Saturday, November 18, 2017

Living In The Illusion And How You Respond To It

We live in a spiritual fog of sorts. Our souls are immortal, and we are encased in what seem like 'real' human bodies. We have no memory of where we are from or why we are here. Everything is a blur.

This 'blurring' of the Consciousness and its Perception are referred to as the 'Veil'.  

An analogy would be if your Consciousness was a computer you would have the sensation of  your memory being 'wiped' as you are born here on Earth, to learn your lessons.

Earth is a very difficult school.

So, first and foremost, if you wake up every day, do your tasks, and manage to keep from losing your mind in the process, you are getting a good grade and moving along in your coursework.

We congratulate you on that.

Today we are going to discuss the soul and how it is affected by life in the Illusion.

This morning, Ross showed me a vision of myself in my immediate past life, as a child, being molested. I saw from the ceiling, I was 'up' and looking down upon the scene. I saw my soul floating up, and was attached to the body by a thin silver cord, somewhat like an umbilical cord.

Ross explained to me how even though my soul is immortal, being 'freaked out' in that manner adds a layer of damage to my 'recording' of my life's events, which sort of blocks me from being able to access my true Nature in order to 'protect myself' from ever being hurt that way again.

So this is the reason for the title, which comes across as obtuse, but really isn't, when you look at it with Spirit eyes on Spirit terms.

Everyone in this life has had to face some form of the Boogeyman, as shown by the faceless shadow man with a gun and a sac in the fog.

Ross says this is part of the lesson.

I am going to share with you a story of Daisy, courtesy of Kerth Barker's wonderful books, of which I am still reading. I finished the notes from survivors book and am halfway done with the Mental Liberation one.

Veronica was a beautiful woman who had a job as a reporter. She was smart, vivacious, funny, and kind.

A powerful Dark Lord saw her and was struck by her beauty.

He stalked her.

He gained her trust by going to the same lunch counter she did, every day, and striking up a conversation with her. It took him weeks and months for him to seduce her.

He let her think he was single and might marry her, even though in fact he was married and had children and was leading a double life.  He had the Christian 'front life' and then he had a mansion with his 'shadow life'  his family never knew.

In the mansion were sex rooms upstairs (which he never let her see), a basement with a full 'temple' in it (which he never let her see) and an office which was locked on the main floor.

He let her see his money.

He led her on.

He tricked her into seeing what he wanted her to see and she wanted to see too.

One day, his mare was having a foal, and he ran out to the stables to see it.

Veronica saw the office was unlocked, and went in.

She was shocked! There were photos of the Baron having sex with children, animals, and him dressing up like a demon. She saw his photo of his family on his desk, too, he was married!

She took some of his items, and went to the nearest newspaper to expose the Baron for the criminal he was!

The reporter was sympathetic, and had been researching this ritual abuse cult in general.

But when he took it up to his editor, he was told it could never be published.

The editor was a friend of the Baron.

The newspaper journalist was invited to a party. He was drugged. And he was taken to be given 'mind control' to encourage him never to speak of these things again. He woke up in the back seat of his car in his driveway, and had no memory of any of it. He presumed he was too drunk and went on with his life.

He was lucky.

Veronica wasn't.

The Baron had her abducted and taken to the shed in the back yard.

She was given mind control until her personality was totally wiped clean.

Then she was given the name Daisy after the Baron's favorite mare.

She was taught to do degrading things as a sex worker. He used her for classy pornography movies, until her looks started to fade. Then he started to star her in extreme and disturbing sex work, including bestiality. She didn't want to do this. She needed alcohol to comply, and became an alcoholic. As it got worse, she became a heroin addict. By this time her looks were completely ravaged.

The Baron bought her a small house, and he gave her enough money so she would not starve. She had to turn tricks to support her drug habit.

After a while, no one would even turn tricks with her any more.

She suicided by hanging herself in a tree at the Baron's house while he was having a party.

They acted like it was a big joke.

Kerth was there as Kathy, that night, and saw everything, including the body being cut down, and the decision on how to dispose of it. To match a handwriting sample to forge the suicide note, they opened files that had been kept on Veronica/Daisy. That's how he learned the story I have told to you.

Veronica's life was not in vain.

She motivated Kerth to leave and expose the cult.

Her spirit is free.

But Ross' point here is that it is not unscathed.

The trauma affected her psyche--even though her unconscious was always Veronica and her memory was badly damaged to become Daisy.

When we are working with Consciousness there are things we don't understand, but Spirit does.

There are specialists such as the Guides of Compassionate Healing (who are on Spirit Side) who are experts in the negotiation with Dark Entities, and Negative Entities, who attach like parasites onto the human energy field.  The Guides can detach these without possibility of the entities ever attaching to anyone else ever again. They neutralize or heal them.  Ross says you can always call on them when you are facing a difficult removal or a stumbling block in your spiritual path. (Margaret McCormick exclusively works with them here, and you can hire her services too, if you want proof and a report of the removals. Look her up online.)

Ross' message to you is you are never alone.

There is always a spirit guide/angel who is with you.

They mentor you, even while you are sleeping.

If you have scars and memories of things you'd rather forget, and need to heal, go to your guides when you are in meditation, and they will respond to you. It might be in nudges, and hints, and coincidences, rather than my talking to you here with these words.  They WILL help.

This sort of 'magic' that the Baron used on Veronica/Daisy has been going on since long before the pyramids.

But as a break here is a fascinating video for you.

Wasn't that cool?

Ross wants me to show you this photo:

It's about the Dark Magic.

