by six kings. A king was taken away as a keiki, and treated to hardships. As part of their education to lead they were beaten, starved, and exposed to all the things people can suffer from a bad king. That way, as ruler for the people, it is the responsibility of the king to make sure his people never suffer under him.

People were free to move from one king to another, if they were not happy.

If one king overfished his region, or did too much agriculture--then they did not have right to take from the next region.

This started many wars...mismanagement by the kings...

When Kamehameha was born, there was a vision by a huna (kahuna) of his future. The kings sent to look for this baby, and to kill it

He was taken up into a valley region, where there were actually eight valleys to confuse those who sought after him, and he was raised in one of them. He didn't come out until he was an adolescent, and he was very smart and won all the Hawaiian sport games they had on the island.

Captain Cook came at that time. People honored him and gave him gifts. He went away for three years, and he came back. The people honored him again. He went away. When he came back the last time, he tried a trick that works in Polynesia/Tahiti. He stole/kidnapped a king's daughter. Back there, the people would give him whatever he wanted.

That didn't work here.

Kamehameha and his army killed him.

People think that Kamehameha was power-hungry, and this is what drove him to conquer the islands.

He actually did it to protect his people.

He thought to himself, 'if Captain Cook can find this place, who is going to come here next? What will we do?'

So he knew the British navy was the strongest in the world. He surrendered the Big Island to Britain. But when you surrender, you get something.

He got cannons and modern weapons and supplies.

He took the cannons up the chain of islands, conquering them one by one.  With one exception.  He knew the ali'i of Kauai was old and sick and feeble. He told him, if you sign a treaty with us, we will leave you in peace.  The treaty was signed.

At the time, Maui had French occupation, Oahu was from the United States occupation, and Kauai had ties to Germany! (I don't remember who had Kahoolawe, but our guide this morning mentioned it).

Much change was taking place on the islands when Kamehameha united them all.

I personally 'sense' that Kamehameha was a pawn in the hands of the 'builders', and at some point, due to his own deep spiritual training--as was normal for Hawaiians at the time to work with spirit--he figured it out and took matters into his own hands...

On this trip, the first morning, he woke me up, and asked me to go to the bead I could do work for him. That morning, at the 'office', I found a perfect white shell with a hole in the middle.  I was frustrated because I couldn't get to the bead shop before it closed. I drove far, but was too late (I should have gone to Target afterwards).  

I realized at some point, the beads were 'mountains'...and energetically I connected them...I can't tell you how but it was a stretch for me, I'll give you that...and the energy started to flow harmoniously in this area as never before. 

The 'beads' weren't our 'beads' after all, and Kamehameha was so pleased he sent me one more of the very rare 'bead shells' ...where I snorkel.

This morning, I asked Kamehameha to bless us on our canoe ride to greet the sunrise. 

We paddled out with Elijah, who remembered us from last time. Anthony and I were the only ones there. It was a 'private tour' because the two others who had signed up never showed.

We heard the conch blow in the four directions. A conch can be heard from two miles away.  A conch means for the people to be alert and to gather. 

We heard the chant--the sun is here, and it brings life to this new day, yesterday is gone, all things today are Hawaiian which was translated for us.

Then --it was a stormy morning with many clouds, yet, calm, clear oceans where you could see the bottom easily thirty feet below, and all the fish--Elijah confided something.

He had never seen the oceans so clear and calm before.

And we were surrounded by honu.

When he first blew the conch, the turtles (honu) came up, and looked at us.

There were five, and we were in the middle.

It was a sign.

I knew who it was from. 

We had three times longer time out there at sea, than the usual tour. We spoke of many important things. How the 'outsiders' come to expect a Hawaii that is 'scripted' for them. How many disregard the sacred things, and also, try to go to beaches where just locals go. His friend asks them to leave, when they invade it.

I spoke how I hate the name, Captain Cook, the name for a town near Kona, and I supposed the only good thing about it is that it proves he's dead. Captain Cook brought nothing but sorrow to the islands...and Elijah had never thought about it, how the name sticks out like a sore thumb, because everything else on the island is true Hawaiian name.

Elijah has been to the heiau many times--up on it--only locals who are of that faith may go.

When I told him it found me--I went there because I was going someplace else, I got lost, ended up there when I tried to turn around, and figured maybe I should go--he was thoughtful. Then it was time to paddle back.

I shared with him about the First Nations in Alaska, who lack the confidence of their brothers and sisters here. How I saw their singing and dancing at the cultural center and I KNEW the wealth of spirit the songs contained and had passed on--even though the dancers weren't aware of it what they had. I shared my vision how these are the leaders of the new world, the world where Spirit and Science are One--how the unseen is just as important as the seen and measured....and I wished how the Kingdom of Hawaii (natives here) would go help First Nations in Alaska and Canada to get their confidence up.

I shared how kahuna lapaulau (healers) spoke with plants to find cures, how native Hawaiians often died of bowel obstruction, and how elaborate gourds were tools of the trade, to open things up as enemas. How kahunas demanded payment up front (elaborate banquets) and how sometimes healing took a village, as the emotional imbalances were often tied to the physical, and a healer needed to heal both for everyone involved (for example, a mother and son had a feud/separation, that caused the mother pain in her stomach) emotional release and crying and support was very healing for the whole village...when the kahuna chose to heal the sick...

It was a wonderful morning...

Now I must pack.

P.S. Yesterday Anthony and I were in the ocean while it was raining hard. It was beautiful, to see the raindrops on the surface of the water. Some made little splashes where drops came back up. Some made circles that were beautiful.

Kamehameha came to me. He was in good spirits. He told me to come back.  I said of course, in 2018, for my next conference.

He told me it's sooner. He will call to me, and let me know when it is time for me to come.

It made me glad.

I slept wonderfully all night.

Aloha and Mahalos,

Ross and Carla
The Reiki Doc Couple