He wants you not to be afraid of it.

There is a divine supreme being. There have been many different names for this divine source of creation. Whatever name you use for this Divine Grace, you must allow yourself to be filled with it. A demon can only possess you if you have a spiritual emptiness in your heart. Allowing yourself to be filled with Divine Grace frees you from the vulnerability of demonic possession. -- Kerth Barker

Ross' message to you is that you ARE protected.

You ARE loved.

And even if you have been subject to MK Ultra and are filled with darkness--you are still innocent--and The Guides of Compassionate Healing can and will help you.

Ross says, 'it is an honor for us to serve you in this manner'.

There is one more video I would like to share. I'm going to explain it first. It takes a flexible mind and open point of view to appreciate what I am going to say.

In this world of polarity, duality, and the 'normalcy' of 'opposites'--do not be confused by the Master of Illusion!

Although there is 'right' and 'wrong', in a sense of Divine Law and Divine Truth--down here in the Veil--there are many distractions and a tendency as one incarnate to say, 'I am correct and the other--this one outside of me with opposite viewpoint--is therefore in error'.


Reality is that the Dark One will cover both extremes and control them! There isn't a right or a wrong, as the Dark One is in charge of both, much in the same way a slight of hand magician is in control of the cards when you pick them!

If you keep to your heart, the notion that Heaven is a place of nurturing, warmth, love and compassion, then the 'opposite' place--which has been foisted upon religions for a long time--is the subject of scholarly discussion in this video. Please note the pastors who are preaching 'Fire and Brimstone' and their's not from Home. Yet many people flock to them out of fear of the Illusion, and they hope since the preachers say it's a safe refuge, it's truly 'safe'...and they are tricked!

Ross wants to free you from this anomaly within the Veil and the Illusion, and to give you hope. This is why we are showing the video.

You are safe.  And loved!

We are on our way home.

The Boogeymen are going away.

Do not confront them--just let them go.

Leave them to the experts.

Ross and I, and all his teams, are sending you the message that you ARE loved!

And more than that, you ARE LOVE that walks around on two feet.

You have never been and shall never be anything less than Love. Whether or not you are willing to accept it, this is Truth.

There is  much to think about.

If this process overwhelms you, the awakening to Higher Consciousness and Ascension, we recommend you start keeping a journal.

It will help you connect to your guides, to your soul, and to heal.

The process of Writing will help you regain a sense of control in your life. And it is very healing to the soul.

Everyone has their moments like this, in the rain, cold, and struggling. At times it seems it will last forever...yet nothing in this realm has ever been 'unchanged'. Things in our life experiences are always changing!

Sometimes when I go back and read my journals through my most desperate times--brain surgery, divorce--I am impressed with how strong I was, and how courageous!

This can happen to you too, when you write, a little every day.

Or a lot.

You have unseen angels always at your side.

I have nine of them who follow me everywhere I go.

This is how Ross has been 'doing the right things' for me, as our head of the family who is disincarnate. He has always been protecting me, even when I had no clue who I was, or how I was related to him.

Our angels are smart.

They have their angel 'ways' to outsmart the 'magick'. 

No matter how desperate those in power get, no matter how correct Richie From Boston and the Truther community expose the dire filth and bad intentions of the Dark...our angels are always two steps ahead of them!

The truth needs to be told, and people need to awaken to the trickery--each at their own pace.

But the HEALING comes from daily contact with the real world, from pleasure such as a morning breeze or a majestic hawk on the pole as you drive by...

HEALING comes when you are away from the electronics and the mass media and the entertainment industry...those short moments in Nature, those times with people you interact with face to face (for example, a waitress told us two jokes) to bring the LIFE of HOME back into your Vibration.

You will find your way.

And the strongest guides who will never switch sides--are the trees, the plants, the rocks, and the animal kingdom.

This is the Dark Ones' fatal mistake to their plans of the New World Order.

All of Nature has Consciousness.

All of humanity has Collective Consciousness which has decided to awaken and is in the process of doing so.

We --the Natural World and all of humanity--outnumber the foes.

Add to it all the angelic support and the Galactics and the Agarthans...

You get the picture.

It's a done deal.

Ross and I have really written this one together. He has helped me with the correct phrases the whole time. He usually does when I write, but this one more than ever.

There's one photo he wants me to leave you with:

He says, 'your job is to leave markers along the way, for others to follow your trail'.

They are 'you are loved' markers.

'With enough of them everyone should be able to find their way home'.

He also has one last point, which I will say for him. 'Souls like the Baron are demon-possessed and have been in the service of the Dark ones for a long time. (he points to his head--ed) Their mind has been warped.  These souls are offered a choice--to Heal or to Merge with the Galactic Central Sun.  Many souls have unfortunately made this choice to Merge and their choice has been accepted by Divine Creator. They have been walking into the incinerator, the Galactic Central Sun, one at a time, for about five years now. It is very sad, for it is a soul 'death'...the pattern is rearranged just like gold which has once been jewelry has been melted down in the fire to scrap, to be reused again in the building of new gold items. One day this will end, it is not insurmountable. But the big fishes have been digested by the flame, and now only the little fishes remain. Have hope.'

I also add we thank Divine Mother and Divine Father, for their kindness and mercy, in stepping in to help us here with Divine Intervention so that our souls could be free and no longer subject to the Illusion of the Veil.

clap! clap!

(there is a basketball game I need to go to and Ross is reminding me to stop)

Aloha and Mahalos,

Ross and Carla
The Twin Souls--one who is incarnate and types these words <3